Ladies and Gentlemen,
I must begin by saying how warmly I welcome this conference on landmines convened by the Mines Advisory Group and the Landmines Survivors' Network. It is so welcome because the world is too little aware of the waste of life, limb and land which anti-personnel landmines are causing among some of the poorest people on earth. Indeed, until my journey to Angola early this year - on which I am going to speak this morning - I was largely unaware of it too.
Ladies and Gentlemen,
- 신사 숙녀 여러분
- ladies[lady의 복수형: y→i+es] / gentlemen[gentleman의 복수형]
I must begin by saying how warmly I welcome this conference on landmines convened by the Mines Advisory Group and the Landmines Survivors' Network.
- 저는 지뢰자문그룹과 지뢰생존자네트워크로 모이신 이 회의를 진정으로 환영하는 인사말로 시작하려 합니다.
- must[주어의 주장, 강한 의지: 꼭 ┅하고 싶다[해야 한다], ┅않고는 못 배긴다(must가 강하게 발음됨).] / begin by ~ ing[saying ~의 말고 시작하다] / how[감탄문]+warmly[부사: welcome 동사를 수식, 진정으로 이 회의를 환영하다] / this conference on landmines[지뢰에 관한 회의] / this conference (which is) convened by[~ 로 모인(소집된)]
- convene [kənvíːn] v. ―vt. 모으다, (모임·회의를) 소집하다; 소환하다. ―vi. 모이다, 회합하다.
It is so welcome because the world is too little aware of the waste of life, limb and land which anti-personnel landmines are causing among some of the poorest people on earth.
- 이 회의는 너무나 고마운 것입니다. 왜냐하면 세상이 이 지구상에서 가장 가엾은 사람들 중 반인륜적 지뢰가 일으키고 있는 생명, 사지, 그리고 토지의 황폐함을 거의 인식하지 못하기 때문입니다.
- It[=this conference] / so[부사: 너무나, 아주] welcome[형용사: 고마운] / because[접속사: ~라는 이유로] / the world[이 세상 사람들], 세상] / too[부사: 너무나] little[부분부정: 거의 ~ 않는] aware of[~ 을 깨닫는] / which[목적격 관계대명사로 causing의 목적어는 the waste] / among[~ 중에] / some[사람[물건]에 따라 ┅(도 있다), 그 중에는 ┅(도 있다)] / the+poor+est[최상급: 가장 가엽은] / on earth[지구상에]
Indeed, until my journey to Angola early this year - on which I am going to speak this morning - I was largely unaware of it too.
- 사실, 올해 초 앙골라를 방문할 때 까지만도 - 제가 오늘 아침에 말씀드릴 예정인 - 저 또한 그것(그 황폐함)에 관해 전혀 몰랐습니다.
- until[전치사: ~ 할 때까지] / my journey to[~로의 여행(방문)] / on which[전치사+관계대명사] I am going to speak[speak on ~ 에 관해 말할 예정이다] / unaware of[~ 을 인식하지 못하는] / it[=the waste of life, limb and land]
- ⁂indeed [indíd] ad. 강조」 실로, 참으로. / ‡largely [lɑ́ːrdʒli] ad. ① 크게, 충분히(much). ② 대부분, 주로(mainly).
- welcome v. greet[griːt], hail[heil]인사하다, 축하하다, receive[risíːv]맞이하다, 환영하다, 접대하다, salute[səlúːt] a. agreeable[əgríːəbəl]유쾌한, 상쾌한, 마음에 드는, appreciated[əpríːʃièitid], desirable[dizáiərəbəl], pleasing[plíːziŋ] n. greeting[gríːtiŋ], reception[risépʃ-ən], salutation[sæ̀ljətéiʃ-ə ant. bar[bɑːr]싫어하다, unwelcome[ʌnwélkəm] farewell[fɛ̀ərwél]~에게 작별을 고하다.
