타임, 뉴스위크, 웹 직독직해/야후 웹사이트
- -Dirty Sexy Weekend-해석 및 분석 2017.11.27
- all-Becoming Attraction 2017.11.27
- China Warns Of World War 3 Unless The US Backs Down On South China Sea 2015.05.29
- 최고의 전쟁영화 5편 2015.05.26
- Science says these 5 things happen to couples who have been together a long time Being with someone for a long time changes the way you see the world. It also changes you. Everything from how you act to the way you think shifts in ever-so-slight ways. .. 2015.05.19
- S.Korea says North defence chief executed with anti-aircraft fire 2015.05.13
- North Korea did not test fire a ballistic missile from a submarine as Pyongyang claimed 북한 미사일 발사에 대한 미국 입장 2015.05.12
- A state-of-the-art Russian tank, which was shown to the public for the first time earlier this month, on Thursday ground to a halt during the final Victory Day rehearsal. 2015.05.08
- Russia Armata T-14 Tank Said to Be Faster Than a US Abrams 2015.05.07
- Watch Out, China: Asia's Dangerous Submarine Race Heats Up 2015.04.26
- Supercavitating Very High Speed Stealth Anti-Piracy and Special Ops ship 2015.04.24 3
- Russia just unveiled its new Armata battle tank 러시아는 새로운 아마타 전투용탱크를 막 공개했다. 2015.04.23
- New 'Jurassic World' Trailer Unveils More Dino Details and Theme Park Damage 2015.04.21
- Fall In Love, Lose Weight 사랑에 빠지면, 몸무게가 빠진다. 2015.03.23
- N Korea camp survivor 'very sorry' facts were wrong 2015.03.02
- US Christians back emerging private war on Iraq jihadists 2015.02.27
- 'Jihadi John' killer from Islamic State beheading videos unmasked as Londoner 2015.02.27
- 김정은의 놀라운 머리 스타일이 주는 많은 질문거리 2015.02.20
- Beheadings Show ISIS Has Formed a New Power Center 참수는 이슬람국가의 새로운 권력기반이 공고해졌음을 알린다. 2015.02.17
- Top-searched Valentine's Day gifts for her 2015.02.13
-Dirty Sexy Weekend-해석 및 분석
all-Becoming Attraction
Chelsea White
You'll never guess who took this photo. None other than the beautiful woman looking back at you - Chelsea White, a 21-year-old British model turned photographer. “I started taking pictures about a year ago," she says. "I went out and bought a $3,200 camera - after which I thought, I'm going to have to stick with this now! Luckily, I got hooked." In the past 12 months she has shot several 2011 caldendars and a slew of magazine covers. Her subjects include U.K. starlets Lauren Pope and Imogen Thomas and 2007 Playmate of the Year Sara Jean Underwood. "I do shoot men, but I feel more comfortable photographing women. The girls feel comfortable with me too, which lets me get more out of them." See more of Chelsea's work at chelseawhite.co.uk.
- which I though (a $3,200 camera) after
- none other than ~ : 다름 아닌 ~인 / get hooked : ~에 빠지다 / a slew of : 많은
Screen Play
The Ultimate Cyber-Library
Imagine having every PLAYBOY ever published, in one neat library. Now imagine that library shrinking enough to fit in the palm of your hand. Forget the human genome, this is serious technological innovation. The new Playboy Cover to Cover hard drive ($300, playboystore.com) plugs into your computer and offers every issue from 1953 through 2010, with keyword searchability. The women, the words, the legend.....
- imagine + ing : (과거)를 상상하다
- shrink : 줄어들게 하다 / human genome : 인간 유전체 / cover to cover : 처음부터 끝까지 / legend : 전설, (그림 등의) 제목, 성인 이야기
From the moment I met Bill, on my flight from Tucson to Dallas, I knew he was the perfect man. When most women rattle off a potential mate's must-have qualities, they usually include a decent job, sense of humor, good looks, a tongue with Parkinson's disease. My priorities are always a little different. "You have no computer and no cell phone at all?" I asked incredulously. "Nope," Bill shook his head, smiling. Bill, it turns out, was a member of the rare species of men known as Homo technophobiens. And if he played his cards right with me, he'd soon be Homo erectus.
- rattle something off : (기억하고 있는 내용을) 줄줄 말하다 / a tongue with Parkinson's disease : 파킨슨 병에 관한 언변(전문적인 지식) / incredulously : 의심하듯이 / Homo techonphobien : 첨단기술을 배우는 것을 두려워하는 사람 / Homo erectus : 호모 에렉투스(직립 원인) /
I moved as close to him as our first-class seats would allow. Bill went on to tell me he was Native American and didn't believe in modern technology. Whoa! A handsome 45-year-old man who didn't have a douchey screen name like machostudd69? A guy who had never heard the words "Your mail-box is full" except when the Sears catalog came? By the time that flight was over, in my mind I was the future Mrs. Dances With Wolves, and I was this close to taking out his Little Bighorn right there on the plane.
- as ‘형/부사’ as S + V : S가 V할 만큼 ‘형/부사’하게
- whoa : (감탄사) 우와 / douchey : 무려한 말의 / screen name : 닉네임
Why did I get so jazzed at Bill's lack of electronic savvy? The answer is easy: I was fresh out of the craziest relationship of my life, and I was looking for its opposite. My ex, Tommy, was an online playa who used the Net to stimulate his nads. He was the Don Juan of the web, the log-on lothario, the Adonis of AOL.
- jazzed : 활기찬 재미있는 / savvy : (실용적인) 지식, 상식, 요령 / nads : (속어) 고환 / Don Juan : (비격식) 호색한 / lothario : 바람둥이 / Adonis : 미소년 / AOL : absent over leave 휴가결근
I never had the feeling Tommy was completely loyal to me. Maybe it was my insecurity, or maybe it was because whenever he heard " You've got mail," he got an erection. In any case, whenever I was with him, I kept one eye on him and the other on his computer. One Saturday morning when Tommy was snoring like an Irishman on March 18, I tiptoed over to his computer and started reading.
- erection : 발기 / snore : 코를 골다 / tiptoe : 발끝으로 살금살금 걷다
There, among a smattering of missives from friends and family, was what I had suspected all along. Endless strings of correspondence with more than a dozen women "friends" who were clearly much more. I mean, I've had lots of friends before, but never once has a "friend" sent me pictures of her snatch. Okay, once, but I immediately deleted Barbara Walters from my friends list. But seriously, Tommy's in-box was full of-box! And breasts! There were more boobs than the cast of Jersey Shore.
- Jersey Shore : 20대 이탈리안 미국인 남녀 8명의 사랑과 질투와 갈등을 담은 TV 프로그램
- a smattering of : 조금 / missive : 편지 / snatch : 잡아챔, 성교, 질, 여자
Before the advent of computers it used to be if you feared your boyfriend might cheat, you kept him home. Nowadays, that's the worst place he could be. Let me explain: If I'm dating a guy, he usually has quirky looks - more George Costanza than George Clooney. So when he's out, he flirts only with women who are attractive, and Brad Pitt-iful doesn't get far with that type. But online it's a whole different story. Any guy can pretend he still looks like his college rugby photo and suddenly he's the McDreamy of Match.com. What guy doesn't seem better when you can't smell him?
- quirky : 변덕스러운 / flirt : 추파를 던지다 / get far : (사태가) 발전하다
Don't get me wrong: I'm no prude. Taylor Swift I am not. Flirting is par of life that folks - married or single - can enjoy with no guilt, and checking people out online is not cheating any more than checking people out at the mall is. (Although, if you enjoy masturbating while checking people out, stick to doing it online. Mall security hates that.) However, banging someone you met online is cheating. If you're in a relationship, turn off the computer and love the one you're with. Remember the grass is always greener when you don't have to hear the sound of her annoying voice.
- prude : 내숭을 떠는 사람 / Taylor Swift : 가수 겸, 영화배우 / stick to : ~을 계속하다 / bang : (속어) 여자와 섹스를 하다, 쾅하고 치다[때리다] / be in a relationship : 누군가를 사귀다 /
Tommy's computer protocol was second only to his phone antics. In fact, Tommy may have been the first person to have the Tiger Woods texting plan - even on our dates. And it wasn't as though his texts were work-related. The only "jobs" he was texting about were blow, hand and rim.
- may have + p.p : (과거의 긍정적인 추측) ~였던 것 같다 / as though : 마치 ~인 것 같은 / about 전치사의 목적어인 the only "jobs"가 주어로 도치됨
- antics : 괴상한 행동 / blow, hand and rim : 섹스
Texting on a date, much like exposing your genitals, is inappropriate unless it's a blind date, and by "blind date" I mean the other person is blind. If you're so bored on a date that you find yourself texting, buy yourself a TV dinner and masturbate. I'm not saying you can't peek at your phone to see if someone hotter wants a shot at you, but typing away like a coked-out Lindsay Lohan is just plain rude. The only way your fingers should be working that hard on a date is if your hands are under the table and up my skirt.
