편입 영어

0045-0046 인문-한양대-편입영어-수능만점영어

김farmer 2013. 10. 15. 10:42

[0045. ~ 0046.] 한양대07

Aristotle distinguished three types of friendship in The Nicomanchean Ethics: "friendship based on utility," such as businessmen cultivating each other for benefit; "friendship based on pleasure," Like young people interested in partying; and "perfect friendship." The first two categories Aristotle calls "qualified and superficial friendships," because they are founded on circumstances that could easily change; the last, which based on admiration for another's good character, is more permanent, but also rarer, because good men "are few." Cicero, who wrote perhaps the best treatise on friendship, also insisted that what brings true friends together is "a mutual belief in each other's goodness." This insistence on virtue as a precondition for true friendship may strike us as impossibly demanding: who, after all, feels himself good nowadays? And yet, if I honest, I must admit that the friendships of mine which have lasted longest have been with those integrity, or humanity, or strength to bear their troubles I continue to admire. , when I lost respect for someone, however winning he otherwise remained, the friendship petered away almost immediately. "Remove respect from friendship," said Cicero, "and you have taken away the most splendid ornament it possesses."


37. 이 글의 흐름상 빈칸에 들어갈 가장 알맞은 것은?

(A) Finally(B) Conversely (C) Admittedly(D) Accordingly


38. 이 글의 내용과 일치하는 것은?

(A) Aristotle views "friendship based on pleasure" as an exceptional one.

(B) Aristotle denies that perfect friendship is based on a good relationship.

(C) Cicero believes that friendship should be based on reciprocal trust.

(D) The author judges that Cicero valued the way of revealing rare friendship.


- Analysis -


Aristotle distinguished three types of friendship in The Nicomanchean Ethics:

(아리스토텔레스는 Nicomanchean 윤리학에서 세 종류의 우정을 구분하였다)


"friendship based on utility," such as businessmen cultivating each other for benefit;

(사업가들이 이득을 위해 서로와 친해지려고 하는 것과 같은 실용성에 근거한 우정)

cultivate: [우정, 애정 등을] 기르려고 하다, [재능 등을] 기르다, [땅을] 경작하다.


"friendship based on pleasure," Like young people interested in partying; and "perfect friendship."

(“쾌락을 근거한 우정,” 파티에 흥미를 느끼는 젊은이들과 같은; 그리고 “완벽한 우정.”)


The first two categories Aristotle calls "qualified and superficial friendships," because they are founded on circumstances that could easily change;

(아리스토텔레스는 첫 번째 2개의 범주를 조건부적 이고 피상적인 우정이라 부른다,“ 왜냐하면 그것들은 쉽게 변할 수 있는 환경에 토대를 두기 때문이다)

qualified : 조건부의, 자질[능력]이 있는 / superficial : 외관상의, 피상적인


the last, which based on admiration for another's good character, is more permanent, but also rarer, because good men "are few."

(다른 사람의 착한 마음씨에 근거한 마지막 번째(우정)은 더더욱 영원하지만 또한 드물다. 착한 사람들은 거의 없기 때문이다.)


Cicero, who wrote perhaps the best treatise on friendship, also insisted that what brings true friends together is "a mutual belief in each other's goodness."

(아마도 우정에 관한 최고의 논문을 집필한 키케로는 진정한 우정을 가져오는 것 “서로의 선량함에서의 상호간의 믿음이다.” 라고 주장했다)

키케로(106-43 B.C.): 고대 로마의 정치가·웅변가·저술가. / bring together : 소집하다, 화해시키다, 모이게 하다


This insistence on virtue as a precondition for true friendship may strike us as impossibly demanding: who, after all, feels himself good nowadays?

(진정한 우정의 위한 선결조건으로 미덕에 대한 강조는 우리에게 불가능한 요구라는 인상을 준다. 결국, 오늘날 누가가 자신을 착하다고 느끼나?)

strike : [생각 등이] 마음에 떠오르다, [남에게] 강한 인상을 주다 / demanding : 지나치고 요구하는, [일 등이] 빠듯한


And yet, if I honest, I must admit that the friendships of mine which have lasted longest have been with those integrity, or humanity, or strength to bear their troubles I continue to admire.

(그런데도, 만일 내가 정직하다면, 가장 오래 지속되고 있는 나의 우정은 그러한 고결함, 또는 인간애, 또는 내가 계속 찬미하는 그러한 문제들을 인내하는 강인함을 가지고 왔다는 것을 나는 인정해야만 한다.)


, when I lost respect for someone, however winning he otherwise remained, the friendship petered away almost immediately.

(내가 누군가에 대한 존경을 상실했을 때, 그가 다른 한편으로 매력적일지라도, 그 우정은 거의 즉시 사라졌다.)

(비격식) [광맥 등이] 점차 가늘어지다, 사라지다; [힘·불 등이] 점차 소멸하다, 점점 쇠하여 꺼지다[out, (영)away].


"Remove respect from friendship," said Cicero, "and you have taken away the most splendid ornament it possesses."

“우정으로부터 존경심을 없애라 그러면 여러분은 그것이(우정)이 소유하고 있는 가장 빛나는 장식을 없앤것이 되는 것이다”라고 키케로는 말했다.


37. 이 글의 흐름상 빈칸에 들어갈 가장 알맞은 것은?

(A) Finally(B) Conversely (C) Admittedly(D) Accordingly


38. 이 글의 내용과 일치하는 것은?

(A) Aristotle views "friendship based on pleasure" as an exceptional one.

(B) Aristotle denies that perfect friendship is based on a good relationship.

(C) Cicero believes that friendship should be based on reciprocal trust.

(D) The author judges that Cicero valued the way of revealing rare friendship.