For the mine is a stealthy killer. Long after conflict is ended, its innocent victims die or are wounded singly, in countries of which we hear little. Their lonely fate is never reported. The world, with its many other preoccupations, remains largely unmoved by a death roll of something like 800 people every month - many of them women and children. Those who are not killed outright - and they number another 1,200 a month - suffer terrible injuries and are handicapped for life. I was in Angola in January with the British Red Cross - a country where there are 15 million landmines in a population, Ladies and Gentlemen, of 10 million - with the desire of drawing world attention to this vital, but hitherto largely neglected issue.
For the mine is a stealthy killer. Long after conflict is ended, its innocent victims die or are wounded singly, in countries of which we hear little. Their lonely fate is never reported.
- 왜냐하면 지뢰는 은밀한 살인자이기 때문입니다. 분쟁이 종식된 후 오랫동안, 우리가 거의 듣지 못하는 국가에서 분쟁의 무고한 희생자들이 죽어가거나 홀로 부상을 당하고 있습니다. 그들의 쓸쓸한 운명은 전혀 알려지지 않습니다.
- For[=Because 접속사] / Long after[~ 한 후 오랫동안] / its[=conflict] / are wounded[수동태: 부상을 당하다] / in countries of which[전치사+목적격 관계대명사] we hear little[부분부정: ~ 않는] of countries[우리가 거의 들어보지도 못한 국가들에서] / is never reported[수동태: 전혀 알려지지 않다]
- †stealthy [stélɵi] a. (stealthier; -iest) 비밀의, 남의 눈을 피하는, 살금살금 하는. / ‡conflict [kɑ́nflikt / kɔ́n-] n. C,U ① 투쟁, 전투. [SYN.] ⇨ FIGHT. ② (의견·사상·이해(利害) 등의) 충돌, 대립, 불일치, 쟁의; 알력, 마찰; (마음의) 갈등. / ‡innocent [ínəsnt] a. ① 무구한, 청정한, 순결한. ② (법률적으로) 결백한, 무죄의(of crime). / ‡wound[wuːnd, (고어·시어) waund] v. ―vt. 『∼+목 / +목+전+명』 상처를 입히다; (감정을) 해치다. ―vi. 상처내다. / †singly [síŋgli] ad. 하나씩, 하나하나, 따로따로(separately); 단독으로, 홀로(individually); 혼자 힘으로; 성실히. / ‡fate [feit] n. ① U,C 운명, 숙명; 운(運), 비운(doom); 인연, 인과. [SYN.] ⇨ FORTUNE. ② C 죽음, 최후; 파멸.
The world, with its many other preoccupations, remains largely unmoved by a death roll of something like 800 people every month - many of them women and children.
- 이 세계는 많은 다른 관심사로 매달 800명의 - 그들 대부분은 여성과 아이들 - 죽음의 소식에 아주 무감각해져 있습니다.
- with[전치사구] its[=the world] / The world[주어] remains[동사] largely[부사: 주로, 아주] unmoved[형용사: 주격보어, 2형식] / by[전치사: 수단, ~에 의해] / like[전치사: ~와 같은] / every[매, 마다] / many of them[그들 중 대부분 = most of them] (are) women ~
- †preoccupation [priːɑ̀kjəpéiʃən / -ɔ̀k-] n. ① U 선입관, 편견. / ② 우선해야 할 일, 첫째 임무; (중대) 관심사. / †unmoved [ʌnmúːvd] a. 확고한(결심 따위); 마음이 흔들리지 않는, 냉정한, 태연한; (위치·지위가) 변동되지 않은. / roll [roul] 명단, 명부
Those who are not killed outright - and they number another 1,200 a month - suffer terrible injuries and are handicapped for life.
- 곧 죽지 않은 사람들은 - 그들의 수가 매달 또 다른 1,200명에 달하는 - 평생 끔직한 부상의 고통과 장애로 살아갑니다.