- so bored that 절 : 너무 지루해서 ~하다 / the only way (that) your fingers should be working ..... is if 구문
- genitals : 성기 / blind date : 서로 모르는 남녀의 데이트, 소개팅 / a TV dinner : 텔레비전을 보면서 간단히 먹는 식사 / masturbate : 자위하다 / want a shot at : ~와 섹스를 원하다 / type away : 전적으로 메시지를 입력하다 / coked-out : 코카인(마약)에 취한 /
I know what you're wondering: Did I marry Bill and live a technology-free life as though we were Amish? No. Bill wasn't just technologically retarded; he was also socially retarded. You'd think a guy without the electronic accoutrements of life would have developed interpersonal skills. But alas, Bill had as many friends in real life as he had on the World Wide Web - none. And he had a personality to match.
- as many B as A : A만큼 많은 B인
- Amish : 아미쉬파(현대 기술문명을 거부하고 소박한 농경생활을 하는 미국의 한 종교 집단) / retarded : 발달 능력이 떨어진 / accoutrement : 장비
In the end, I wound up with a guy who had a computer and a cell phone but who gave me his passwords on our third date. Take your diamonds and flowers and stick them up your twats, bitches. The password is the gift that keeps on giving. And I don't have to live in a tepee.
- wind up with : ~와 헤어지다 / stick up : ~을 내밀다(주다) / twats : (섹스 상대의) 여자 / bitch : (속어 못마땅함) (개 같은) 년 / tepee : (과거 북미 원주민들의) 원뿔형 천막
The first time I ever got really turned on giving a blow job I was 22, on a date with a man I barely knew but liked a lot. It was night, in a parking lot after a Bad Brains show, and he leaned against the hood of my car while I got on my knees. We could have been strangers - we almost were - and somehow the darkness, the anonymity of the situation liberated me from worrying about doing something wrong or feeling self-conscious. I allowed myself to sink deep into the fantasy of what it must feel like for him - the pressure, the warmth, the wetness. All of a sudden the only thing in the world was that cock and my connection to it.
- blow job : 구강섹스 / turn on : ~에 흥미를 끌다 / barely : 거의 ~아니게[없이]
Before that night I had been wary of the blow job, thought of it as something you "gave" someone, like a gift. Or, occasionally, as something that had to be done as a duty. It was just that I was unsure of cock when I got up close to one; it contained unreadable male mysteries. I might hurt it or maybe just do nothing right. Maybe I looked ridiculous. I didn't really know what parts of it wanted to be touched, or how. It seemed to be its own creature, almost uncannily separate from the man who owned it. Perhaps simpleminded but authoritarian and judgemental.
- wary of : 경계하는 / get up 일으켜 세우다 / close to : 아주 가까이 / uncannily : 초자연적으로, 신비적으로 /
Many of my friends, or at least the ones who talked about fellatio, often described it as something distasteful or as a reward to bestow or even a means of controlling a man. My friends talked about feeling uncomfortable, being alone with a part of your boyfriend that was him but was not him. I understood; there could be something lonely about the act, something that made you feel disconnected from your partner. It was easy to imagine you were just an appendage to masturbation.
- fellatio : 구강성교
But starting that night in the parking lot I began to understand the profound, dirty pleasure of giving blow jobs. It isn't just that I discovered how much I like being in control, how much I like giving the kind of pleasure that makes someone helpless and how intoxicating it is to be on the receiving end of hurricane-levels of desire. But, that night, it was also the revelation of the particular male smell you get up close with a cock and balls that turned me on in ways that are almost beyond description. It was like being inside sex.
- profound : 심오한 / it isn't just that : ~만은 아니다 / intoxicating : 도취시키는 / revelation : 뜻밖의 발견 / beyond description : 형용할 수 없는
Plato said that human beings can only truly access the Divine through sexual ecstasy, Eros. This has always made so much sense to me. When else are humans as rapt by feeling as when they come and when they touch God? That feeling of connection to the universal, the feeling of having exited my own body as I orgasm is nothing other than touching the infinite.
- rapt : rap의 p.p, 황홀하게 하다 / nothing other than = nothing but = only
Yet I have never been able to get close to that Platonic, out-of-my-mind kind of sexual ecstasy unless I can satisfy a primal hunger: Whether in fantasy or reality, I need a connection to another equally raunchy human being. It has always been the case with me, since I was a teenager, that I have to see someone else's horniness in order to feel horny. What I happily realized on my knees in the parking lot is that an erect cock in my face is among the most blatant ways of experiencing the realness of someone else's desire I'd ever encountered. And every time, it spurs a response in me, hot and dark as if I am doing something transgressive in the best possible way.
- the case that I have to see .... : the case는 that절의 동격
- platonic : (육체관계를 하지 않은) 정신적인 사랑의, 플라토닉한 / raunchy : 음란한 / spur : 자극하다 / as if : 마치 ~인 것 처럼
But then there was the time I blew a friend of mine, when I discovered yet a new, more intense level of pleasure waiting for me in the blow job. My friend and I had known each other for years but had never been sexual until one night we wound up drunk, naked in his bed, mumbling about what a bad idea it was. All the awkwardness of being with a new person was made excruciating by the self-consciousness that I really knew this man - his quirks and peeves - the girls he found attractive, the complex relationship he had with his family and his career. But then a supple communication started between me and his penis as I began to suck, a communication beyond words and much deeper than any we had ever had before.
- intense : 격렬한 / mumble : 중얼거리다 / excruciating : 몹시 괴로운 / quirk : 변덕 / peeve : 짜증 / supple : 나긋나긋한, 비위를 맞추는
His cock felt so sexy in my mouth, hard and hot and aching with desire. But I could also feel how much of this man was being revealed to me: his sexuality, his vulnerability, his musky smell.
- vulnerability : 연약함 / musky : 사향 냄새가 나는
Soon the connection started to feel like a merging, as though I was experiencing that blow job too. It felt crazy, off-the-charts raunchy, to fantasize that I was not only giving head but getting it. All of a sudden I was overwhelmed by pure animal pleasure. I was so turned on that I came.
- off-the-charts raunchy : 틀에서 벗어난 음탕한
Since that night's discovery I always revel in the double fantasy of giving and receiving. And I honor the wisdom of the old Greek philosophers who pointed out that although the Divine is inscrutable, it is easy to find while sucking on a dick.
- the Divine : 신, 창조주 / inscrutable : 헤아릴 수 없는
Playboy Advisor-1
My father cheated, my friends cheat, and I am ashamed to say I have cheated. I do not want to cheat anymore. Is there a medical procedure to curb my appetites? Would having a testicle removed do anything? - D.S., Sand Diego, California.
- I have cheated : (현재완료 계속) 속이는 일을 계속하고 있다 / have + 목적어(사물) + p.p : 목적어(사물) ~되어지게 하다
- be ashamed to ~을 부끄럽게 여기다 / curb : 자제하다 / testicle : 고환
Don't remove anything. Research suggests genetics plays a role in men cheating, but it's nothing a concept known as free will can't overcome. In 2008 scientists at the Karolineska Institute in Stockholm found men with one or two copies of a specific gene variant, or allele, had up to twice the disk of experiencing marital dysfunction, including a recent threat of divorce, compared with men carrying no copies.
- but it's nothing (that) a concept [known as free] will : that이 생략된 구문임
- play a role : 역할을 하다 / variant : 변형 / allele : (생물) 대립 형질[유전자] / dysfunction : 기능장애 / disk : 원반 조직
However, about 15 percent of that group of naturally devoted husbands also reported discord, so environmental factors such as religious beliefs and family background certainly play a role. But let's say the research leads to a pill or shot to suppress the adultery instinct. As the novelist Walter Kirn has observed, "The problem with a drug that makes us be good is that being good, when it comes naturally, isn't that big an achievement, morally speaking."
- let's say : 예를 들면
In other words, no one admires a eunuch for his self-control. Further, Kirn predicts men, "most in need of a monogamy injection would be the least inclined to have one," and that women could "lock down" partners by insisting on an injection before they agree to sex. Even if you could take a pill, he notes, you'd still feel bad - men feel regret when we stray but also when we don't because of all the other women we could be having sex with but aren't.
- eunuck : 환관, 내시 / monogamy injection :
Playboy Advisor-2
Last year I didn't serve champagne at our New Year's Eve party because some nitwit who will go unnamed forgot to put it in the refrigerator to chill. We discovered this at 11:30 P.M. I'll be more vigilant this year, but could anything have been done? - J.M., Portland, Oregon.
