
20-The Quit India by Mahatma Gandhi-완성 12쪽 46문제

김farmer 2017. 11. 26. 21:32


가까운 서점에서 교재를 구매하실 수 있습니다.


동영상 강좌 http://youtu.be/JCGhJMC2xlE

Before you discuss the resolution, let me place before you one or two things, I want you to understand two things very clearly and to consider them from the same point of view from which I am placing them before you. I ask you to consider it from my point of view, because if you approve of it, you will be enjoined to carry out all I say. It will be a great responsibility. There are people who ask me whether I am the same man that I was in 1920, or whether there has been any change in me. You are right in asking that question. 

Let me, however, hasten to assure that I am the same Gandhi as I was in 1920. I have not changed in any fundamental respect. I attach the same importance to non-violence that I did then. If at all, my emphasis on it has grown stronger. There is no real contradiction between the present resolution and my previous writings and utterances. 

Occasions like the present do not occur in everybody’s and but rarely in anybody’s life. I want you to know and feel that there is nothing but purest Ahimsa in all that I am saying and doing today. The draft resolution of the Working Committee is based on Ahimsa, the contemplated struggle similarly has its roots in Ahimsa. If, therefore, there is any among you who has lost faith in Ahimsa or is wearied of it, let him not vote for this resolution

Let me explain my position clearly. God has vouchsafed to me a priceless gift in the weapon of Ahimsa. I and my Ahimsa are on our trail today. If in the present crisis, when the earth is being scorched by the flames of Himsa and crying for deliverance, I failed to make use of the God given talent, God will not forgive me and I shall be judged un-wrongly of the great gift. I must act now. I may not hesitate and merely look on, when Russia and China are threatened. 

① discuss(타동사)로 about/over와 같은 전치사를 수반해서는 안됨. / place의 목적어는 one or two things = let me place one or two things before you.

② I am placing them(one or two things) from the same point of view before you. which의 선행사는 the same point of view(같은 견해)

③ it = the same point of view를 가리킴

④ , because : 앞 ‘,’로 인해 계속적인 용법으로 해석

⑤ all (that/which) I say : say의 목적어 all을 수식하여 관계대명사(that 또는 which)가 생략됨.

⑥ It = you will ~ all I say(제가 말하는 것을 이행하지 않을 수 없는 것)

⑦ ask me whether A or B : 나에게 A인지 B인지를 물어보다.

⑧ attach A to B : A를 B에 첨가하다 : 비폭력을 똑같이 강조하다. / did = attached

⑨ if at all = at least적어도

⑩ 결코 변화는 없을 것을 강조함. but rarely 단지 ~않는

⑪ nothing but = only / Ahimsa : 비폭력주의를 일컬음 = non-violence

⑫ 운영위원회

⑬ ~에 뿌리를 두다

⑭ ~한 사람이 혹시라도 있으시면,

⑮ let[사역동사]+him[목적어]+not vote[원형동사] : 그가 이 결의안에 투표를 하게해서는 안 된다.

⑯ vouchsafe to A B : A에게 B를 주다

⑰ 진행 중인

⑱ If[가정법현재] in ~ crisis[부사구], when ~ deliverance[부사절], I failed ~. [종속절], God will ~[주절].

⑲ may(~하고 싶다) : 머뭇거리거나 단지 방관하고 싶지 않다.

Before you discuss the resolution(여러분이 해결안을 토론하기 전), let me place before you one or two things(제가 여러분 앞에 한두 가지를 제안하겠습니다), I want you to understand two things very clearly and to consider them(저는 여러분이 그 두 가지를 아주 명확하게 이해하여 숙고하시길 바랍니다) from the same point of view(같은 견해로) from which I am placing them before you(제가 여러분 앞에 2가지 제시하고 있는). I ask you to consider it from my point of view(저의 견해로 여러분이 그것에 숙고하시길 요청드립니다), because if you approve of it(만일 여러분이 그것을 승인하신다면), you will be enjoined to carry out all I say(여러분은 제가 말하는 것을 이행하지 않을 수 없기 때문입니다). It will be a great responsibility(그것은 큰 책임입니다). There are people who ask me(저에게 물어보는 사람들이 있습니다) whether I am the same man that I was in 1920(제가 1920년과 같은 사람인지), or whether there has been any change in me(제가 변했는지 아닌지를). You are right in asking that question(그 질문을 하시는 여러분은 정당합니다). 

Let me, however, hasten to assure that I am the same Gandhi as I was in 1920(그러나 저는 1920년과 같은 똑같은 사람임을 강조하려 합니다). I have not changed in any fundamental respect(저는 근본적으로 전혀 변하지 않았습니다). I attach the same importance to non-violence that I did then(제가 그 당시 강조한 비폭력에 중요성을 두고 있습니다). If at all(적어도), my emphasis on it has grown stronger(그에 대한 저의 확신은 더욱 강해졌습니다). There is no real contradiction(전혀 모순은 없습니다) between the present resolution and my previous writings and utterances(현재의 결단과 이전 글과 언행사이에). 

Occasions like the present do not occur in everybody’s and but rarely in anybody’s life(현재와 같은 상황은 모든 사람의 인생에서 일어나지도 않고 어떤 이의 인생에서도 거의 일어나지 않습니다). I want you to know and feel that there is nothing but purest Ahimsa1 in all that I am saying and doing today(제가 오늘 말씀드리고자하는 것은 단지 가장 순수한 비폭력주의를 여러분이 알고 느끼고자하는 것입니다). The draft resolution of the Working Committee is based on Ahimsa(운영위원회의 결의안 초안은 비폭력주의에 기초를 둡니다), the contemplated struggle similarly has its roots in Ahimsa(숙고한 투쟁은 이와 유사하게 비폭력주의에 뿌리를 두고 있습니다). If, therefore, there is any among you who has lost faith in Ahimsa or is wearied of it(그러므로, 혹시, 여러분 중 비폭력주의의 신념을 잃었거나 그것에 지쳐있는 사람이 있으시다면), let him not vote for this resolution(그분이 이 결의안을 위한 투표를 하시면 안 됩니다). 