- Those (who[~하는 사람들] are)[생략가능] not killed / another[또 다른, 위에서 말한 800명 이외의 또 다른] / a[=per, every 마다] / suffer[~을 당하다] / are handicapped[수동태: 장애를 격다] / for life[평생 동안]
- †outright [áutráit] ad. ① 철저하게, 완전히, 충분히. ② 명백히, 터놓고, 공공연히. ③ 곧, 당장, 즉시(at once). / ⁂number [nʌ́mbəːr] v. vt. ① 세다. ② 열거하다. ③ 『+목+전+명』 세어 넣다, ┅의 속에 넣다, 구성원으로[요소로] 간주하다(among; in; with). ④ (총계) ┅이 되다; ┅의 수에 달하다. / ⁂terrible [térəb-əl] a. ① 무서운, 가공할, 소름끼치는, 굉장한. [cf.] fearful. ② (구어) 심한, 대단한. / handicapped [-kæ̀pt] a. 신체[정신]적 장애가 있는, 불구의; (경기에서) 핸디캡이 붙은; (the ∼) 신체[정신] 장애자.
I was in Angola in January with the British Red Cross - a country where there are 15 million landmines in a population, Ladies and Gentlemen, of 10 million - with the desire of drawing world attention to this vital, but hitherto largely neglected issue.
- 저는 영국적십자와 함께 지난 1월 앙골라에 있었습니다. - 신사숙녀 여러분, 천만의 인구인 나라에 천오백만개의 지뢰가 묻혀있는 나라입니다. - 이 심각하지만, 지금까지 아주 무시되어온 문제에 세계의 관심을 돌리고자는 바람으로
- was in[~에 있었다] / Angola와 a country는 동격임 / a country where[종속접속사: ~라는 나라] / [도치문]there are[동사] 15 million[주어] / Ladies and Gentlemen[삽입구] / with the desire of ~ing[~의 바램으로] / drawing A[world attention] to B[this vital, but ~ issue] : A를 B로 유도하다
- ‡population [pɑ̀pjəléiʃən / pɔ̀p-] n. 인구, 주민 수 / ⁂draw [drɔː] v. (drew [druː]; drawn [drɔːn]) ―vt. ① 『∼ +목/ +목+부/ +목+전+명』 끌다, 당기다, 끌어당기다; 끌어당겨서 ┅하다. [SYN.] ⇨ PULL. ② 『∼ +목/ +목+전+명/ +목+to do』 (마음을) 끌다; 꾀어들이다; (사람을 ┅에) 끌어들이다; (사람의 주의를) 끌다(to; into; from); 꾀어서 ┅시키다. / ‡vital [váitl] a. ① 생명의, 생명 유지에 필요한, 생명의 원천을 이룬. ② 생생한, 생기가 넘치는. ③ 치명적인, (비유) 생사에 관한. / ‡hitherto [hìðərtúː] ad. 지금까지(는), 지금까지로 봐서는 (아직).
- preoccupation n. abstraction[æbstrǽkʃən]추상, 망연자실, concentration[kɑ̀nsəntréiʃən]집중, engrossment[engróusmənt]열중, 몰두, 매저매석, fixation[fikséiʃən]병적 애착, immersion [imə́ːrʃən]몰입, 몰두, obsession[əbséʃən]강박관념, 망상
- outright a. complete[kəmplíːt], downright[daun-́rài], total[tóutl]완전한, wholesale[hóulsèil]대규모의, altogether[ɔ̀ːltəgéðər], completely, entirely[entáiərli], totally[tóutəli], at once, immediately[imíːdiitli], instantly[ínstəntli] ant. partial[pɑ́ːrʃəl], partially[pɑ́ːrʃəli], eventually[ivéntʃuəli]
- vital a. critical [krítikəl]비판적인, 중대한, essential[isénʃəl]근본적인, 완전한, fundamental[fʌ̀ndəmént]기초의, 필수의, indispensable[ìndispénsəbəl]없어서는 안될, integral[íntigrəl]완전한, 필수의, robust[roubʌ́st]강한, vibrant[váibrənt]진동하는, 힘찬, vigorous[vígərəs], virile[vírəl]남성의, 힘찬, vivacious[vivéiʃəs]쾌활한, 명랑한, alive[əláiv], animate[ǽnəmit]활기찬, breathing[bríːðiŋ]호흡하는, 살아있는 듯한, living[líviŋ] ant. unimportant[ʌ̀nimpɔ́ːrtənt], lethargic[leɵɑ́ːrdʒik]혼수 상태의, 둔감한, dead[ded]
Some people chose to interpret my visit as a political statement. But it was not. I am not a political figure. As I said at the time, and I'd like to re-iterate now, my interests are humanitarian. That is why I felt drawn to this human tragedy. This is why I wanted to play down my part in working towards a world-wide ban on these weapons. During my days in Angola, I saw at first hand three aspects of this scourge. In the hospitals of Luanda, the capital, and Huambo, scene of bitter fighting not long ago, I visited some of the mine victims who had survived, and saw their injuries. I am not going to describe them, because in my experience it turns too many people away from the subject. Suffice to say, that when you look at the mangled bodies, some of them children, caught by these mines, you marvel at their survival. What is so cruel about these injuries, is that they are almost invariably suffered, where medical resources are scarce.
