수능특강, EBS연계, P. 111 - 7번
7. 글의 흐름으로 보아, 주어진 문장이 들어가기에 가장 적절한 곳은?
But when he has done this he may meet with a new difficulty, even concerning this very constellation. |
But when he has done this (그러나 그가 이것을 끝냈을 때) he may meet with a new difficulty (그는 c~ 새로운 난관에 부딪힐지 모른다), even concerning this very constellation (c 심지어 바로 이 별자리에 관해서).
It is very easy to gain a knowledge of the stars, if the leaner sets to work in the proper manner.
It is very easy to gain a knowledge of the stars (별에 관한 지식을 얻기는 매우 쉽다), if the leaner sets to work in the proper manner (만일 학습자가 적절한 방식에서 학습을 시작한다면).
( ① ) But he often meets with a difficulty at the outset of his task.
( ① ) But he often meets with a difficulty at the outset of his task (그러나 그는 종종 그의 학습초기에 난관에 부딪힌다).
( ② ) He provides himself with a set of the ordinary star maps, and then finds himself at a loss for how to make use of them.
( ② ) He provides himself with a set of the ordinary star maps (그는 자신에게 한 세트의 일반 별지도를 제공하고), and then finds himself at a loss for how to make use of them (그것들을 활용하는 방법 때문에 혼란에 빠진 자신을 발견한다).
( ③ ) Such maps tell him nothing of the position of the constellations in the sky.
( ③ ) Such maps tell him nothing of the position of the constellations in the sky (그러한 지도는 그에게 하늘에 있는 별자리의 위치에 관해 아무것도 알려주지 않는다).
( ④ ) If he happend to recognize a constellation, then indeed his maps, if properly constructed, will tell him the names of the stars forming the constellation, and also he may be able to recognize a few of the neighboring constellations.
( ④ ) If he happens to recognize a constellation (만일 그가 한 별자리를 우연히 깨달을 때), then indeed his maps (그때 실제로 그의 지도는), if properly constructed (만일 적절하게 만들어졌다면), will tell him the names of the stars forming the constellation (그에게 그 별자리에가 형성하고 있는 별들의 이름을 알려줄 것이다), and also he may be able to recognize a few of the neighboring constellations (그리고 또한 그는 몇몇 이웃하는 별자리를 알아볼 수 있을지 모른다).
( ⑤ ) For if he looks for it again some months later , he won't be able to find it in its former place owing to the change of its position in relation to the other constellations (- if indeed it happens to be above the horizon at all.
( ⑤ ) For if he looks for it again some months later (왜냐하면 만일 그가 몇 달이 지난 후에 다시 그것을 찾는다면), he won't be able to find it in its former place (그는 이것의 이전 위치를 찾을 수 없을 것이다) owing to the change of its position in relation to the other constellations (다른 별자리들과 연관된 위치의 변경 때문에) - if indeed it happens to be above the horizon at all (만일 실제로 그런 일이 우연히 수평선 위에서 일어난다면).
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