1. 다음의 상황에 알맞은 말을 고르시오.
A: ? B: T-H-O-M-A-S. |
① Sorry, she's out.
② How do you spell your name?
③ Do you know how to ride a bike?
④ I'm sure that you'll have a great time.
⑤ You'd better not play computer games too often.
[2-3] 다음을 읽고 물음에 답하시오.
One day, she went too close to land. When the water went out, Inky was left on the beach. She seemed sick. People wanted to save her. A helicopter came to take her off the beach. They took her to an aquarium. (가) 의사들은 왜 Inky가 아픈지 궁금했다. They found plastic bags in Inky's stomach. When the plastic bags were in the water, they (ㄱ) looked like squid. Squid are Inky's favorite food, so she ate the bags. Inky's stomach (ㄴ) was filled with trash and she could not eat. She got very sick. Some people threw trash in the street. Rain carried the trash into the lakes and rivers. The rivers carried the trash into the ocean. Even trash on land can (ㄷ) put sea animals in danger. After doctors cleaned Inky's stomach, she could eat again. Soon she started (ㄹ) to gain weight and swim around her pool. She (ㅁ) became strongerly and strongerly. |
2. 윗글의 내용과 일치하지 않는 것은?
① 의사들은 그녀의 위속에서 비닐봉지를 발견했다.
② 육지가까이 온 Inky는 물이 빠지자 해변에 남겨졌다.
③ 육지에 있는 쓰레기들은 동물들을 안전하게 할 수 있다.
④ 비닐봉지들이 물속에 있을 때 그것들은 마치 오징어처럼 보였다.
⑤ 의사들이 그녀의 위를 깨끗이 한 후 다시 먹을 수 있게 되었다.
3. (ㄱ)~(ㅁ) 중 어법상 잘못된 것을 고르시오.
① (ㄱ) ② (ㄴ) ③ (ㄷ) ④ (ㄹ) ⑤ (ㅁ)
[서술형 문제 1] (가)의 해석에 맞게 단어를 바르게 배열하시오.
wondered sick Doctors why Inky was so |
☞ Doctors .
4. 다음 글의 내용과 일치 하지 않는 것은?
Jae-u: Suji, I heard that you're going to the sea again this weekend. Suji: Yes, I like the sea very much. If you go to the sea. You can catch fish. You can also enjoy swimming. You have to go to the sea if you want to enjoy summer. Jae-u: That's true, but It's too hot on the beach. Suji: Don't you like the sea, Jae-u? Jae-u: No, I like to go to the mountain. You can see trees and flowers. Flowers are dancing and birds are singing. You can enjoy the clear air, too. I'm sure the mountains are the best place in the summer. |
① Jae-u likes to go to the mountains.
② Suji's going to the sea again this weekend.
③ Suji doesn't like the sea very much while Jae-u likes it.
④ Jae-u thinks you can see trees and flowers in mountains.
⑤ Suji thinks you can enjoy swimming if you go to the sea.
① Sorry, she's out. 죄송합니다만 그녀는 외출했습니다.
② How do you spell your name? 당신의 이름의 철자는 어떻게 되나요?
③ Do you know how to ride a bike? 자전거를 타는 법을 아시나요?
④ I'm sure that you'll have a great time. 당신은 멋진 시간을 보낼것을 확신합니다.
⑤ You'd better not play computer games too often. 컴퓨터게임을 너무 자주하지 마세요.
2. ③
① 의사들은 그녀의 위속에서 비닐봉지를 발견했다.
- Doctors discovered that there were plastic bags in Inky's stomach.
② 육지가까이 온 Inky는 물이 빠지자 해변에 남겨졌다.
- Inky close to the land was left on the shore when the water went out.
③ 육지에 있는 쓰레기들은 동물들을 안전하게 할 수 있다.
- The trash on the land can be safe to the animals.
④ 비닐봉지들이 물속에 있을 때 그것들은 마치 오징어처럼 보였다.
- When plastic bags in the water look like squids.
⑤ 의사들이 그녀의 위를 깨끗이 한 후 다시 먹을 수 있게 되었다.
- After doctors cleaned her stomach, she could eat again.
3. ⑤ became stronger and stronger.
become + 형용사가 온다.
4. ③ Suji doesn't like the sea very much while Jae-u likes it. 재우가 바다를 좋아하는 반 면, 수지는 바다를 싫어한다.
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