- go unnamed 이름을 밝히지 않다 / nitwit 멍청이 / vigilant 바짝 경계하는 / chill (음식을[이]) 차게 식히다[식다], ~을 오싹하게 만들다
Yes. Place the bottle in an ice bucket or plastic container. Add a layer of ice to the bottom and sprinkle in a few tablespoons of salt. Layer ice and salt until you reach the neck, then add water until it too reaches the neck. Because saltwater freezes a too much lower temperature than freshwater, the bottle should chill in about 10 minutes. This isn't ideal, however, as some feel that "rapid chill" can affect flavor; if you can, allow for 30 to 45 minutes to chill a bottle in ice water. We can also report that French scientists last year calculated the optimal way to pour champagne to preserve the most bubbles. Writing in the Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, researchers found that pouring the bubbly down the side of an angled glass (the beer-like way of serving) preserved as many as twice the bubbles as pouring it straight into the glass. They also found the warmer the champagne, the more bubbles are lost during the pour. Ideally, they concluded, champagne should be chilled to 39 degrees Fahrenheit.
- angled glass 모난, 각이 있는, 치우친
Playboy Advisor-3
I enjoy nothing more than watching a beautiful woman when she's sound asleep. Actually, what I enjoy more is fondling a woman while she's asleep. The thrill of her lying unconscious with my hands all over her is incredible. This can't be normal. Is there a name for this desire? - M.R., Acworth, Georgia.
- sound sleep 단잠 / fondle 애무하다, 소중히 여기다
It's known as somnophilia, sleepy-sex or sleeping princess syndrome. Your interest is unusual, as a woman's erotic feedback accounts for as much as 99 percent of a typical guy's arousal. Most men who grope a sleeping girlfriend or wife do so with the idea she might wake up horny; depending on the hour, this response occurs far less often than anticipated. Somnophila is abnormal (and immoral and illegal) only if your partner is actually unconscious rather than playing along. Some somnophilia sites focus on particular scenarios: Sleeping Tushy provides videos of anilingus performed on nonresponsive actors, another site features videos that appear to have been shot in the dark, and another is devoted to men simply carrying limp women, a la Creature From the Black Lagoon.
- somnophilia 수면 성적 도착, 이상 성욕 / horny (성적으로) 매력이 있는, 육감적인 / anilingus (성적 흥분을 위한) 항문을 입으로 자극하기 / feature 특별히 포함하다 / limp 축 처진, 절뚝거리다
Playboy Advisor-4
My wife and I have been trying to have anal intercourse for a few years, without success. We always use lots of lube. We start with rubbing and touching and more to inserting a finger and small toys. My wife enjoys all this. However, when we try to advance to larger toys she feels discomfort, and it takes a long time before she is willing to try again. Is there anything we can use to desensitize the anus? - S.D., Tucson, Arizona
- anal intercourse 항문 성교 / desensitize (특히 문제 등에) 둔감하게 만들다
That's the last thing you want to do. "Numbing creams and lotions not only keep you from feeling preasure, they can mask pain that could be a sing of problems," warns Tristan Taormino, author of The Ultimate Guide to Anal Sex for Women. You are pursuing the right strategy here, taking it slow from finger to toy, but Taormino suggests spending more time with smaller toys, using lubes designed for anal play (she recommends Astrolide gel) and continuing to be patient. If your goal is to have anal intercourse, the toys don't have to be that large (no offense). It also sounds as though your wife may need more massaging and foreplay - the more relaxed and turned on a woman is, the easier penetration will be. Finally, we suggest she play with your ass, including penetrating it, which will give you a better feel (literally) for speed and limits when you're in the driver's seat.
Playboy Advisor-5
In October a reader said his girlfriend had started to "lovingly" grab his crotch through his clothes. I have a similar problem: My girlfriend stares at other men's crotches. I confronted her, but she acted dumbfounded. She works in a place where all the guys were dress pants. I know from experience that if you look at a man's crotch when he's in slacks you can sometimes see the outline of his penis, including the head and how long it hangs. Is this normal behavior for women? - M.T., Macon, Georgia
In October a reader said his girlfriend had started to "lovingly" grab his crotch through his clothes. I have a similar problem: My girlfriend stares at other men's crotches. I confronted her, but she acted dumbfounded. She works in a place where all the guys were dress pants. I know from experience that if you look at a man's crotch when he's in slacks you can sometimes see the outline of his penis, including the head and how long it hangs. Is this normal behavior for women? - M.T., Macon, Georgia
While we find ti hard to believe your girlfriend is transfixed by other men's genitals, if she looks in a certain direction below a horizontal plane and a man in tight slacks happens to be standing there, what is her crime? Curiosity? Lust? Looking is not touching, sucking or fucking. We suggest your get over this fast before she realizes you're the jealous type. You may also consider the effect of cleavage and camel toes that wander into your field of vision. Should she be worried about that?
While we find ti hard to believe your girlfriend is transfixed by other men's genitals, if she looks in a certain direction below a horizontal plane and a man in tight slacks happens to be standing there, what is her crime? Curiosity? Lust? Looking is not touching, sucking or fucking. We suggest your get over this fast before she realizes you're the jealous type. You may also consider the effect of cleavage and camel toes that wander into your field of vision. Should she be worried about that?
Playboy Advisor-6
Can you wear socks with sandals? - L.S., Camarillo, California
Can you wear socks with sandals? - L.S., Camarillo, California
If you need socks, wear shoes. Nevertheless, we are seeing more of this suspect combination, and even the ancient Romans appear to have worn the two together, based on fibers embedded in the nail of a 2,000-year-old sandal discovered last year by British archaeologists. There may not be a connection, but the Roman empire is no longer around.
If you need socks, wear shoes. Nevertheless, we are seeing more of this suspect combination, and even the ancient Romans appear to have worn the two together, based on fibers embedded in the nail of a 2,000-year-old sandal discovered last year by British archaeologists. There may not be a connection, but the Roman empire is no longer around.
Playboy TV
It's Couple Time
Two is almost always better than one - particularly in matters of sex - which is why Playboy TV is introducing "TV for 2" couples programming this month. Whether you are looking for spicy reality TV, candid sex advice or provocative story lines, this brand-new block of shows is guaranteed to turn up the heat and he intimacy on your date night. Enjoy reality programs such as Brooklyn Kinda Love (pictured, premieres Saturday, January 15 at 10 P.M. ET), which follows couples inside and outside the bedroom as they live their lives in New York City, and Swing (premieres Friday, February 11), on which monogamous couples get a first-time two-day pass to "the Lifestyle." Or learn some new tricks and erotic moves from Playboy's Sex-treme Makeover. Enjoy these new programs with your wife, your girlfriend or that sexy neighbor you've been texting for months - because it's always more fun to watch Playboy TV when you have someone to keep you company. Visit playboytv.com for more information.
'타임, 뉴스위크, 웹 직독직해 > 야후 웹사이트' 카테고리의 다른 글
China Warns Of World War 3 Unless The US Backs Down On South China Sea
China Warns Of World War 3 Unless The US Backs Down On South China Sea
'타임, 뉴스위크, 웹 직독직해 > 야후 웹사이트' 카테고리의 다른 글
최고의 전쟁영화 5편
'타임, 뉴스위크, 웹 직독직해 > 야후 웹사이트' 카테고리의 다른 글
Science says these 5 things happen to couples who have been together a long time
Being with someone for a long time changes the way you see the world. It also changes you. Everything from how you act to the way you think shifts in ever-so-slight ways.
And according to Joshua Wolf Shenk, the author of "Powers of Two," these tiny shifts are also the catalyst for a different kind of thought process — a shared mind, so to speak — that allows couples (romantic or not) to come up with more creative solutions to problems than they'd ever think up on their own.
Here are some of the signs psychologists have observed that they say characterize such a shared mind.
1. You and your partner develop your own private language.
Ever get a text from your significant other that means absolutely nothing on its own but carries a certain significance that you can't quite explain?
This "insider" language is one of the first signs that the two of you are operating in sync, writes Shenk. According to a study from University of Texas professor of communication Robert Hopper, secret communication accomplishes two things: First, it helps deepen your bond — romantic or platonic. Second, it establishes a unique, shared identity.
Private language can include everything from inside jokes to nicknames, writes Ohio State University psychologist Carol Bruess in a study of romantic couples. Bruess' research suggests a link between how often partners use these private words and how satisfied they are with their relationship. Bruess found that the more often couples used secret words and phrases, the happier they tended to say they were.
2. You stop self-censoring.
The way most of us speak with strangers, acquaintances and even close friends is markedly different from how we talk when we're alone with our partner.
When we're with others, most of us "self-monitor." That is, we try to please the people around us by adapting our behavior to suit theirs.
But when we're with an inmate partner, we let go of this pattern of behavior and instead "talk fluidly and naturally," Shenk writes. In other words, we stop having to constantly check ourselves before we speak. We're more candid and more open.
Many of the pairs Shenk talks to in his book have such a relationship. University of California Berkeley psychologist Daniel Kahneman, for example, tells Shenk: "Like most people, I am somewhat cautious about exposing tentative thoughts to others." But after he'd spent a few years working with his research partner, cognitive psychologist Amos Tverksy, "this caution was completely absent."
3. You start to sound alike.
In addition to having their own private vocabulary, long term couples eventually "start to match each other in the basic rhythms and syntactical structures of their speech," writes Shenk.
