수능특강, EBS연계, P. 114 - 1번
1. 주어진 글 다음에 이어질 글의 순서로 가장 적절한 것은?
Increasingly, regular people - not just soldiers and public servants - are living apart from their spouses, too. |
Increasingly, regular people - not just soldiers and public servants - are living apart from their spouses, too (점점 더, 군인과 공무원의 정규직 사람들은 또한 그들의 배우자와 떨어져 살고 있다).
(A) Forty years ago, such a decision would have been unthinkable. Women earned so little, there was such serious stigma attached to women living alone, and travel was so expensive that if a husband had to relocate, the wife pretty much always went along.
(A) Forty years ago, such a decision would have been unthinkable (40년 전, 그러한 결정은 생각지도 못한 것이었다). Women earned so little(여성들은 거의 소득이 없었다), there was such serious stigma attached to women living alone (여성이 혼자 산다는 것에 붙여진 그러한 심각한 치욕이 있었고), and travel was so expensive (여행비용은 너무 비쌌다) that if a husband had to relocate (만일 남편이 전근을 간다면), the wife pretty much always went along (그 부인은 전적으로 항상 동행했다).
(B) Mostly they are dual-career couples who can't, or don't want to, uproot both of their professional lives just because one has to, or can, take a job or get a degree somewhere else .
(B) Mostly they are dual-career couples who can't, or don't want to, uproot both of their professional lives (대부분 그들은 그들의 직업생계를 그만둘 수 없거나 원하지도 않는 맞벌이 부부이다) just because one has to, or can, take a job or get a degree somewhere else (단지 한 쪽이 직업을 잡아야만 하거나 할 수 있고 또는 다른 곳에서 학위를 취득해야만 하거나 할 수 있기 때문이다).
(C) But now that women make more, nearly 30 percent of American households are people living alone, and air travel is relatively cheap - commuter marriage is just one of the many ways that dual-earning couples are working out their life's work.
(C) But now that women make more (여성들이 더 많은 벌기 때문에), nearly 30 percent of American households (거의 30퍼센트의 미국의 가정은) are people living alone (혼자 사는 사람들 이고), and air travel is relatively cheap (항공여행은 비교적 저렴하다) - commuter marriage is just one of the many ways that dual-earning couples are working out their life's work (별거 결혼은 맞벌이 부부들이 그들의 생계을 꾸려가는 많은 방식 중 단지 하나일 뿐이다).
now that : ~이기 때문에, commuter marriage : 별거 결혼
(B) - (A)- (C)
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