Let me explain my position clearly(제가 제 입장을 명확히 밝혀두겠습니다). God has vouchsafed to me a priceless gift in the weapon of Ahimsa(신은 비폭력주의 무기의 값진 선물을 저에게 내려 주셨습니다). I and my Ahimsa are on our trail today(저와 비폭력주의는 지금 진행 중입니다). If in the present crisis, when the earth is being scorched by the flames of Himsa and crying for deliverance(만일 현재의 위기상황에서, 지상이 비폭력주의 불꽃에 그슬리고 해방을 울부짖어), I failed to make use of the God given talent(제가 신이 주신 재능을 최대한 발휘하지 못한다면), God will not forgive me(신은 저를 용서하지 않을 것이며) and I shall be judged un-wrongly of the great gift(저는 단연코 그 재능에 대한 벌을 받게 될 것입니다). I must act now(저는 행동으로 보여야만 합니다). I may not hesitate and merely look on(머뭇거리거나 단지 방관도하고 싶지 않습니다), when Russia and China are threatened(러시아와 중국이 위협을 하는 이때에). 

- ‡quit [kwit] a. 용서되어; 면제되어. / ‡resolution [rèzəlúːʃ-ən] n. ① U,C 결심, 결의. ② U 확고한 정신, 과단. ③ C 결의, 결의안[문]. ④ U 해결, 해답(of). ⑤ U 분해, 분석(into). / ⁂Place [pleis] v. ―vt. ① 『∼ +목/ +목+전+명』 두다, 놓다; 명중시키다; 배치[배열]하다, 정돈하다; (광고를) 신문[잡지]에 싣다; (심의 따위를 하기 위해) (계획 따위를) 제출하다, 의제로서 내놓다. [SYN.] ⇨ PUT. ② 『+목+전+명』 직위에 앉히다; 임명하다; (아무)에 일[집]을 찾아 주다. ③ 『+목/ +목+전+명』 (주문을) 내다, ┅을 주문하다. / †enjoin [endʒɔ́in] vt. ① 『+목+전+명/ +목+to do/ +that절』 ┅에게 명령하다, (침묵·순종 따위를) 요구하다(demand); (행동 따위를) 강요하다(on, upon). ② 『+목+전+명』 〖법률〗 ┅을 금하다, ┅에게 ―하는 것을 금하다(prohibit)(from). / ‡hasten [héisn] v. ―vt. 『∼+목 / +목+부』 서두르다, 죄어치다, 재촉하다; 빠르게 하다, 촉진하다. ―vi. 『∼ / +부 / +to do / +전+명』 서둘러 가다(to); 서두르다. [cf.] hurry. / ‡fundamental [fʌ̀ndəméntl] a. ① 기초의, 기본의, 근본적인, 중요[주요]한, 필수의. / †contradiction [kɑ̀ntrədíkʃən / kɔ̀n-] n. U,C ① 부인, 부정; 반박, 반대. ② 모순, 당착; 모순된 행위 / †utterance1 [ʌ́tərəns] n. U ① 말함, 발언, 발성; 말하는 능력, 발표력; / Working Committee 운영위원회 / draft resolution 결의안 초안 / ‡contemplate [kɑ́ntəmplèit / kɔ́ntem-] v.―vt. ① 찬찬히 보다, 정관하다, 관찰하다. ② 잘 생각하다, 심사 숙고하다. [SYN.] ⇨ CONSIDER. / vouchsafe [vautʃséif] vt. ∼+목/ +목+목/ +to do』 허용하다, 주다, 내리다; ┅해주시다. / ‡scorch [skɔːrtʃ]v.―vt. ① ┅을 눋게 하다, 그슬리다. ② (햇볕이 살갗을) 태우다, (초목을 열로) 시들게 하다, 말라죽게 하다. ③ 호되게 헐뜯다, 몹시 꾸짖다, ┅에게 욕지거리하다. / deliverance [dilívərəns] n. ① U 구출, 구조; 석방, 해방(from). ② (공식) 의견; 진술; 발표; (배심의) 평결(verdict).

동영상 강좌 http://youtu.be/5BGh_uzKC6g

★ 다음 글을 읽고 물음에 답하시오. [1~5]

Before you discuss the resolution, let me place before you one or two things, I want you to understand two things very clearly and consider/to consider them from the same point of view from which I am placing them before you. I ask you to consider it from my point of view, because if you approve of it, you will be enjoined/enjoin to carry out all I say. It will be a great responsibility. There are people who ask me when/whether I am the same man that I was in 1920, or whether there has been any change in me. You are right in asking that question. 
Let me, however, hasten to assure that I am the same Gandhi as I was in 1920. I have not changed in any fundamental respect. I attach the same importance to non-violence that I did then. If at all, ______________________. There is no real contradiction between the present resolution and my previous writings and utterances. 
Occasions like the present do not occur in everybody’s and but rarely in anybody’s life. I want you to know and feel that there is nothing but purest Ahimsa1 in all that I am saying and doing today. The draft resolution of the Working Committee is based on Ahimsa, the contemplated struggle similarly has its roots in Ahimsa. If, therefore, there is any among you who has lost faith in Ahimsa or is wearied of it, let him not vote for this resolution. 
Let me explain my position clearly. God has vouchsafed to me a priceless gift in the weapon of Ahimsa. I and my Ahimsa are on our trail today. If in the present crisis, when the earth is being scorched by the flames of Himsa2 and crying for deliverance, I failed to make use of the God given talent, God will not forgive me and I shall be judged un-wrongly of the great gift. I must act now. I may not hesitate and merely look on, when Russia and China are threatened. 

1. What's is the main topic?1)

① India under the tremendous threat

② India's independence

③ Non-violence; Ahimsa

④ Many people have many minds.

⑤ Who will lead India?

2. What is the addressor's mood?2)

① resolved

② resonant

③ resourceful

④ respectful

⑤ resolvable

3. What is the proper expression in the underlined blank?3)

① my emphasis on it has grown stronger.

② I'm very sorry to change my mind.

③ my expression makes you a little confused.

④ you should all understand my emphasis.

⑤ Who will give us the freedom of speech?

4. 위 글의 네모상자 안의 적절한 단어는?4)

① consider     be enjoined      when

② to consider  enjoin          when

③ consider     enjoin          whether

④ to consider  be enjoin ed      whether

⑤ consider     be enjoined      whether

5. 위 글과 일치하지 않은 것은?5)

① 작가는 2가지 제안을 명확히 숙고할 것을 부탁하고 있


② 여러분의 책임은 결정을 순순히 따르는 것이다.