Part of that is a result of a phenomenon that psychologists call "emotional contagion." Basically, when two people spend enough time together, they begin to match each other's speech patterns. We mimic everything from the other person's accent to the amount and length of pauses he or she puts between words and sentences.
There's some evidence to suggest that these changing speech patterns can even serve as one indicator of how long a couple might stay together.
Part of a 2010 study of language use among couples that looked at couples' text messages, for example, found that when two people "sounded" more alike (in terms of the words and language structure they used in their messages) they were also more likely to still be dating three months later.
4. You start to look alike.
In his influential 1987 study, psychologist Robert Zajonc found that there's a very obvious reason that married couples start to look alike: They use the same muscles so often that, over time, they start to mirror each other.
This coordination of movement isn't accidental, says Shenk. Instead, it "reflects what psychologists call a 'shared coordinative structure' which includes how we harmonize our gaze, body sway, and the little mannerisms and idiosyncrasies of how we speak.
5. You have a bunch of inside jokes that no one else thinks are funny.
Research suggests that couples are more likely to mirror each other's body language — which in turn makes them look alike — because they're drawing from a wealth of knowledge that only they share. This "insider info" — all of your shared experiences and memories — informs your gestures, posture, and the words and phrases you use with each other.
A 2007 study, for example, found that people were more likely to copy each other's eye gaze when they'd both heard the same background information before their conversation.
'타임, 뉴스위크, 웹 직독직해 > 야후 웹사이트' 카테고리의 다른 글
S.Korea says North defence chief executed with anti-aircraft fire
S.Korea says North defence chief executed with anti-aircraft fire
'타임, 뉴스위크, 웹 직독직해 > 야후 웹사이트' 카테고리의 다른 글
North Korea did not test fire a ballistic missile from a submarine as Pyongyang claimed 북한 미사일 발사에 대한 미국 입장
해석기법 - 동영상 강좌
North Korea did not test fire a ballistic missile from a submarine as Pyongyang claimed
북한 미사일 발사에 대한 미국 입장
Washington (AFP) - North Korea did not test fire a ballistic missile from a submarine as Pyongyang claimed over the weekend and the country is still a long way from achieving such a capability, US officials said Monday.
"That was not a ballistic missile," a defense official told AFP.The North's state media said on Saturday that a new submarine-launched ballistic missile (SLBM) had been tested but US officials rejected the regime's account.
The official played down the test, saying it did not represent a technical breakthrough for the North.
"They are trying to develop that capability," but there was no "imminent" threat of a submarine-launched missile arsenal coming on line in North Korea, said the official, who spoke on condition of anonymity.
Pyongyang's state media said North Korean leader Kim Jong-Un touted the test as an "eye-opening success" that gives his military a "world-level strategic weapon."
해석기법 - 동영상 강좌
South Korea called on North Korea to halt the program and assessed Pyongyang was still in the "early phase" of developing submarine-launched missiles.The precise nature of the launch remained unclear. Some analysts suggested the missile might have travelled only a few hundred meters, and that the event did not qualify as a full flight test.
But a defense official in Seoul, speaking on condition of anonymity, said the North could have a fully operational submarine armed with ballistic missiles within four or five years.
Experts say North Korea bought submarine missile technology from Russia shortly after the end of the Cold War, and has tried to reverse-engineer old Russian subs to build a launch system.
"We don't expect them to develop a highly capable system anywhere remotely similar to our ballistic missiles on submarines, but if they can put a missile on a submarine, even a short to medium-range missile, then that would obviously complicate our effort to track their missiles," John Schilling, an aerospace technology expert, said at a conference in Washington last week.
North Korea is still years away from building long-range missiles that could be fired from subs, according to a recent report by Schilling, who used to advise the US Air Force and now works for the Aerospace Corporation.
The Pentagon declined to comment on the test, saying the US government could not discuss "intelligence matters."
"Any type of launch of this nature would violate at least four UN Security Council resolutions. And it's another example of North Korea's unwillingness to play by the international rules," spokesman Colonel Steven Warren said.
해석기법 - 동영상 강좌
'타임, 뉴스위크, 웹 직독직해 > 야후 웹사이트' 카테고리의 다른 글
MOSCOW (AP) — A state-of-the-art Russian tank, which was shown to the public for the first time earlier this month, on Thursday ground to a halt during the final Victory Day rehearsal.
The tank, T-14 Armata, is said to surpass all Western versions because of its remotely controlled cannon and the protection it offers to its crew. The T-14, which replaces the T-72 and T-90, is set to undergo trials next year.
Weaponry was rolling across central Moscow Thursday morning in the dress rehearsal of the military parade on Red Square on May 9 as Russia commemorates the 70th anniversary of the victory over Nazi Germany in World War II.
One of the eight T-14s suddenly stopped while others drove on. The engine was still rumbling but it wouldn't move. After an attempt to tow it failed, the T-14 rolled away under its own steam about 15 minutes later.
While the tank was stranded on the cobbled Red Square, the presenter commenting over the PA system said it was part of the training to "evacuate weaponry" and had been planned.
The tank's producer insisted that the T-14 did not break down.
Alexei Zharich, deputy general director of the Uralvagonzavod factory, said on Twitter that the military were responsible for the way the rehearsal was held but insisted that the tank "was functioning properly and left on its own power."
'타임, 뉴스위크, 웹 직독직해 > 야후 웹사이트' 카테고리의 다른 글
Russia Armata T-14 Tank Said to Be Faster Than a US Abrams
Russia Armata T-14 Tank Said to Be Faster Than a US Abrams
Russia Armata T-14 Tank Said to Be Faster Than a US Abrams
The Russia Armata T-14 tank will be the main attraction at Moscow's Victory Parade on Saturday, and some believe the variant could be part of a new 13-vehicle system.
해석기법 동영상 강좌
The T-14, according to the Army Times, is said to be faster than the U.S. Abrams tank with a larger main gun and could be "fully robotic." Military experts told the newspaper that a better look at the T-14 could come at the Russian Arms Expo in September.
"The tank is highly automated — the Russian military says it could be the basis for a fully robotic tank in future," the BBC News reported. "It has a remote-control gun turret with a 125mm smooth-bore cannon that can fire guided missiles as well as shells. The crew of three is housed in a reinforced capsule at the front, away from the firing systems."
The T-14 tanks, built by UralVagonZavod, could number about 2,300 by 2020, replacing the Soviet Union-era tanks the Russian military is using today.
해석기법 동영상 강좌
"The new vehicles are principally clean-slate designs and represent the biggest change in Russia's armored fighting vehicle families since the 1960s and 1970s," wrote Nicholas de Larrinaga of HIS Jane's Defence Weekly.
The Army Times reported that the new tanks come with increased Russian military activities in the Black Sea while Russian airplanes were allegedly tracked as close as 50 miles from the California coast, the closest they have been since the end of the Cold War.
"My concern about those kinds of activities is there can be a miscalculation or mistake that could lead to a confrontation," Lt. Gen. John Nicholson, commander of NATO Land Command, said in January, according to the Times. "When you look at the history of warfare, it's replete with examples where a miscalculation or mistake can spin into war."
CNN reported that the Armata platform also could be used for an infantry combat vehicle, a heavy armored personnel carrier, and self-propelled artillery, according to the Russian state news agency TASS. The Russians will also display a new aircraft during Saturday's parade, according to TASS.
해석기법 동영상 강좌
'타임, 뉴스위크, 웹 직독직해 > 야후 웹사이트' 카테고리의 다른 글
Watch Out, China: Asia's Dangerous Submarine Race Heats Up
Watch Out, China: Asia's Dangerous Submarine Race Heats Up
Thailand is the latest country in maritime Asia seeking to build up its submarine force.
According to local media reports, the Thai Royal Navy has formally submitted a proposal to the cabinet asking it to fund a submarine program.
Admiral Kraisorn Chansuvanich, the commander of the Thai Navy, explained the rationale behind his service’s desire to acquire submarines.
"Neighboring countries like Vietnam, Malaydsia, Indonesia, and Singapore have had submarines in their arsenals for many years,” Kraisorn said, according toKhaosad, a local Thai newspaper. "Now that I am here, I think it is a part of the strategy to improve our armed forces. It's my duty to submit the request to the government for consideration. Whether the government will approve it or not is up to them."
In the proposal, Kraisorn also stressed the urgency of the request, noting that even after it has been approved it will take some time before Thailand will actually be able to acquire the subs.
"Even if the government approved the purchase today, we won’t be able to acquire them instantly, because time will be needed to build the ships and send our personnel to receive training and improve their expertise for one to two years. So, it will take at least five or six years before submarines can enter our service,” Kraisorn said, according to the Khaosad report.
The navy’s proposal was not unexpected. Back in January of this year, theBangkok Post reported, citing an unnamed official in the defense ministry, that the navy would ask to procure two to three submarines in the new defense budget.
“The navy has been vetting submarines from various countries including South Korea, China, Russia and France. South Korea's U209 model is said to be the least expensive at 11 billion baht apiece [roughly $338.7 billion].” The same report said that Thailand’s defense minister backed the proposal in principle.