Some people chose to interpret my visit as a political statement. But it was not. I am not a political figure. As I said at the time, and I'd like to re-iterate now, my interests are humanitarian.
- 어떤 이들은 제 방문을 정치적인 표현으로 해석하고 싶어 했습니다. 그러나 아닙니다. 저는 정치인이 아니니까요. 제가 그 때에나 지금 되풀이하는 봐와 같이, 저의 흥미는 인도주의입니다.
- Some[긍정문: 복수가산명사와 함께」 (어떤) 몇 개인가의, 몇 사람인가의] / chose[choose의 과거형 동사: 선택했다, 원했다] / it was not (a political statement) / a political figure[=a politician 정치인] / As[양태 접속사: ~와 같이] / interests[가산, 불가산 명사]
- ‡statement [stéitmənt] n. U ① 성명; C 성명서. ② (아무의) 말, 설, 말한 것. 표현 / ‡interpret [intə́ːrprit] v. ―vt. ① ┅의 뜻을 해석하다, 해명하다, 설명하다; 해몽하다. ② 『+목+as 보』 이해하다, 판단하다. / - ‡figure [fígjər / -gər] n. ① 숫자; (숫자의) 자리; (pl.) 계수, 계산. ② 합계(수), 총계; 값. ③ 모양, 형태, 형상. ④ 사람의 모습, 사람의 그림자. ⑤ 몸매, 풍채, 자태, 외관, 눈에 띄는[두드러진]모습, 이채. ⑥ 인물, 거물. / - †reiterate [riːítərèit] vt. (명령·탄원 등을) 되풀이하다, 반복하다. / humanitarian [hjuːmæ̀nətɛ́əriən] a. 인도주의의; 박애(주의)의
That is why I felt drawn to this human tragedy. This is why I wanted to play down my part in working towards a world-wide ban on these weapons. During my days in Angola, I saw at first hand three aspects of this scourge.
- 그것이 이 인륜적인 비극에 끌린 이유입니다. 이것이 제가 이러한 무기의 전 세계적인 금지로
- work forward[힘쓰다]
- †drawn [drɔːn] a. ① (칼집 따위에서) 빼낸, 뽑은. ② 그어진(선 등). ③ 잡아늘인. ④ 찡그린, 일그러진(얼굴 등). ⑤ 내장[속]을 빼낸(생선·새 등). ⑥ 끌린. ⑦ 비긴, 무승부의. / ‡tragedy [trǽdʒədi]n. ① U,C 비극(적인 사건); 비극적인 이야기. [opp.] comedy. ② 비극의 창작[연출]; (극·문학·인생 등의) 비극적 요소. / †ban [bæn]n. 금지, 금지령, 금제(on); (여론의) 무언의 압박, 반대(on). / ‡aspect [ǽspekt] n. ① C,U 양상, 모습, 외관, (사람의) 얼굴 생김새(appearance). ② 국면, 정세(phase). [SYN.] ⇨ PHASE. ③ 견지, 견해. ④ (집의) 방향, 전망. / †scourge [skəːrdʒ] n. (천재·전쟁 등) 하늘의 응징, 천벌; 두통거리, 불행을 가져오는 것[사람]; 채찍, 매.