③ 제가 과거와 약간의 변화를 말씀드리지 않을 수 없다.

④ 작가의 주장은 비폭력주의가 원칙이다.

⑤ 비폭력주의의 신념에 흔들리는 사람은 결의안에 투표해

   서는 안 된다.


6. 6)

Before you discuss the resolution, let me place before you one or two things, I want you to understand two things very clearly and to consider them from the same point of view _________ I am placing them before you.

① from which          ② which

③ at which            ④ of which

7. 7)

I ask you to consider it from my point of view, because if you approve of it, you will be enjoined to carry out all I say. It will be a great ___________.

① possibility           ② opportunity

③ consideration         ④ responsibility

8. 8)

________ people who ask me whether I am the same man that I was in 1920, or whether there has been any change in me. You are right in asking that question.

① It has               ② There are

③ When               ④ If

9. 9)

Let me, however, hasten to assure that I am the same Gandhi as I was in 1920. I have not changed in any fundamental respect. I __________ the same importance to non-violence that I did then.

① attach               ② detach

③ reserve              ④ ignore

10. 10)

If at all, my emphasis on it has grown stronger. There is no real ___________ between the present resolution and my previous writings and utterances.

① satisfaction          ② theory

③ contradiction         ④ equality

11. 11)

Occasions like the present do not occur in everybody’s and _________ in anybody’s life. I want you to know and feel that there is nothing but purest Ahimsa in all that I am saying and doing today.

① make               ② hard

③ does                 ④ but rarely

12. 12)

The draft resolution of the Working Committee is based on Ahimsa, the contemplated struggle similarly has its roots in Ahimsa. ______, therefore, there is any among you who has lost faith in Ahimsa or is wearied of it, let him not vote for this resolution. 

① Because             ② Because of

③ If                  ④ Though

13. 13)

Let me explain my position _______. God has vouchsafed to me a priceless gift in the weapon of Ahimsa. I and my Ahimsa are on our trail today.

① vaguely             ② tightly

③ clearly              ④ monotonously

14. 14)

If in the present crisis, when the earth is being scorched by the flames of Himsa and crying for ________, I failed to make use of the God given talent, God will not forgive me and I shall be judged un-wrongly of the great gift.

① deliverance          ② restraint

③ benevolence          ④ death

15. 15)

I must act now. I may not hesitate and _______ look on, when Russia and China are threatened. 

① extraordinary         ② infamously

③ surprisingly          ④ merely

동영상 강좌 http://youtu.be/hCC7n4wIisg

Ours is not a drive for power, but purely a non-violent fight for India’s independence. In a violent struggle, a successful general has been often known to effect a military coup and to set up a dictatorship. But under the Congress scheme of things, essentially non-violent as it is, there can be no room for dictatorship. A non-violent soldier of freedom will covet nothing for himself, he fights only for the freedom of his country. The Congress is unconcerned as to who will rule, when freedom is attained. The power, when it comes, will belong to the people of India, and it will be for them to decide to whom it placed in the entrusted. May be that the reins will be placed in the hands of the Parsis, for instance - as I would love to see happen - or they may be handed to some others whose names are not heard in the Congress today. It will not be for you then to object saying, “This community is microscopic. That party did not play its due part in the freedom’s struggle; why should it have all the power?” Ever since its inception the Congress has kept itself meticulously free of the communal taint. It has thought always in terms of the whole nation and has acted accordingly. . . 

I know how imperfect our Ahimsa is and how far away we are still from the ideal, but in Ahimsa there is no final failure or defeat. I have faith, therefore, that if, in spite of our shortcomings, the big thing does happen, it will be because God wanted to help us by crowning with success our silent, unremitting Sadhana for the last twenty-two years. 

I believe that in the history of the world, there has not been a more genuinely democratic struggle for freedom than ours. I read Carlyle’s French Resolution while I was in prison, and Pandit Jawaharlal has told me something about the Russian revolution. But it is my conviction that inasmuch as these struggles were fought with the weapon of violence they failed to realize the democratic ideal. In the democracy which I have envisaged, a democracy established by non-violence, there will be equal freedom for all. Everybody will be his own master. It is to join a struggle for such democracy that I invite you today. Once you realize this you will forget the differences between the Hindus and Muslims, and think of yourselves as Indians only, engaged in the common struggle for independence. 

① Ours = our drive / not A, but B : A가 아닌 B인

② the Congress scheme of things, (which is) essentially non-violent as it is(현재와 같이)

③ will[의지, 고집의 용법] : 자신을 위한 어떠한 것도 탐하지 않으려 하다.

④ ~무관심하다

⑤ 도래하여, 기회가 되어

⑥ it = the power

⑦ decide to A(whom) B(it placed[과거분사]) in the entrusted : A에게 B를 주는 것을 결정하다.

⑧ as I would love to see happen(제가 원하듯이) - or they(the reins) may be handed to some others(권력이 이행되다) whose names are not heard in the Congress today(의회에서 낮설은 인물)

⑨ 후회, 유감, it=the party : 왜 그들이 모든 권력을 가져야하지?

⑩ has kept(현재완료 계속) : 초기부터 의회는 자치단체의 오점으로 부터 아주 자유로운 상태로 유지되어 왔다.

⑪ It[the Congress] / in terms of[관점에서] / accordingly 따라서

⑫ how+형용사+주어+동사 and how+형용사+주어+동사 : 우리의 비폭력주의가 참으로 불안전하고 우리는 그 이상과는 아주 멀리 떨어져 있다는 것

⑬ it will be because ~ : 그것은 ~이기 때문이다.

⑭ not more A than B : B를 강조함 : B보다 더한 A는 없는 / ours = our genuinely democratic struggle

⑮ [강조용법] it is my conviction that ~ : ~은 바로 제 양심입니다. /

⑯ because의 뜻

⑰ [강조용법] It is to join a struggle ~ that ... : 저는 오늘 여러분들을 초대하여 이 민주적인 투쟁에 함께하고자 합니다.

