45-쉽게 배우는 영문법(소유대명사의 용법, 이중 소유격, 소유격의 의미를 강조, own 사용법)
45-쉽게 배우는 영문법(소유대명사의 용법, 이중 소유격, 소유격의 의미를 강조, own 사용법)
1. This dictionary is mine(=my dictionary).
I – my – me – mine – myself
2. His point of view is quite different from mine(my point of view).
Be different from ~와 다르다
3. Tom’s care is different from yours(your care).
You – your – you – yours – yourself[yourselves]
이중 소유격(a/an ~ 명사 + of + 소유대명사)
1. Our this world is like a great theater.
Our this world à this world of ours
We – our – us – ours – ourselves
2. Show me another book of hers / theirs / his / mine / ours.
She – her – her – hers – herself
소유격 강조 : own(자신의)
1. She cooks her own meal.
2. This car is my (very) own.
3. this will of her own 그녀 자신의 이러한 의지
4. I have no house of my own.