In the hospitals of Luanda, the capital, and Huambo, scene of bitter fighting not long ago, I visited some of the mine victims who had survived, and saw their injuries.
- bitter [bítər] a. ① 쓴([opp.] sweet), (맥주가) 쓴([opp.] mild). ② 모진, 살을 에는 (듯한). ③ 호된, 가차[용서] 없는, 신랄한. ④ 견디기 어려운, 괴로운, 쓰라린. / ‡victim [víktim] n. ① 희생(자), 피해자, 조난자(of; to); 속은 사람, 만만한 사람, 봉(dupe). ② 〖종교〗 희생, 산 제물. /
I am not going to describe them, because in my experience it turns too many people away from the subject.
- ‡describe [diskráib] vt. ① 『∼ +목/ +목+전+명』 묘사하다, 기술하다, 말하다, 말로 설명하다. ② 『+목+as보』 (인물을) 평하다, 딱지 붙이다. ③ ┅의 징조이다, 나타내다.
Suffice to say, that when you look at the mangled bodies, some of them children, caught by these mines, you marvel at their survival.
- ♣Suffice it (to say) that┅ (지금은) ┅이라고만 말해 두자; ┅이라고 말하면 충분하다.
- ‡suffice [səfáis, -fáiz] v. ―vi. 『∼/ +전+명』 (문어) 족하다, 충분하다. ―vt. (문어) ┅에 충분하다, 만족시키다. / ‡marvel [mɑ́ːrv-əl]n. ① 놀라운 일, 경이, 이상함. ② (보통 a ∼) 놀라운 것[사람], 비범한 사람.
What is so cruel about these injuries, is that they are almost invariably suffered, where medical resources are scarce.
- ‡cruel [krúːəl] a. (∼er; ∼est) ① 잔혹[잔인]한; 무자비한. ② 참혹한, 비참한; (말에) 가시[독기]가 있는. / ‡invariably [invɛ́əriəbli] ad. 변함없이, 일정불변하게; 항상, 반드시. / ‡scarce [skɛəːrs] a. ① 「서술적」 (음식물·돈·생활필수품이) 부족한, 적은, 결핍한(of). ② 드문, 희귀한.
I observed for myself some of the obstacles to improving medical care in most of these hospitals. Often there is a chronic shortage of medicine, of pain killers, even of anaesthetics. Surgeons constantly engaged in amputating shattered limbs, never have all the facilities we would expect to see here. So the human pain that has to be borne is often beyond imagining. This emergency medical care, moreover, is only the first step back to a sort of life. For those whose living is the land, loss of an arm or leg, is an overwhelming handicap which lasts for life. I saw the fine work being done by the Red Cross and other agencies to replace lost limbs. But making prostheses is a costly as well as a complicated business. For example; a young child will need several different fittings as it grows older. Sometimes, the severity of the injury makes the fitting of an artificial limb impossible. There are never enough resources to replace all the limbs that are lost.
I observed for myself some of the obstacles to improving medical care in most of these hospitals.
Often there is a chronic shortage of medicine, of pain killers, even of anaesthetics. Surgeons constantly engaged in amputating shattered limbs, never have all the facilities we would expect to see here.
So the human pain that has to be borne is often beyond imagining. This emergency medical care, moreover, is only the first step back to a sort of life.
For those whose living is the land, loss of an arm or leg, is an overwhelming handicap which lasts for life. I saw the fine work being done by the Red Cross and other agencies to replace lost limbs.
But making prostheses is a costly as well as a complicated business. For example; a young child will need several different fittings as it grows older.
Sometimes, the severity of the injury makes the fitting of an artificial limb impossible. There are never enough resources to replace all the limbs that are lost.
As the Red Cross have expressed it: "Each victim who survives, will incur lifetime expenses for surgery and prosthetic care totalling between 2,000 and 3,000." That is an intolerable load for a handicapped person in a poor country. That is something to which the world should urgently turn its conscience. In Angola, one in every 334 members of the population is an amputee! Angola has the highest rate of amputees in the world. How can countries which manufacture and trade in these weapons square their conscience with such human devastation?