⑱ [접속사] 일단 ~한다면

Ours is not a drive for power, but purely a non-violent fight for India’s independence(우리의 운동은 힘을 내세운 운동이 아닌 인도독립을 위한 순수한 비폭력 저항입니다). In a violent struggle(폭력적인 투쟁에서), a successful general has been often known to effect a military coup and to set up a dictatorship(성공한 장군은 군사반란의 빌미 제공하며 독재정권을 세우는 것으로 잘 알려져 있습니다). But under the Congress scheme of things(그러나 의회제도 하에서), essentially non-violent as it is(지금과 같은 근본적인 비폭력적인), there can be no room for dictatorship(독재정권의 여지는 전혀 없습니다). A non-violent soldier of freedom will covet nothing for himself(자유를 염원하는 비폭력 군인은 자신을 위해 어떠한 보답을 탐하지도 않고), he fights only for the freedom of his country(자신의 조국을 위한 자유의 일념으로 투쟁합니다). The Congress is unconcerned as to who will rule, when freedom is attained(자유가 쟁취될 때, 의회는 누가 국가를 통치하든 관심이 없습니다). The power, when it comes, will belong to the people of India(때가 되면, 권력은 인도국민들 것이 될 것이고), and it will be for them to decide to whom it placed in the entrusted(국민들로 하여금 신임 하에 있는 사람에게 권력을 주 결정하는 것이 권력입니다). May be that the reins will be placed in the hands of the Parsis(권력이 파시교도(인도사람들)의 손에 놓이게 해 주소서), for instance(예를 들어) - as I would love to see happen(제가 원하듯) - or they may be handed to some others whose names are not heard in the Congress today(권력이 오늘날 의회에서 거론된 적이 없는 사람에게 권력이 양도되도록). It will not be for you then to object saying(다음과 같은 말을 반대하는 것은 여러분에 이롭지 않을 것입니다), “This community is microscopic. That party did not play its due part in the freedom’s struggle; why should it have all the power?(이 사회는 참으로 하찮아. 그 당은 독립투쟁에서 제 역할을 하지 않았잖아; 왜 그 당이 모든 권력을 가져야하지?” Ever since its inception(권력이 시작부터) the Congress has kept itself meticulously free of the communal taint(의회는 자치단체의 오점으로부터 아주 자유로운 상태로 유지되고 있읍니다). It has thought always in terms of the whole nation and has acted accordingly(의회는 국가라는 관점에서 늘 고려되어져 왔고 그에 따라 행동해 왔습니다). . . 

I know how imperfect our Ahimsa is and how far away we are still from the ideal(우리의 비폭력주의가 참으로 불안전하고 우리는 그 이상과는 아주 멀리 떨어져 있다는 것을 저는 압니다), but in Ahimsa there is no final failure or defeat(그러나 비폭력주의에선 어떠한 궁극적인 실패나 패배는 없습니다). I have faith, therefore(그러므로 저는 믿음을 갖고 있습니다), that if, in spite of our shortcomings(우리의 부족함에도 불구하고), the big thing does happen(큰 일이 일어난다면), it will be because God wanted to help us by crowning with success our silent, unremitting Sadhana for the last twenty-two years(그것은 신이 지난 22년 동안 성공적으로 우리의 침묵하고 꾸준한 성취의 노력에 보답을 주고자 우리를 도운 것이기 때문일 것입니다). 

I believe that in the history of the world, there has not been a more genuinely democratic struggle for freedom than ours(세계의 역사에서 우리의 역사보다 더 아주 진정한 민주적인 자유 투쟁은 없었습니다). I read Carlyle’s French Resolution while I was in prison, and Pandit Jawaharlal has told me something about the Russian revolution(저는 감옥에 있는 동안 Carlyle의 프랑인의 결단에 관한 책을 읽었고 Pandit은 저에게 러시아혁명에 관한 것을 들려주었습니다). But it is my conviction(바로 저의 인식입니다) that inasmuch as these struggles were fought with the weapon of violence(이러한 투쟁은 폭력을 위한 무기를 들고 싸웠기 때문에) they failed to realize the democratic ideal(그들은 민주적인 이상을 실현하지는 못했습니다). In the democracy which I have envisaged(제가 마음속에 그린 민주주의는), a democracy established by non-violence(비폭력에 의해 구성된 민주주의이며), there will be equal freedom for all(모든 국민들에게 동등한 자유를 주는 것입니다). Everybody will be his own master(모든 사람이 자신의 주인이 될 것입니다). It is to join a struggle for such democracy that I invite you today(저는 오늘 여러분들을 초대하여 이 민주적인 투쟁에 함께하고자 합니다). Once you realize this(일단 여러분이 이 사실을 깨달으면) you will forget the differences between the Hindus and Muslims(힌두교와 이슬람교의 차이점을 잊게될 것이고), and think of yourselves as Indians only(오로지 인도국민으로서 자신을 생각할 것입니다), engaged in the common struggle for independence(독립을 위한 공통의 투쟁에 참여하는). 