Thailand has lacked a working submarine since 1951. However, the military has repeatedly tried to persuade the government to purchase subs, and many believethat the military coup in Thailand last year made it more likely that the navy would finally win this support.
Thailand’s purchase of submarines would be consistent with the general trend in the region. Indeed, maritime Asia seems to be locked into something of a submarine arms race as of late, with a number of countries expanding their undersea fleets.
As I’ve noted elsewhere, the three countries that line the Malacca Strait— Singapore, Malaysia, and Indonesia— have all acquired formidable submarine fleets. Indonesia, in particular, has ambitious plans to acquire at least ten submarines by 2024, and ultimately may amass a fleet of between 14-16 vessels.
Vietnam, too, has been hard at work strengthening its submarine force. Most notably, it is purchasing six Project 636M Kilo-class submarines from Russia for $2.6 billion. It has already taken possession of at least three of these boats.
Meanwhile, across the South China Sea, Taiwan— which already possesses four submarines—is seeking external help to develop an indigenous capacity to build diesel-electric submarines. Japan, too, has one of the most powerful submarine fleets in the world, and is in discussions with Australia to sell Canberra its most advanced submarines. Japan may also sell India six submarines.
South Korea has also gone “all in” on submarines, with around thirteen subs already operating and ambitious plans to increase this number in the years ahead.
The Philippines is the latest country to express an interest in building an undersea fleet.
China’s growing military power is behind much of the desire to beef up submarine capabilities in the region. Beijing itself has rapidly expanded its submarine fleet in recent years, and now operates more subs than even the United States.
At the same time, China’s anti-submarine warfare (ASW) capabilities have lagged, and this is especially true away from the Chinese mainland. As a result, many of the countries locked in maritime disputes with China see submarines as a crucial asymmetric capability they can use to beat back their larger neighbor’s military challenge.
This is not limited to small Southeast Asian nations, however. Even many in the United States believe submarines will be essential if Washington is to contend with China’s growing military might.
As Dave Majumdar recently noted on The National Interest, “A new class of nuclear-powered guided missile submarines could be the key to maintaining America’s future naval supremacy as new weapons increasingly challenge the dominance of the U.S. Navy’s aircraft carriers.”
'타임, 뉴스위크, 웹 직독직해 > 야후 웹사이트' 카테고리의 다른 글
Supercavitating Very High Speed Stealth Anti-Piracy and Special Ops ship
Supercavitating Very High Speed Stealth Anti-Piracy and Special Ops ship
Juliet Marine Systems is a maritime technology think tank that is developing innovative solutions for naval and commercial applications. They seek to assure fleet force protection in response to small vessel terrorist attacks against our Navy and coalition ships. There is a clear and present danger of these tactics being used against the U.S. Navy throughout the world and in our home ports. These same innovative technologies, applied to commercial needs, will provide a significant decrease in transit time and increase in energy efficiency, resulting in the savings of thousands of gallons of fuel daily.
동영상 강좌 https://youtu.be/glddRIs58bo
As a maritime systems think tank, Juliet Marine Systems provides offensive, defensive and ISR solutions that are developed in a skunk works operation able to rapidly invent and construct needed technologies and systems for the Navy and armed forces. We have already developed a surface variant of a supercavitating craft and are planning to apply our unique technology in a Unmanned Undersea Vehicle (UUV) prototype.
Although it is a surface vessel, the hydrodynamics of the twin submerged buoyant tubular foils are also a test bed for Juliet Marine's next planned prototype, a long duration UUV. This revolutionary proprietary technology vessel platform will assure force protection through stealth fighter/attack capabilities along with integrated situation awareness. These vessels would create a protective fleet perimeter, providing sensor and weapons platforms, allowing no surface or subsurface intrusions.
The surface vessel is a combination of stealth fighter aircraft and attack helicopter technologies packaged in a marine platform. It is designed to provide a marine surface and subsurface platform for tracking and identification of multiple targets. Systems for integrating on-board weapons will be designed to be capable of multi-target firing solutions while it operates at very high speed. These weapons integration systems will also allow for attacking several targets simultaneously with a variety of weapons systems options.
동영상 강좌 https://youtu.be/mFyPj8gKXy4
The same capabilities that have made helicopters valuable to get to hard to reach locations fast, will apply to the surface vessel in commercial applications in the maritime environment. Crew rotations or resupply runs for critical items to off-shore oil rigs can be accomplished two to three times faster than the craft currently in use and would be far less expensive and have fewer weather restrictions than using helicopter assets. The surface vessel is two to three times as fast as most ferries in use today.
성경 미스터리 Isael National Hero 이스라엘 민족의 영웅 모세 01
* The roof holds a mount for a machine gun and rocket launcher.
* Triple the range of comparable sized ships
* super-cavitating surface craft which can achieve 900 times less hull friction than a conventional watercraft.
* The Ghost has achieved speeds of over 30 knots, and is being tested to 50 knots
* The current Ghost costs $10 million per copy, is crewed by 3-5 sailors, has an endurance of 30 days, and can be partially disassembled to fit in a C-17 Globemaster III for transport if needed. There is room for 16 passengers with two 6 in (15 cm)-diameter round windows in the hull.
* High-level discussions have been held with a foreign nation interested in 25 Ghosts for a potential $300 million sale. Juliet Marine also offered a scaled-up corvette-sized Ghost 150 ft (46 m) in length to the U.S. Navy as part of their re-evaluation of the Littoral Combat Ship program; costing about $50 million per vessel, it is six times cheaper than the $300 million per-ship cost of a Freedom-class and Independence-class littoral combat ship.
Operating a handful of warships and aircraft near Somalia will cost the European Union $8.3 million annually over the next two years. The average cost of an armed security team for commercial vessels is $2,000 to $4,000 per day. And there is no guarantee that the guns, guards, and warships will work. One of last year’s deadliest attacks happened aboard a tanker in the Gulf of Guinea that was protected by private security. Guards killed two pirates before retreating to a safe room, but the assault continued, and one crew member died.
Governments and shipping companies could continue to fight pirates in the same reactive fashion they always have. What companies like Juliet Marine offer is a more proactive approach, one that could discourage pirates before they ever leave shore.
Engagement is where Ghost would come in. It would operate in troubled waters, using barges or other ships as its base, and respond to calls from distressed vessels. Two or three Ghosts in a region could take the place of dozens of armed guards and battleships. And because they’d be a constant force, they would not only defuse active threats but also discourage any new ones.
That’s Greg Sancoff’s vision, at least. The current prototype can reach only 30 knots (just 10 knots faster than a souped-up Somali skiff), although Juliet Marine says a production model will nearly double that speed.
Installing Ghost’s propellers in front solved not only the control problem but actually furthered the vessel’s supercavitation by helping to push water aside, making room for air coming from above the water. It also meant that the craft would potentially be more stable and have less drag than hydrofoils, which also have hulls that rise out above the water. “That was the eureka,” says Sancoff. “I immediately started designing the boat on my kitchen table with a pen and paper.”
'타임, 뉴스위크, 웹 직독직해 > 야후 웹사이트' 카테고리의 다른 글
Russia Armata T-14 Tank Said to Be Faster Than a US Abrams (0) | 2015.05.07 |
Watch Out, China: Asia's Dangerous Submarine Race Heats Up (0) | 2015.04.26 |
Russia just unveiled its new Armata battle tank 러시아는 새로운 아마타 전투용탱크를 막 공개했다. (0) | 2015.04.23 |
New 'Jurassic World' Trailer Unveils More Dino Details and Theme Park Damage (0) | 2015.04.21 |
Fall In Love, Lose Weight 사랑에 빠지면, 몸무게가 빠진다. (0) | 2015.03.23 |
Russia just unveiled its new Armata battle tank 러시아는 새로운 아마타 전투용탱크를 막 공개했다.
Russia just unveiled its new Armata battle tank 러시아는 새로운 아마타 전투용탱크를 막 공개했다.
The Russian military has released its first official picture of the new "Armata" Universal Combat Platform that will form the base of its main battle tank.
러시아 군부는 자국의 주요 전투용탱크 기반을 형성할 새로운 "아마타" 일반 전투 포상의 첫번째 공식적 그림을 공개했다.
동영상 강좌 http://youtu.be/Y2hoJmo88D8
The pictures come as part of the preparations for the Victory Day parade on May 9 in the Russian capital. Among the over 100 vehicles that will drive through the streets of Moscow during this year's event, there will be ten T-14 battle tanks that are built on the "Armata" platform.
이 그림은 러시아의 수도에서 5월 9일 승전 기념일 퍼레이드를 위한 준비의 일환이다. 올해의 행사에 모습을 드러낼 100대 이상의 차량 중에, "아마타 포상"으로 제작된 10대의 T-14 전투용 탱크가 포함될 것이다.
[전쟁야사] 제5부 2차세계대전 유럽전선
The tanks will ultimately replace the current main battle tank of the Russian Ground Forces and Naval Infantry — the T-90, according to independent Russian news service Interfax:
러시아의 자주적 언론매체인 인터팍스에 따르면, 이 탱크는 현재의 러시아의 지상군과 해군포병의 주력인 T-90을 궁극적으로 대체할 것이다.