As the Red Cross have expressed it: "Each victim who survives, will incur lifetime expenses for surgery and prosthetic care totalling between 2,000 and 3,000."
That is an intolerable load for a handicapped person in a poor country. That is something to which the world should urgently turn its conscience.
In Angola, one in every 334 members of the population is an amputee! Angola has the highest rate of amputees in the world. How can countries which manufacture and trade in these weapons square their conscience with such human devastation?
My third main experience was to see what has been done, slowly and perilously, to get these mines out of the earth. In the Kuito and Huambo region I spent a morning with small team from Halo Trust, which is training Angolans to work on the pervasive minefields and supervising their work. I speak of "our team" because men of the Mines Advisory group - or, in this instance, the Halo Trust - who volunteer for this hazardous work are usually former members of our own Services. I take this opportunity to pay my tribute to the work these men do on our behalf - the perils they encounter are not just confined to mines. Two members of the Mines Advisory Group team in Cambodia, Chris Howes and Houn Horth, were kidnapped by the Khmer Rouge a year ago and their fate is uncertain. We can only pray for their safe return.
My third main experience was to see what has been done, slowly and perilously, to get these mines out of the earth.
In the Kuito and Huambo region I spent a morning with small team from Halo Trust, which is training Angolans to work on the pervasive minefields and supervising their work.
I speak of "our team" because men of the Mines Advisory group - or, in this instance, the Halo Trust - who volunteer for this hazardous work are usually former members of our own Services.
I take this opportunity to pay my tribute to the work these men do on our behalf - the perils they encounter are not just confined to mines.
Two members of the Mines Advisory Group team in Cambodia, Chris Howes and Houn Horth, were kidnapped by the Khmer Rouge a year ago and their fate is uncertain. We can only pray for their safe return.
Much ingenuity has gone into making some of these mines. Many are designed to trap an unwary de-miner. Whenever such tricky mines appear, the de-miner will call in one of the supervising team, who will then take over. That is what keeps their lives perpetually at risk. It might be less hazardous, I reflected, after my visit to Angola, if some of the technical skills used in making mines had been applied to better methods of removing them. Many of these mines are relatively cheap - they can be bought for 5 apiece, or less. Tracing them, lifting them, and disposing of them, costs far more - sometimes as much as a hundred times more.
Much ingenuity has gone into making some of these mines. Many are designed to trap an unwary de-miner.
Whenever such tricky mines appear, the de-miner will call in one of the supervising team, who will then take over.
That is what keeps their lives perpetually at risk. It might be less hazardous, I reflected, after my visit to Angola, if some of the technical skills used in making mines had been applied to better methods of removing them.
Many of these mines are relatively cheap - they can be bought for 5 apiece, or less. Tracing them, lifting them, and disposing of them, costs far more - sometimes as much as a hundred times more.
Angola, is full of refugees returning after a long war. They present another aspect of this tragedy. The refugee turns towards home, often ignorant of conditions in his homeland. He knows of mines, but homeward bound, eagerness to complete the journey gets the better of him. Or he finds mines on what was once his land, and attempts to clear them. There were many examples of that in Angola. These mines inflict most of their casualties on people who are trying to meet the elementary needs of life. They strike the wife, or the grandmother, gathering firewood for cooking - They ambush the child sent to collect water for the family. I was impressed to see the work being done by many of the world's agencies on "Mine Awareness"." If children can be taught at school, if adults can be helped to learn what to do, and what not to do in regions that have been mined, then lives can be saved and injuries reduced.
Angola, is full of refugees returning after a long war. They present another aspect of this tragedy. The refugee turns towards home, often ignorant of conditions in his homeland.
He knows of mines, but homeward bound, eagerness to complete the journey gets the better of him. Or he finds mines on what was once his land, and attempts to clear them.
There were many examples of that in Angola. These mines inflict most of their casualties on people who are trying to meet the elementary needs of life.
They strike the wife, or the grandmother, gathering firewood for cooking - They ambush the child sent to collect water for the family. I was impressed to see the work being done by many of the world's agencies on "Mine Awareness"."