coup [kuː] n. (pl. ∼s [kuːz]) 【F.】 타격; 멋진[불의의] 일격; (사업 등의) 대히트, 대성공; 명안; 쿠데타. / ‡effect [ifékt] vt. ① (변화 등을) 가져오다, 초래하다. ② 실행하다; (목적 따위를) 성취하다, 완수하다. / ‡scheme [skiːm] n. ① 계획, 기획, 설계. [SYN.] ⇨ PLAN. ② 획책, 책략, 음모; 비현실적인 계획. ③ 짬, 조직, 기구. / †covet [kʌ́vit] v. ―vt. ① (남의 것을) 몹시 탐내다, 바라다, 선망하다. ② 갈망하다, 절망[열망]하다. ―vi. 『+전+명』 몹시 바라다. / unconcerned [ʌ̀nkənsə́ːrnd] a. ① 걱정하지 않는; 태연한, 무사 태평한(about). ② 관계치 않는, 상관없는(in); 관심을 가지지 않는, 개의치 않는(with; at). / ‡attain [ətéin] v. ―vt. ① (장소·위치 등에) 이르다, 도달하다. ② (목적·소원을) 달성하다, ┅에 달하다; (명성·부귀 따위를) 획득하다, 손에 넣다. / belong to ~에 속하다 / †rein [rein]n. ① (종종 pl.) 고삐. ② U,C 통어하는 수단; 구속(력). ③ (pl.) 지배권, 지휘권. / Parsis : 파시교도(회교도의 박해로 8세기에 인도로 피신한 조로아스터 교도의 자손들) / ⁂object [əbdʒékt ] v. ―vi. 『∼/ +전+명』 ① 반대하다, 이의를 말하다, 항의하다(to; against). ② 불평을 품다, 반감을 가지다, 싫어하다, 불만이다(to). / †microscopic, -ical [màikrəskɑ́pik / -skɔ́p-], [-əl] a. 현미경의[에 의한]; 현미경적인; 현미경 관찰의; 극히 작은, 극미의; / ‡saying [séiiŋ] n. ① 말하기, 말, 진술. ② 속담, 격언; 전해 오는 말. / inception [insépʃən] n. 처음, 시작, 개시, 발단; / meticulous [mətíkjələs] a. (구어) (주의 따위가) 지나치게 세심한, 매우 신중한; 소심한; 엄밀한(about). ㉺∼ly ―ad. 너무 세심하게, 지나치게 소심하여. / communal [kəmjúːnl, kɑ́mjə- / kɔ́m-] a. 자치단체의, 시읍면(市邑面)의; 공공의; / †taint [teint]n. ① C 더럼; 얼룩, 오점. [cf.] soil, stain. ② C 오명; 치욕(of). ③ U 감염; 병독, 해독; 부패, 타락; 폐해; 결함. ④ C 기미, 흔적. / †shortcoming [ʃɔ́ːrtkʌ̀miŋ] n. ① 결점, 단점, 모자라는 점. ② 결핍, 부족. ③ 흉작. / ⁂crown [kraun] vt. ① 『∼ +목/ +목+보』 ┅에게 왕관을 씌우다; 왕위에 앉히다. ② 『+목+전+명』 ┅의 꼭대기에 얹다[올려놓다](with), (치아에 금관 따위를) 씌우다. ③ 『∼ +목/ +목+전+명』┅에게 영관(榮冠)을 주다; (종국에 가서) 갚다, 보답하다; ┅의 최후를 장식하다, 마무르다, 성취하다. / unremitted [ʌ̀nrimítid] a. 사면[경감]되지 않는(죄·부채); 부단한, 꾸준한. / Sadhana : 성취의 수단 / ‡genuine [ʤénjuin] a. ① 진짜의, 정짜의. [SYN.] ⇨ REAL. ② (원고·서명 등이) 저자 친필의. ③ 진심에서 우러난, 성실한(sincere, real). / ‡conviction [kənvíkʃən] n. ① U,C 신념, 확신. [SYN.] ⇨ CONFIDENCE. ② U 설득(력), 설득행위. ③ U 죄의 자각, 양심의 가책. / pandit [pʌ́ndit, pǽn-] n. 【Ind.】 학자, 교사; (P-) (존칭으로서) ┅선생; 관리. / inasmúch às [ìnəzmʌ́tʃ-] ┅이므로, ┅하므로, ┅인 까닭에 (because, since, seeing that┅); / envisage [invízidʒ] vt. (상황을) 마음 속에 그리다, 상상하다. /

동영상 강좌 http://youtu.be/tOlJxUXWHXc

★ 다음 글을 읽고 물음에 답하시오. [16~20]

Ours is not a drive for power, but purely a non-violent fight for India’s independence. In a violent struggle, a successful general has been often known to effect a military coup and to set up a dictatorship. But under the Congress scheme of things, essentially non-violent as it is, there can be no room/rooms for dictatorship. A non-violent soldier of freedom will covet nothing for himself, he fights only for the freedom of his country. The Congress is unconcerned as to who will rule, when freedom is attained. The power, when it comes, will belong to the people of India, and it will be for them to decide to whom it placed/is placed in the entrusted. May be that the reins will be placed in the hands of the Parsis, for instance-as I would love to see happen-or they may be handed to some others whose names are not heard in the Congress today. It will not be for you then to object saying, “This community is microscopic. That party did not play its due part in the freedom’s struggle; why should it have all the power?” Ever since its inception the Congress has kept itself meticulously free of the communal taint. It has thought always in terms of the whole nation and has acted accordingly. . . 

I know how imperfect our Ahimsa is and how far away we are still from the ideal, but in Ahimsa there is no final failure or defeat. I have faith, therefore, that if, in spite of our shortcomings, the big thing does happen, it will be because God wanted to help us by crowning with success our silent, unremitting Sadhana for the last twenty-two years. 

I believe that in the history of the world, there has not been a more genuinely democratic struggle for freedom than ours. I read Carlyle’s French Resolution while I was in prison, and Pandit Jawaharlal has told me something about the Russian revolution. But it is my conviction that/which inasmuch as these struggles were fought with the weapon of violence they failed to realize the democratic ideal. In the democracy which I have envisaged, a democracy established by non-violence, there will be equal freedom for all. Everybody will be his own master. It is to join a struggle for such democracy that I invite you today. Once you realize this you will forget the differences between the Hindus and Muslims, and think of yourselves as Indians only, engaged in the common struggle for independence. 

16. 위 글의 주제가 가장 적절한 것은?16)

① In retrospect, sometimes the means and ends is


② Indians should rise up for the strong congress.

③ Our priority is to seek for non-violent struggle.

④ The unity of peoples is a starting step for democracy.

⑤ The prosperity for India is far away from now.

17. 위 글에서 지은이가 강조하는 것과 거리가 것은?17)

① Congress scheme

② communal taint

③ no final failure or defeat

④ our silent, unremitting Sadhana

⑤ our history

18. What is not related to the Congress?18)

① based on non-violent essentially

② secretly concerned about who will rule the country

③ free of communal corruption

④ acting in terms of the whole nation

⑤ the place on which the author places the emphasis

19. 위 글에서 네모상자 안의 적절한 단어는?19)

① room       it placed         that

② room       is placed         that

③ rooms      it placed         that

④ rooms      is placed         which

⑤ rooms      it placed         which

20. 위 글과 일치하지 않은 것은?20)

① 우리의 독립운동은 순수한 비폭력 저항이다.

② 성공한 장군은 군사반란의 빌미를 제공한다.

③ 의회제도 하에서는 독재정권의 여지는 전혀 없다.

④ 비폭력적인 병사는 의회 제도를 위해 헌신한다.

⑤ 권력은 국민에 의한 선택된 자에게 부여된다.


21. 21)

Ours is not a drive for power, but purely a non-violent fight for India’s independence. In a violent struggle, a successful general has been often known to _______  a military coup and to set up a dictatorship.