The tank on the "Armata" platform is intended for use as a new main battle tank Russian Ground Forces with fundamentally new performance characteristics, including a new gun ammunition feed.
"아마타" 포상의 탱크는 새로운 탄약장착을 포함하는 근본적으로 새로운 수행특성으로 러시아 지상군의 주력탱크로 활용될 것이다.
The graphic below from the Russian state-owned news service Tass, translated by US Army's Foreign Military Studies Office, shows the tanks key characteristics:
러시아의 국영방송국인 타스통신으로 부터 공개된 아래의 사진은 미군의 외국군사연구소에서 번역되어 그 탱크의 주요제원을 공개했다.
프랑스 대혁명 France Revolution 1
'타임, 뉴스위크, 웹 직독직해 > 야후 웹사이트' 카테고리의 다른 글
Watch Out, China: Asia's Dangerous Submarine Race Heats Up (0) | 2015.04.26 |
Supercavitating Very High Speed Stealth Anti-Piracy and Special Ops ship (3) | 2015.04.24 |
New 'Jurassic World' Trailer Unveils More Dino Details and Theme Park Damage (0) | 2015.04.21 |
Fall In Love, Lose Weight 사랑에 빠지면, 몸무게가 빠진다. (0) | 2015.03.23 |
N Korea camp survivor 'very sorry' facts were wrong (0) | 2015.03.02 |
New 'Jurassic World' Trailer Unveils More Dino Details and Theme Park Damage
New 'Jurassic World' Trailer Unveils More Dino Details and Theme Park Damage
With the park’s opening getting closer, Universal has released the most violent and revelatory trailer for Jurassic World yet.
The film, written and directed by Colin Trevorrow (Safety Not Guaranteed), zooms ahead to the future — past the disasters that went down in the first three films — to a time when a fully operational theme park resort attracts tourists like a pre-historic SeaWorld. The whole operation seems to be going quite well — until the profit-hungry management decides that bringing dinosaurs back from the dead is no longer a good enough business plan. Now, they’ve genetically modified a new, even bigger dinosaur: The Indominus Rex.
It was a big mistake, because as this trailer reveals, the new creature is a genius killing machine, laying waste to humans with reckless abandon (and initially slaying a few dinos, as well). Things get worse when the Indominus Rex begins organizing other dinosaurs into a nightmare giant reptile militia, which could sink the island into an ocean of blood — and only Chris Pratt, as the cocky dino-whisperer Owen Grady, can save them.
In this new trailer, we get a fuller sense of just how dangerous this new dinosaur is, as well as a better picture of the damage he’s causing — both in taking human lives and wrecking the infrastructure of the park. The rides and concourses of the park seem to take nods from both SeaWorld and more traditional theme parks like Universal Studios (which makes sense, given the parent company) and Disney World, especially the Animal Kingdom in Orlando.
Here’s a suggestion for future travelers: Not even Donald Duck would ever go on this crazy of a rampage.
Jurassic World hits theaters on June 12.
'Jurassic World': 5 Raptor-ous Revelations From the New Trailer
The new Jurassic World trailer is stomping its way around the web, giving us another look at all the dino-devastation we can expect when the movie opens June 12. Here are some of the biggest moments from the new trailer:
1. Pratt knows how to talk to the animals.
We’ve long known that Pratt’s character, Owen Grady, was capable of taming the wildest beasts ever known to man. But now we know howhe does it: By simply chatting with 'em! “Stand down,” he tells a pack of 'raptors, who dutifully (if crankily) oblige. Later, he explains: “It’s not about control. It’s a relationship, based on respect.”
It may seem crazy that his method works, but keep in mind: All of the victims in the first three Jurassic films insisted on running and screaming when confronted by a prehistoric killer. Not once did someone sit down with one of those little Compsognathus fellas down and say, “Hey, you know what? I haven’t asked you about your day. How’d it go? Was work OK? Did things go OK with Shirley, or was she being weird again?” That kind of water-cooler chat could have saved countless lives!
2. Bryce Dallas Howard isn’t putting up with any Pratt-splaining.
As we saw in that disappointingly retrograde clip released earlier this month — in which Bryce Dallas Howard’s park-chief was portrayed as a chilly shrew, with Pratt’s character as the super-laid-back bro —World’s two human leads don’t always get along. Hence Howard’s eye-roll reaction when Pratt points out the dino’s desires: “These animals are thinking, ‘I gotta eat. I gotta hunt. I gotta [international gesture for dinosaur-boinking].’ You’ve gotta be able to relate to at least one of those things.” These two have so much drama, whether it’s from their complicated past, crazed workplace, or prehistoric, gender-stereotyped character traits!
3. The park looks like it’d be a ton o’ fun…
'타임, 뉴스위크, 웹 직독직해 > 야후 웹사이트' 카테고리의 다른 글
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Russia just unveiled its new Armata battle tank 러시아는 새로운 아마타 전투용탱크를 막 공개했다. (0) | 2015.04.23 |
Fall In Love, Lose Weight 사랑에 빠지면, 몸무게가 빠진다. (0) | 2015.03.23 |
N Korea camp survivor 'very sorry' facts were wrong (0) | 2015.03.02 |
US Christians back emerging private war on Iraq jihadists (0) | 2015.02.27 |
Fall In Love, Lose Weight 사랑에 빠지면, 몸무게가 빠진다.
Fall In Love, Lose Weight 사랑에 빠지면, 몸무게가 빠진다.
Do you ever see attractive couples walking around and curse their existence?
당신은 주위를 산책하는 매력적인 부부를 보고 그들의 존재에 험담을 한적이 있나요?
So do I! My eyes stink at their smiles, their hand-holding, and general joy.
나도 그렇습니다. 제 눈은 그들의 미소를 지을 때, 손을 잡고 있을 때 기쁨에 차 있을 때 흘킴니다.
We could sit here for a long time analyzing my reactions, but I should probably pay a psychiatric professional for that.
우리는 나의 반응을 분석하면서 오랜 시간을 이곳에 앉아 있을 수 있지만, 그것을 위한 정신과 전문의에게 상담을 받아야만 합니다.
One thing we can touch on though, is their physique.
그러나 우리가 한가지 다룰 수 있는 것은 그들의 체형입니다.
You see, when you’re in love, your body creates the hormone oxytocin.
당신도 알듯이, 당신이 사랑에 빠져있을때, 당신의 체형은 호르몬 옥시토신을 생산해 냅니다.
It’s released after positive social interactions—think sex, hugging, hand holding, all that stuff.
그것은 긍정적인 사회적 반응 - 섹스, 포옹, 손을 잡는 것, 그러한 모든 것을 생각 - 후에 생산됩니다.
A recent study that sampled twenty-five men (half of whom were obese) exposed some to the hormone via nasal spray, and gave the rest a placebo.
25명의 남성들과 그들 중 반은 비만인 사람을 샘플한 최근의 한 연구는 코를 자극하는 스프레이에 몇몇을 노출시켰고 나머지 사람들에겐 위약(환자를 안심시키는 약)을 주었습니다.
pla·ce·bo [plǝtʃéibou] n. 위약(僞藥)《환자를 안심시키기 위해 주는 약》.
After administering the dosage, each subject was given a menu of food and got double whatever they ordered.
약이 투약이된 후, 각 피실험자들은 음식메뉴를 받고 그들이 주문한 것이 무엇이든지 두배롤 얻게 되었다.
(So, you get an artificial sex high and a double breakfast? Amazing study.)
(그리하여, 당신은 인위적인 섹스가 고조되고 두배의 아침식사를 하는가? 놀라운 연구)
They returned later to test the effects after giving each subject the opposite of what they’d received earlier.
각 피실험자들은 그들이 초기에 받았던 것의 반대롤 받은 후 그 효과를 실험하기 위해 되 돌아왔다.
'타임, 뉴스위크, 웹 직독직해 > 야후 웹사이트' 카테고리의 다른 글
N Korea camp survivor 'very sorry' facts were wrong
N Korea camp survivor 'very sorry' facts were wrong
18 January 2015 Last updated at 15:02 GMT
'타임, 뉴스위크, 웹 직독직해 > 야후 웹사이트' 카테고리의 다른 글
New 'Jurassic World' Trailer Unveils More Dino Details and Theme Park Damage (0) | 2015.04.21 |
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US Christians back emerging private war on Iraq jihadists (0) | 2015.02.27 |
'Jihadi John' killer from Islamic State beheading videos unmasked as Londoner (0) | 2015.02.27 |
김정은의 놀라운 머리 스타일이 주는 많은 질문거리 (0) | 2015.02.20 |
US Christians back emerging private war on Iraq jihadists
US Christians back emerging private war on Iraq jihadists
Arbil (Iraq) (AFP) - After fighting with rebels in Libya and embracing the revolt in Syria, Matthew VanDyke has rolled up in northern Iraq, but the celebrity American revolutionary-cum-filmmaker has traded his fatigues for a three-piece suit.