If children can be taught at school, if adults can be helped to learn what to do, and what not to do in regions that have been mined, then lives can be saved and injuries reduced.
There are said to be around 110 million mines lurking somewhere in the world - and over a third of them are to be found in Africa! Angola is probably more heavily mined than anywhere else, because the war went on for such a long time, and it invaded so much of the country. So that country is going to be infested with mines, and will suffer many more victims. And this brings me to one of the main conclusions I reached after this experience. Even if the world decided tomorrow to ban these weapons, this terrible legacy of mines already in the earth would continue to plague the poor nations of the Globe. "The evil that men do, lives after them." And so, it seems to me, there rests a certain obligation upon the rest of us
There are said to be around 110 million mines lurking somewhere in the world - and over a third of them are to be found in Africa!
Angola is probably more heavily mined than anywhere else, because the war went on for such a long time, and it invaded so much of the country. So that country is going to be infested with mines, and will suffer many more victims.
And this brings me to one of the main conclusions I reached after this experience. Even if the world decided tomorrow to ban these weapons, this terrible legacy of mines already in the earth would continue to plague the poor nations of the Globe.
"The evil that men do, lives after them." And so, it seems to me, there rests a certain obligation upon the rest of us
One of my objectives in visiting Angola was to forward the cause of those, like the Red Cross, striving in the name of humanity to secure an international ban on these weapons. Since them, we are glad to see, some real progress has been made. There are signs of a change of heart - at least in some parts of the world. For that we should be cautiously grateful. If an international ban on mines can be secured it means, looking far ahead, that the world may be a safer place for this generation's grandchildren. But for this generation in much of the developing world, there will be no relief, no relaxation. The toll of deaths and injuries caused by mines already there, will continue. This tracing and lifting of mines, as I saw in Angola, is a desperately slow business. So in my mind a central question remains. Should we not do more to quicken the de-miners' work, to help the injured back to some sort of life, to further our own contribution to aid and development?
One of my objectives in visiting Angola was to forward the cause of those, like the Red Cross, striving in the name of humanity to secure an international ban on these weapons.
Since them, we are glad to see, some real progress has been made. There are signs of a change of heart - at least in some parts of the world. For that we should be cautiously grateful.
If an international ban on mines can be secured it means, looking far ahead, that the world may be a safer place for this generation's grandchildren.
But for this generation in much of the developing world, there will be no relief, no relaxation. The toll of deaths and injuries caused by mines already there, will continue. This tracing and lifting of mines, as I saw in Angola, is a desperately slow business.
So in my mind a central question remains. Should we not do more to quicken the de-miners' work, to help the injured back to some sort of life, to further our own contribution to aid and development?
The country is enriched by the work done by its overseas agencies and non-governmental organisations who work to help people in Africa and Asia to improve the quality of their lives. Yet mines cast a constant shadow over so much of this work. Resettlement of refugees is made more hazardous. Good land is put out of bounds. Recovery from war is delayed. Aid workers themselves are put at risk. I would like to see more done for those living in this "no man's land" which lies between the wrongs of yesterday and the urgent needs of today. I think we owe it. I also think it would be of benefit to us, as well as to them. The more expeditiously we can end this plague on earth caused by the landmine, the more readily can we set about the constructive tasks to which so many give their hand in the cause of humanity.
The country is enriched by the work done by its overseas agencies and non-governmental organisations who work to help people in Africa and Asia to improve the quality of their lives.
Yet mines cast a constant shadow over so much of this work. Resettlement of refugees is made more hazardous. Good land is put out of bounds.
Recovery from war is delayed. Aid workers themselves are put at risk. I would like to see more done for those living in this "no man's land" which lies between the wrongs of yesterday and the urgent needs of today.
I think we owe it. I also think it would be of benefit to us, as well as to them. The more expeditiously we can end this plague on earth caused by the landmine, the more readily can we set about the constructive tasks to which so many give their hand in the cause of humanity.
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06-Responding To Landmines by Princess Diana (0) | 2015.02.17 |