① do                  ② avoid

③ defeat               ④ effect

22. 22)

But under the Congress scheme of things, essentially non-violent as it is, there can be no room for dictatorship. A non-violent soldier of freedom will ______ nothing for himself, he fights only for the freedom of his country.

① regain              ② covet

③ earn                 ④ expect

23. 23)

The Congress is ________ as to who will rule, when freedom is attained. The power, when it comes, will belong to the people of India, and it will be for them to decide to whom it placed in the entrusted.

① unconcerned         ② enthusiastic

③ struggling           ④ predominant

24. 24)

May be that the reins will be placed in the hands of the Parsis, for instance - as I would love to see happen - or they may be handed to some others ______ names are not heard in the Congress today.

① their                 ② whom

③ of                  ④ whose

25. 25)

It will not be for you then to object saying, “This community is microscopic. That party did not play its _____ part in the freedom’s struggle; why should it have all the power?”

① improper            ② due

③ small               ④ irresponsible

26. 26)

Ever since its inception the Congress has kept itself meticulously free of the communal taint. It has thought always _____ the whole nation and has acted accordingly. 

① in terms of          ② in order for

③ in addition to         ④ regardless of

27. 27)

I know how _______ our Ahimsa is and how far away we are still from the ideal, but in Ahimsa there is no final failure or defeat.

① accomplished         ② reasonable

③ imperfect            ④ successful

28. 28)

I have faith, therefore, that if, in spite of our shortcomings, the big thing does happen, it will be _____ God wanted to help us by crowning with success our silent, unremitting Sadhana for the last twenty-two years. 

① why                 ② where

③ when               ④ because

29. 29)

I believe that in the history of the world, there has not been a more genuinely democratic struggle for freedom than ______. I read Carlyle’s French Resolution while I was in prison, and Pandit Jawaharlal has told me something about the Russian revolution.

① our freedom         ② ours

③ our resolution         ④ theirs

30. 30)

But it is my ________ that inasmuch as these struggles were fought with the weapon of violence they failed to realize the democratic ideal.

① memory             ② conviction

③ background          ④ knowledge

31. 31)

In the democracy ______ I have envisaged, a democracy established by non-violence, there will be equal freedom for all. Everybody will be his own master.

① which               ② in which

③ of which            ④ from which

동영상 강좌  http://youtu.be/SalWuOCK4To

Then, there is the question of your attitude towards the British. I have noticed that there is hatred towards the British among the people. The people say they are disgusted with their behaviour. The people make no distinction between British imperialism and the British people. To them, the two are one. This hatred would even make them welcome the Japanese. It is most dangerous. It means that they will exchange one slavery for another. We must get rid of this feeling. Our quarrel is not with the British people, we fight their imperialism. The proposal for the withdrawal of British power did not come out of anger. It came to enable India to play its due part at the present critical juncture It is not a happy position for a big country like India to be merely helping with money and material obtained willy-nilly from her while the United Nations are conducting the war. We cannot evoke the true spirit of sacrifice and valor, so long as we are not free. I know the British Government will not be able to withhold freedom from us, when we have made enough self-sacrifice. We must, therefore, purge ourselves of hatred. Speaking for myself, I can say that I have never felt any hatred. As a matter of fact, I feel myself to be a greater friend of the British now than ever before. One reason is that they are today in distress. My very friendship, therefore, demands that I should try to save them from their mistakes. As I view the situation, they are on the brink of an abyss. It, therefore, becomes my duty to warn them of their danger even though it may, for the time being, anger them to the point of cutting off the friendly hand that is stretched out to help them. People may laugh, nevertheless that is my claim. ⑮At a time when I may have to launch the biggest struggle of my life, I may not harbour hatred against anybody.

① The people(인도 국민들) say ~ with their behaviour(영국 사람들의 행위).

② the two = the British imperialism and the British people

③ exchange A for B : A를 B로 바꾸다.

④ It = the withdrawal of British power

⑤ It 가주어 / for a big country 진주어

⑥ her = British

⑦ as[so] long as ~하는 한

⑧ withhold A from B : B로 부터 A를 억누르다.

⑨ 솔찍히

⑩ 과거와 지금을 비교하는[비교급]

⑪ 나락에 떨어질 직전

⑫ It[가주어] becomes my duty[진주어]

⑬ it = warning

⑭ 구원의 손길

⑮ At a time (when) ~ : ~할 시점에

Then, there is the question of your attitude towards the British(그렇다면, 영국 사람들에 대한 여러분의 태도에 관한 문제가 있습니다). I have noticed that there is hatred towards the British among the people(저는 국민들 사이에 영국 사람들에 대한 증오가 있다는 것을 인지해 왔습니다). The people say they are disgusted with their behaviour(인도 국민들은 영국인들의 행위에 분개한다고 말합니다). The people make no distinction between British imperialism and the British people(인도 국민들은 영국제국주의와 영국민을 구별하지 못합니다). To them, the two are one. This hatred would even make them welcome the Japanese(그들에게 있어서, 그 두 가지는 이 증오가 심지어 일본인들을 환영한다는 것이 하나입니다). It is most dangerous(그것은 지극히 위험합니다). It means that they will exchange one slavery for another(한 노예상태를 또 다른 노예상태로 바꾸는 것을 의미합니다). We must get rid of this feeling(우리는 이러한 느낌을 제거해야만 합니다). Our quarrel is not with the British people, we fight their imperialism(우리의 투쟁은 영국인들이 아닌 그들의 제국주의입니다). The proposal for the withdrawal of British power did not come out of anger(영국군의 철수 제안은 분노로 부터 오지 않았습니다). It came to enable India to play its due part at the present critical juncture(그것은 인도가 현재의 중요한 전환기에서 충실한 역할을 할 수 있었기 때문입니다). It is not a happy position for a big country like India to be merely helping with money and material obtained willy-nilly from her(인도와 같은 대국이 영국으로 부터 좋든 싫든 얻은 자금과 물질로 겨우 도움이 되는 것은 좋은 상황이 안입니다) while the United Nations are conducting the war(유엔이 전쟁을 치르고 있는 동안). We cannot evoke the true spirit of sacrifice and valor, so long as we are not free(우리가 자유롭지 않으면 진정한 희생과 용기를 일으킬 수 없습니다). I know the British Government will not be able to withhold freedom from us, when we have made enough self-sacrifice(우리가 충분한 자기희생정신을 갖고 있을 때, 영국정부는 우리로 부터 자유를 억압할 수 없을 거라는 것을 알고 있습니다). We must, therefore, purge ourselves of hatred(그러므로 우리는 우리 자신의 증오를 일소해야만 합니다). Speaking for myself(제 자신에게), I can say that I have never felt any hatred(저는 어떠한 증오도 느껴본 적이 없다고 말할 수 있습니다). As a matter of fact, I feel myself to be a greater friend of the British now than ever before(사실, 과거보다 지금이 영국의 더 우호적인 친구라 생각합니다). One reason is that they are today in distress(한 가지 이유는 영국은 지금 곤란한 상태에 빠져 있습니다). My very friendship, therefore, demands that I should try to save them from their mistakes(그러므로, 저의 진정한 우정은 그들이 실수를 범하지 않기를 바랄뿐입니다). As I view the situation(제가 상황을 파악하자면), they are on the brink of an abyss(그들은 나락에 떨어질 직전입니다). It, therefore, becomes my duty to warn them of their danger(그러므로 제 의무가 그들로 하여금 분노케 합니다) even though it may, for the time being, anger them to the point of cutting off the friendly hand that is stretched out to help them(비록 그것이 당분간 도움의 손길을 자를 시점에까지 분노케 할지라도). People may laugh, nevertheless that is my claim(그럼에도 불구하고, 사람들은 그것은 제 주장일 뿐이라고 비웃습니다). At a time when I may have to launch the biggest struggle of my life(제가 제 인생의 가장 큰 투쟁을 시작해야만 할 시점에), I may not harbour hatred against anybody(저는 어느 누구에게도 증오를 품지 않으려 합니다).