VanDyke, who rose to fame as a foreign fighter backing Libyan rebels against Moamer Kadhafi, has just finished leading his new military contracting firm through its first assignment -- training Christian volunteers to take on jihadists.
Funded by Christian groups from abroad, mainly from the United States, the Nineveh Plains Protection Unit (NPU) aims to bring a local Christian militia to bear against the Islamic State group that has seized swathes of Iraq and Syria.
VanDyke is one of the best-known -- and least camera-shy -- figures in an expanding and complex constellation of foreign fighters, organisations and donors getting involved in a private war against the jihadists.
"This is an extension of my work as a revolutionary," he says as he takes a sip from his cappuccino in a cafe in the Kurdish capital of Arbil. "What gives somebody else the right to sit home and do nothing?"
The 35-year-old came to prominence in 2011 when he joined Libyan rebels in the fight to overthrow Kadhafi. He was held by regime forces in solitary confinement for more than five months.
The film "Point and Shoot" directed by Marshall Curry, which won the best documentary award at the Tribeca Festival last year, recounts the 35,000-mile motorcycle odyssey that led VanDyke to Libya and which he describes as "a crash course in manhood".
Not one to shy away from self-aggrandizement, VanDyke's official website claims that his own documentary on the Syrian conflict, in which he volunteered in 2012, won no fewer than 82 prizes.
A few months ago, VanDyke changed tack and decided to form his military contracting firm, the Sons of Liberty International (SOLI), with the training of a few hundred NPU volunteers as a first assignment.
- 'Indigenous population' -
The Nineveh in the NPU's name refers to a northern region which Iraq's Assyrian Christians and other religious minorities consider their ancestral home.
IS last year declared a "caliphate" over parts of Iraq and Syria it had seized, forcing hundreds of thousands of civilians to flee their homes, including many Iraqi Christians.
The mostly Sunni Arab group has been accused of persecuting other communities and this week was reported to have taken several hundred Assyrian Christians hostage in northeastern Syria.
A US-led international coalition launched an air war on the jihadists in August and dispatched forces to train Kurdish and Iraqi federal troops who hope to eventually retake lost ground.
In the meantime other -- less official -- parties have been drawn into the conflict from abroad.
The NPU, for example, is being funded by the American Mesopotamian Organization (AMO), a California-based group founded by Assyrian-Americans.
It claims to have raised more than $250,000 for the NPU -- which has not yet seen combat -- since December through an initiative dubbed "Restore Nineveh Now".
More than 80 percent of the donations come from the United States, the group's chairman, David Lazar, told AFP by telephone from the United States.
He says telethons on the Assyrian National Broadcasting satellite channel generated donations "as high as $50,000 from one person".
As well as financing food, clothing and protection gear, the AMO has hired a "top five" private contracting firm to provide risk assessments and possibly advanced training to NPU recruits, he says.
Many of the donations are coming from members of the Assyrian-American community, like Joseph Baba, a car salesman from Tehran who has lived in the US since 2000 who donated a little less than $10,000 to the group.
"I'm a firm believer that the Middle East has to have this indigenous population," he says of Iraq's Christians, speaking to AFP by telephone from his home in California.
- 'In a grey area' -
Baba said he had concerns over the legality of funding a militia -- though the NPU and its supporters balk at the term -- but was reassured by the AMO that it posed no problem.
Still, the issue of training a private force on foreign soil is highly sensitive and the NPU has sent out conflicting messages.
Lazar initially told AFP that Walid Phares, a Fox News terrorism analyst and formerly a prominent leader of the Lebanese Forces Christian militia during the 1975-1990 civil war, was a key supporter.
"He's an adviser to us to this whole project, not only the NPU, but he's an adviser to the Restore Nineveh Now initiative and the American Mesopotamian Organization," Lazar said.
But he later denied making the remark and Restore Nineveh Now's spokesman Jeff Gardner said Phares had no involvement.
In an email to AFP, Phares denied any role with the NPU, though he said he advises "a large coalition of US-based Middle East minorities NGOs, known as MECHRIC", of which AMO is a member.
VanDyke's role also seems to have stirred controversy.
Restore Nineveh Now issued a statement on Wednesday acknowledging VanDyke's involvement in the training programme but also stating his contract had been terminated and accusing him of attempting to use the NPU to promote his business.
VanDyke also admits his firm is operating "perhaps in a grey area" in northern Iraq.
"We're legally registered as a company. We're not registered as anything else right now."
A US State Department spokesman confirmed to AFP that a licence is needed when defence services, including military training, are provided.
VanDyke throws legal concerns to the wind.
"Generally the attitude of the United States seems to be as long as you shoot in the right direction they don't care," he says.
"You know, I go and risk my life in other countries, why would I be all that concerned about that?"
'타임, 뉴스위크, 웹 직독직해 > 야후 웹사이트' 카테고리의 다른 글
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N Korea camp survivor 'very sorry' facts were wrong (0) | 2015.03.02 |
'Jihadi John' killer from Islamic State beheading videos unmasked as Londoner (0) | 2015.02.27 |
김정은의 놀라운 머리 스타일이 주는 많은 질문거리 (0) | 2015.02.20 |
Beheadings Show ISIS Has Formed a New Power Center 참수는 이슬람국가의 새로운 권력기반이 공고해졌음을 알린다. (0) | 2015.02.17 |
'Jihadi John' killer from Islamic State beheading videos unmasked as Londoner
By Michael Holden and Mark Hosenball
LONDON/WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The masked "Jihadi John" killer who fronted Islamic State beheading videos has been identified as Mohammed Emwazi, a British computer programming graduate from a well-to-do London family who was known to the security services.
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김정은의 놀라운 머리 스타일이 주는 많은 질문거리
Kim Jong Un has an amazing new haircut. We have many, many questions.
김정은의 놀라운 머리 스타일이 주는 많은 질문거리
동영상 강좌
North Korean Supreme Leader Kim Jong Un debuted a new haircut — and a new ... eyebrowcut? — at a politburo meeting on Wednesday. The style is a variation on Kim's signature shaved sides, but with the top now sculpted into a high, wedge-shaped pompadour that sits atop Kim's head like a hat, or perhaps a small, dormant woodland creature. The North Korean despot accessorized his new look with partially-shaven eyebrows that now stop just above his pupils.
북한의 최고 지도자 김정은은 새로운 헤어스타일로 등장했다 - 그리고 새로운 건 눈썹도 가른 것인가? - 지난 수요일 정치국 회에서 모습을 드러냈다. 이 스타일은 옆쪽을 자른 그의 특유의 모양이지만, 마치 모자를 쓴 듯 머리 위쪽을 높고 V자형태의 올백을 밀어 올렸고, 또는 작고 동면하는 숲 속의 동물같은 다양함을 준다. 북한의 독재자는 그의 눈동자 바로 위쪽에서 멈춘 부분적으로 면도한 눈썹의 새로운 모습의 액세서리를 달았다.
This new haircut raises a number of important questions for anyone who follows North Korean politics. For instance:
이 새로운 해어스타일은 북한의 정책을 추적하는 사람들에게 많은 중요한 질문을 불러 일으킴니다. 예를 들면:
- What instructions did Kim Jong Un give his barber that resulted in this style?
- 김정은은 자신의 이발사에게 이런 스타일의 결과를 낳기 위해서 어떠한 명령을 내렸을까?
- Was it, "Hey, you know trapezoids?"
- 이봐, "자네는 사다리꼴을 알고 있다는 것인가?"
- Or perhaps, "You know my main priority is to ensure that my ears do not feel crowded, let's work on a 'do that really lets the old face-handles breathe"?
- 아니면 아마도, "나의 가장 우선적인 것은 내 귀가 덮혀지는 느낌을 갖지 않토록 하는 것이지, 그 늙은 얼굴 손잡이가 숨쉬도록 작업을 해보지그래?"
- Kim Jong Un famously adopted his shaved-sided, center-parted haircut as a way to signal connection with his grandfather and the country's founding leader, Kim Il Sung. Now the sides are still shaved, but the center part is GONE. What does it mean?
- 김정은은 유명하게도 그의 면도한 양쪽과 중심을 탄 헤어스타일을 그의 할아버지이자 북한의 건국 지도자인 김일성과 연결 신호의 방식으로 채택하였다. 지금 머리 양편은 여전히 면도를 했지만, 중심은 사라지고 없다. 이것이 의미하는 바는?
- Could it be that the the new style conveys an intent to embrace the legacy of his father Kim Jong Il, who also often sported a uniform crest of hair unbroken by any parting?
- Or is it intended to signify that North Korea, like Kim Jong Un's hair, is reaching new heights and cannot be stopped by gravity or any other natural force?
- Does his haircut sail majestically ever-upwards, unlike the North Korean Unha rocket that failed spectacularly after launch in 2012, breaking up over the Sea of Japan?
- Could Kim Jong Un's new haircut carry a warhead?
