2013년 형석중2 2학기 중간대비 7과, 교학사

1. 다음 우리말과 일치하도록 바꾼 것이다. 올바르지 않은 것은?
① 내가 중국어를 배우는 것은 어렵다.
It is difficult for me to learn Chinese.
② 나는 그가 언제 집에 도착했는지 모른다.
I don't know when he arrived at home.
③ 너는 왜 우리가 물을 아껴야 한다고 생각하니?
Why do you think we should save water?
④ 나는 네가 그 인형을 왜 샀는지 궁금해.
I wonder why you bought the doll.
⑤ 나는 종이꽃 만드는 방법을 배웠다.
I learned what to make paper flowers.
2. 다음 두 문장을 한 문장으로 연결할 때 틀린 것은?
① Do you know? + Where does David live?
→ Do you know where David lives?
② I wonder. + Can you play guitar?
→ I wonder you can play guitar?
③ I want to know. + How did you go there?
→ I want to know how you went there.
④ Can you tell me? + Where should I put the plant?
→ Can you tell me where I should put the plant?
⑤ Do you know. + Where did he go last weekend?
→ Do you know where he went last weekend?
3. 다음 단어의 영영풀이가 어색한 것은?
① aquarium: a tank or pool or bowl filled with water for keeping live fish
② beach : an area of sand sloping down to the water of a sea or lake
③ bottle : a glass or plastic vessel used for storing drinks or liquids
④ breath : the process of taking in and expelling air
⑤ brush : make a clean cut through
4. 다음 대화의 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 알맞은 것은?
A: Let's go to a movie.
B: Sorry, I can't. I go to my yoga class.
① should be ② must be
③ have to ④ had to
⑤ have been
5. 다음 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 어법상 알맞은 것은?
I didn't know ___________ you called me last night.
① what ② which ③ who ④ when ⑤ that
6. Make sure that the below is in the natural dialog
A: You have to give your liver to our king.
ⓐ Um. O.K, let's go.
ⓑ Are you sure you left it there?
ⓒ Why didn't you say so before? I left it in the forest.
ⓓ I'm sure we can get it if you take me to the forest. Will you give me a ride again?
B: Thank you. It's very kind of you.
① ⓐ-ⓑ-ⓒ-ⓓ ② ⓐ-ⓑ-ⓓ-ⓒ
③ ⓑ-ⓓ-ⓒ-ⓐ ④ ⓒ-ⓑ-ⓓ-ⓐ
⑤ ⓒ-ⓓ-ⓐ-ⓑ
7. Which is NOT a natural dialog?
① A: You know how to swim, don't you?
B: Yes, but I have to practice more.
② A: I have to win this time.
B: Don't worry. I'm sure you will win.
③ A: Don't you like the sea?
B: No, I like to go to the mountains.
④ A: Is breakfast ready, Mom?
B: It'll be ready in a minute.
⑤ A: How can you swim so fast?
B: I sure do.
8. 빈칸에 알맞은 것은
A: How about going swimming tomorrow, Minho?
B: Good idea. Do you know bring?
A: I sure do. We have to bring a swimsuit, a cap, and a lunch box.
① how
② what
③ how to
④ what to
⑤ where to
자료는 계속 됩니다.
----------------------------------------- 정답 ---------------------------------
1. ⑤ I learned how to make paper flowers.
2. ② I wonder if[whether] you can play guitar?
3. ⑤ slice : make a clean cut through / brush : rub with a brush, or as if with a brush
4. ③
5. ⑤
6. ④
7. ⑤
8. ④