disgusted [disgʌ́stid] a. 정떨어진, 욕지기나는, 싫증난; 화나는, 분개한(at; with; by). / ‡distinction [distíŋkʃən] n. U ① 구별, 차별; C 구별 짓기. ② 대조, 대비; (TV의) 선명도; 품등, 등급. ③ U,C 상위, 다름; 차이(점)(difference). ④ (차이를 나타내는) 특성, 특질, 특징. ⑤ 탁월(성), 우수(성); 고귀, 저명. ⑥ (문체의) 특징, 개성, 기품이 높음; 기품 있는 풍채[태도]; 눈에 띄는 외관. / imperialism [impíəriəlìzəm] n. U 제국주의, 영토 확장주의; 제정(帝政). / get rid of ~을 제거하다 / ‡quarrel [kwɔ́ːrəl / kwɑ́r-] n. ① 싸움, 말다툼; 티격남, 불화. ② 싸움[말다툼]의 원인, 불평(against; with); 싸움의 구실. / juncture [dʒʌ́ŋktʃər] n. ① U 접합, 접속, 연결; C 이음매, 접합점, 관절. ② U (중대한) 때, 경우, 정세, 전기(轉機); 위기(crisis).  /†withdrawal [wiðdrɔ́ː-əl, wiɵ-] n. U,C ① 움츠려들임; 움츠림; 물러남; 퇴학, 탈퇴. ② (예금·출자금 등의) 되찾기, 회수. ③ 철수, 철퇴, 철병. ④ 취소, 철회 / willy-nilly [wíliníli] ad. 싫든 좋든 간에, 좋아 하든 말든, 다짜고짜로([cf.] nill); 닥치는 대로, 마구잡이로; 난잡하게. / ‡conduct [kəndʌ́kt] v. ―vt. ① 『∼+목/ +목+전+명/ +목+부』 인도하다, 안내하다, 호송하다. [SYN.] ⇨ GUIDE. ② 지도하다, 지휘하다. ③ (업무 등을) 집행하다, 처리 [경영, 관리]하다. ④ 「재귀용법」 행동하다, 거동하다, 처신하다. / †evoke [ivóuk] vt. ① (기억·감정을) 불러일으키다, 환기하다; (웃음·갈채 따위를) 자아내다; (영혼 따위를) 불러내다. / ‡sacrifice [sǽkrəfàis] n. ① 희생, 산 제물, 제물. ② 희생적인 행위, 헌신 / withhold [wiðhóuld, wiɵ-] vt.  (p., pp. -held [-héld]) 『∼+목 / +목+전+명』 ① 주지「허락하지」 않고 두다, (승낙 등을) 보류하다. ② 억누르다, 억제하다, 말리다. / ‡purge [pəːrdʒ] v. ―vt. ① 『∼ +목/ +목+전+명』 (몸·마음을) 깨끗이 하다(of; from). ② 『∼ +목/ +목+부/ +목+전+명』 (죄(罪)·더러움을) 제거하다, 일소하다(away; off; out). / ‡distress [distrés] n. U ① 심통(心痛), 비탄(grief), 고민, 걱정(worry); C 걱정거리. [SYN.] ⇨ SORROW. ② 고통(pain); C 피로. [SYN.] ⇨ SUFFERING. ③ 가난, 곤궁; 고난, 재난, 불행; (배·비행기의) 조난. / †brink [briŋk] n. ① (벼랑 따위의) 가장자리; (산 따위의) 정상. ② 물가. ③ (┅하기) 직전, (아슬아슬한) 고비. [cf.] edge, verge. ♣on [at] the ∼ of (멸망·죽음 등)에 임하여, ┅의 직전에: / †abyss [əbís] n. 심연(深淵); 끝없이 깊은 구렁; 나락; (천지 창조 전의) 혼돈; / ‡stretch [stretʃ] v. ―vt. ① 『∼+목/ +목+전+명/ +목+보』 뻗치다, 늘이다, 펴다, 잡아당기다. ② (시트 따위를) 깔다. ③ 『∼+목/ +목+부/ +목+전+명』 (손 따위를) 내밀다, 내뻗다(out). ④ (입·두 눈 등을) 크게 벌리다[뜨다]. ⑤ (신경 등을) 극도로 긴장시키다, 과로시키다. ⑥ (구어) (법·주의·진실 따위를) 왜곡하다, 확대 해석하다; 남용[악용]하다; (구어) 과장하다. ⑦ (음식물·마약·그림 물감 등을) (┅로) 묽게 하여 양을 늘리다 (with; by). / ‡launch1 [lɔːntʃ, lɑːntʃ] v. ―vt. ① (새로 만든 배를) 진수시키다. ② 발진(發進)시키다; (보트를) 물 위에 띄우다; (비행기를) 날리다; (로켓·수뢰 등을) 발사하다; (글라이더를) 활공[이륙]시키다. ③ 『+목+전+명』 (세상에) 내보내다, 진출[독립]시키다, (상품 따위를) 시장에 내다; (책을) 발행하다. ④ (사업 등을) 시작[착수]하다, 일으키다. / ‡harbor, 【영국】 -bour [hɑ́ːrbər] v. ―vt. ① 피난[은신]처를 제공하다; 감추다, (죄인 등을) 숨기다. ② 『∼+목 / +목+전+명』 (악의 따위를) 품다.