- Could Kim Jong Un's new haircut target Seoul?
- Will the haircut affect the possible resumption of the six-party talks on the future of North Korea's nuclear weapons program?
- Given the haircut's obvious strength, would it be prudent to consider it a potential party to the talks in its own right?
- Will the parties to the multilateral negotiations now be North Korea, South Korea, Japan, China, Russia, the United States, and Kim Jong Un's haircut?
- Is Kim Jong Un's haircut willing to negotiate in good faith?
- What are the haircut's demands?
- Is the haircut committed to to North Korea's Juche communist ideology, or is it a pragmatist?
- Would the haircut ever defect?
- What if, hypothetically, the haircut were offered access to a tourmaline-coated ceramic straightening iron and residence in the western city of its choice?
- How about some argan oil as a deal sweetener?
- Doesn't the haircut realize that it's so much more than just an appendage to Kim Jong Un?
- Why can't the haircut just believe in its own potential for once?
- Doesn't the haircut want to be a star?
- Hasn't the haircut ever heard the maxim "fall down seven times, stand up eight?"
- What does the haircut mean, "of course you'd quote a Japanese proverb"?
- Why would the haircut think that was meant to be a reference to Japanese occupation of the Korean peninsula?
- Why is the haircut suddenly so angry?
- Oh god what is the haircut doing?
- Is anyone else seeing this?
- Oh no is that —?
- Help?
'타임, 뉴스위크, 웹 직독직해 > 야후 웹사이트' 카테고리의 다른 글
N Korea camp survivor 'very sorry' facts were wrong (0) | 2015.03.02 |
US Christians back emerging private war on Iraq jihadists (0) | 2015.02.27 |
'Jihadi John' killer from Islamic State beheading videos unmasked as Londoner (0) | 2015.02.27 |
Beheadings Show ISIS Has Formed a New Power Center 참수는 이슬람국가의 새로운 권력기반이 공고해졌음을 알린다. (0) | 2015.02.17 |
Top-searched Valentine's Day gifts for her (0) | 2015.02.13 |
Beheadings Show ISIS Has Formed a New Power Center 참수는 이슬람국가의 새로운 권력기반이 공고해졌음을 알린다.
Beheadings Show ISIS Has Formed a New Power Center
As the Libyan civil war rages on between two competing governments, Islamic and secular, ISIS has found a foothold in the North African nation. After taking control of the city of Derna in October 2014 and the town of al-Nofaliya earlier this month, ISIS has just captured the city of Sirte, the hometown of former dictator Muammar al-Qaddafi.
- 리비아 내전이 두 경쟁 정부인, 이슬람과 비 종교간의 첨예한 분노가 정점에 다달르고 있는 동안, ISISS는 북 아프리카 국가에서의 발판을 마련했다. 2014년 10월에 Derna시와 이번달 초 al-Nofliya 마을을 장악한 후, ISIS는 전 독재자 무함마르 알-가다피의 고향인 Sirte시를 막 장악했다.
IS:Islamic state의 약자로써 ISIS(Islamic state of Iraq and syria)혹은 ISIL(Islamic state of Iraq and Rybia)라고도 불리는
rage [reidʒ] vi. ① 격노하다; 호되게 꾸짖다《ɑgɑinst; ɑt; over》• ~ ɑgɑinst oneself 자신에 대하여 공연히 화가 나다. • He ~d ɑt his son for telling lie. 그는 거짓말을 한 아들을 호되게 꾸짖었다. ② 사납게 날뛰다; (유행병 따위가) 창궐하다.
sec·u·lar [sékjǝlǝr] ɑ. 현세의, 세속의; 비종교적인.
fóot·hòld n. 발판; 기지.
On Friday, ISIS militants broke into the city council and ordered all its members to leave. Other ISIS militants took over two radio stations in the city and did the same to their staff. Then they started broadcasting ISIS chants in addition to the words of a man named Abu Mohammed al-Baghdadi, who claimed he is a spokesman for the group and called people to declare allegiance to ISIS.
- 금요일, ISIS 무장세력은 그 도시를 침투하여 모든 주민들을 떠나도록 명령을 했다. 다른 ISIS 무장세력은 그 도시의 2개의 라디오 방송국을 장악했고 그들 직원들에게도 같은 명령를 내렸다. 그후 그들은 그 집단의 대변이라고 주장하고 사람들은 ISIS에게 충성을 맹세한다는 모하메드 알-바흐다디란 한 남성의 연설을 포함한 ISIS 구호를 방송하기 시작했다.
al·le·giance [ǝlíːdʒǝns] n. 충순(忠順), 충성, 충절; 충실; (친구·주의 등에 대한) 성실, 신의; (봉건 시대의) 신종(臣從) 의무, 충의《to》• pledge ~ to …에 충성을 맹세하다.
ISIS members gave a deadline to the local passport department to clear the building of people's records. A campaign started to separate men from women in the few operating government offices and hospitals.
- ISIS 무장세력은 주민들의 기록관리 건물을 소거할 것을 지역 여권부에 최후통첨을 하였다. 그 명령은 몇 몇 관할 정부의 사무소와 병원들에 있는 여성들을 남성들과 분리하기 시작했다.
These developments in Sirte come as ISIS in Libya released a grisly video showing the beheadings of 21 Egyptian Coptic Christians who were kidnapped last month in the city. Egyptian president Abdel Fattah el-Sisi has ordered an urgent evacuation of all Egyptians from Libya and bombed ISIS encampments in the country.
- Sirte에서의 이러한 진전은 그 도시에서 지난 달 납치된 21명의 이집트인 콥트 크리스천을 참수하는 섬뜩한 비디오 영상 공개한 즉후에 나왔다. 이집트의 Abdel Fattah el-Sisi 대통령은 리비아에서의 이집트인의 긴급한 피난을 명령했고 그 나라의 ISIS 야영지의 공습을 명령했다.
gris·ly [grízli] ɑ. (gris·li·er; -li·est) 섬뜩한, 소름끼치는《괴물·시체 등》; 어쩐지 기분 나쁜《이야기·날씨 등》; 음산한(dismal).
en·cámp·ment n. 진을 침;
'타임, 뉴스위크, 웹 직독직해 > 야후 웹사이트' 카테고리의 다른 글
N Korea camp survivor 'very sorry' facts were wrong (0) | 2015.03.02 |
US Christians back emerging private war on Iraq jihadists (0) | 2015.02.27 |
'Jihadi John' killer from Islamic State beheading videos unmasked as Londoner (0) | 2015.02.27 |
김정은의 놀라운 머리 스타일이 주는 많은 질문거리 (0) | 2015.02.20 |
Top-searched Valentine's Day gifts for her (0) | 2015.02.13 |
Top-searched Valentine's Day gifts for her
Top-searched Valentine's Day gifts for her
동영상 강좌
Right about now, when you think about your sweetheart, you’re probably asking yourself some questions: What should I get her for Valentine’s Day? Is it even a big deal to her? Does she want to be surprised?
Here’s the truth: There’s never a bad time to demonstrate your affection, it is a big deal, and there’s something about a surprise gift that’s just surpassingly sweet. So we say go ahead, make her (Valentine’s) day.
For your gifting inspiration, here are this year’s ten most-searched-for presents.
Choose mixed blooms in her favorite color or a living pot of the flower that reminds you of her. For bonus points, look up Victorian flower meanings and order a custom bouquet to, literally, say it with flowers.
Trust us, she’ll love them. Long-stemmed roses are a classic choice, but your options are endless.
Spa Gift Card
Sometimes she forgets to take time for herself, and this is where you come in. Treat your lady love to an hour or a whole day of pampered relaxation at your local spa.
pam·per [pǽmpǝr] vt. 하고 싶은 대로 하게 하다, 어하다; …에게 실컷 먹이다; (식욕 따위를) 지나치게 채우다. ㉺~ed ɑ. 응석받이로 자란, 제멋대로 하는, 방자한.
Search Yahoo for spa gift cards.
Weekend Getaways
Our most recent search data show that maybe what she really wants is to spend a little time with her true love. (Psst! That’s you.)
psst, pst [pst] int. 저, 여보세요, 잠깐《주의를 끌기 위해 부르는 말》.
Book a weekend at a place you both love, or surprise her with a new adventure.
Research romantic weekend getaways on Yahoo.
Literally the sweetest gift. Choose a sampler from a famous name (Godiva — just a suggestion), or go the DIY route with a plate of hand-dipped strawberries.
DIY : do-it-yourself
Find delicious chocolate options on Yahoo.
Concert Tickets
Pop quiz: Who’s her favorite musical artist? Whether she’s into chamber music, Top 40 pop, or old-school hip-hop, with a little planning, you can treat her to a live show she won’t forget.
Search Yahoo for concert tickets.
Is the woman of your dreams a tech junkie? An artist? An avid reader? There’s a tablet for that, and gift givers everywhere are searching for it now. Pick one of this year’s best, and give her the gift of connection.
Find the best tablets on Yahoo.
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