동영상 강좌 http://youtu.be/qlCgjJZFK94

★ 다음 글을 읽고 물음에 답하시오. [32~36]

Then, there is the question of your attitude towards the British. I have noticed that there is hatred towards the British among the people. The people say ①they are disgusted with their behaviour. The people make no distinction between British imperialism and the British people. To ②them, the two are one This hatred would even make ③them welcome the Japanese. It is most dangerous. It means that ④they will exchange one slavery for another. We must get rid of this feeling. Our quarrel is not with the British people, we fight ⑤their imperialism. The proposal for the withdrawal of British power did not come out of anger. It came to enable India to play its due part at the present critical juncture It is not a happy position for a big country like India to be merely helping with money and material obtained willy-nilly from her while the United Nations are conducting the war. We cannot evoke the true spirit of sacrifice and valor, so long as we are not free. I know the British Government will not be able to withhold freedom from us, when we have made enough self-sacrifice. We must, therefore, purge ourselves of hatred. Speaking for myself, I can say that I have never felt any hatred.      Ⓐ     , I feel myself to be a greater friend of the British now than ever before. One reason is that they are today in distress. My very friendship, therefore, demands that I should try to save them from their mistakes. As I view the situation, they are on the brink of an abyss. It,      Ⓑ     , becomes my duty to warn them of their danger even though it may, for the time being, anger them to the point of cutting off the friendly hand that is stretched out to help them. People may laugh, nevertheless that is my claim. At a time when I may have to launch the biggest struggle of my life, I may not harbour hatred against anybody.

32. 위 글의 분위기로 어울리지 않은 것은?32)

① persuasive

② affirmative

③ patient

④ gloomy

⑤ unshaken

33. 위 글에서 밑줄 친 ①~⑤중, 가리키는 것이 나머지 넷과 다른 것은?33)

①         ②         ③         ④         ⑤

34. 위 글에서 ‘British'에 상황과 일치하지 않은 것은?34)

① The British is an imperialism.

② It makes Indian disgusted by its behaviour.

③ It is at the present critical juncture.

④ It can't withhold freedom from us if we have enough


⑤ It may cut off the helpful hands because of anger.

35. 위 글에서 밑줄 친 빈칸 Ⓐ, Ⓑ에 적절한 단어는?35)

① For example         nevertheless

② On the other hand    therefore

③ As a matter of fact   however

④ As a matter of fact   therefore

⑤ However            nevertheless

36. 위 글과 일치하지 않은 것은?36)

① 영국 사람들에 대한 인도 국민의 태도를 바꿔야 한다.

② 인도 국민들은 제국주의와 영국민을 구별하지 못한다.

③ 일본제국주의를 받아들이는 것은 또 다른 노예상태를


④ 영국군의 철수는 인도국민의 분노가 시발점이 되었다.

⑤ 작가는 영국국민에겐 우호적이다.


37. 37)

Then, there is the question of your ________ towards the British. I have noticed that there is hatred towards the British among the people.

① situation            ② mood

③ career               ④ attitude

38. 38)

The people say they are disgusted with their behaviour. The people make no _________ between British imperialism and the British people.

① contradiction         ② use

③ distinction           ④ consideration

39. 39)

To them, the two are one. This hatred would even make them welcome the Japanese. It is most dangerous. It means that they will _______ one slavery for another.

① devote              ② work

③ exchange            ④ share

40. 40)

We must __________ this feeling. Our quarrel is not with the British people, we fight their imperialism. The proposal for the withdrawal of British power did not come out of anger.

① laugh at             ② get rid of

③ lift up              ④ bear in mind

41. 41)

It came to enable India to play its due part at the present critical juncture It is not a happy position for a big country like India to be merely helping with money and material obtained _________ from her while the United Nations are conducting the war.

① willy-nilly            ② willingly

③ with pleasure         ④ with a good grace

42. 42)

We cannot evoke the true spirit of sacrifice and valor, _________ we are not free. I know the British Government will not be able to withhold freedom from us, when we have made enough self-sacrifice.

① though              ② so long as

③ because of           ④ as if

43. 43)

We must, therefore, _______ ourselves of hatred. Speaking for myself, I can say that I have never felt any hatred. As a matter of fact, I feel myself to be a greater friend of the British now than ever before.

① purge               ② evoke

③ melt                 ④ pour

44. 44)

One reason is that they are today in distress. My very friendship, therefore, demands that I should try to save them from their mistakes. As I view the situation, they are  _____________ an abyss.

① for the sake         ② on the way of

③ on the brink of      ④ on the mercy of

45. 45)

It, therefore, becomes my duty to warn them of their danger _________ it may, for the time being, anger them to the point of cutting off the friendly hand that is stretched out to help them.

① because             ② once

③ therefore            ④ even though

46. 46)

People may laugh, nevertheless that is my claim. At a time when I may have to launch the biggest struggle of my life, I may not ________ hatred against anybody.

① remember           ② harbour

③ forget               ④ cherish

1) ③

2) ①

3) ①

4) ④

5) ③

6) ①

7) ④

8) ②

9) ①

10) ③

11) ④

12) ③

13) ③

14) ①

15) ④

16) ③

17) ②

18) ②

19) ①

20) ④

21) ④

22) ②

23) ①

24) ④

25) ②

26) ①

27) ③

28) ④

29) ②

30) ②

31) ①

32) ④

33) ⑤

34) ③

35) ④

36) ④

37) ④

38) ③

39) ③

40) ②

41) ①

42) ②

43) ①

44) ③

45) ④

46) ②
