가정법 과거완료 예문과 직설법으로 변환
If I had been there, I would have done it. (내가 거기에 있었다면, 나는 그것을 했을 것이다.)
- As I wasn't there, I didn't do it.
If she had come, the party would have been more delightful. (그녀가 왔다면 그 파티는 더욱 즐거웠을 텐데.)
- As she didn't come, the party was not more delightful.
If I had had much money, I would have bought the car. (돈이 많이 있었다면 나는 그 차를 샀을 것이다.)
- As I didn't have much money, I didn't buy the car.
If he had finished it in time, we wouldn’t have been late. (그가 제 시간에 그것을 끝냈다면, 우리는 늦지 않았을 것이다.)
- As he didn't finish it in time, we were late.
If she had taken my advice, she should have been happier. (그녀가 내 충고를 받아 들였다면, 그녀는 더 행복했을 텐데.)
- As she didn't take my advice, she was not happier.
If you had got up earlier, you could have caught the plane. (당신이 조금 더 일찍 일어났더라면 비행기를 탈 수 있었을 것이다.)
- As you didn't get up earlier, you couldn't catch the plane.
If it had not snowed, we could have climbed the mountain. (눈이 오지 않았다면, 우리는 산에 오를 수 있었을 것이다.)
- As it had snowed, we couldn't climb the mountain.
If he had run a little faster, he might have won the race. (그가 조금만 더 빨리 뛰었다면, 그는 경주에서 이겼을지도 모른다.)
- As he didn't run a little faster, he didn't win the race.
If she had worked hard, she could have passed the exam. (그녀가 열심히 공부했다면, 그녀는 시험에 합격할 수 있었을 것이다.)
- As she didn't work hard, she couldn't pass the exam.
If you had been there, you could have seen the accident. (당신이 거기에 있었다면, 그 사고를 볼 수 있었을 것이다.)
- As you weren't there, you couldn't see the accident.
If he had done it, he would not have been punished. (그가 그것을 했다면, 그는 벌받지 않았을 것이다.)
If I had known the fact, I would have told it to you. (내가 그 사실을 알았다면, 나는 당신에게 그것을 말했을 것이다.)
- As I didn't know the fact, I didn't tell it to you.
If I had taken your advice, I should have been happier. (내가 당신의 충고를 받아들였다면 더 행복했을 텐데.)
- As I didn't take your advice, I was not happier.
If you had not helped me, I would have fail.(만약 너가 나를 도와주지 않았더라면 나는 실패했을 텐데..)
- As you helped me, I didn't fail.
If it had been fine, we would have gone on a picnic.
(날씨가 좋았으면 우리는 소풍을 갈 수 있었을 텐데..)
- As it wasn't fine, we didn't go on a picnic.
If I had not been ill, I would have gone there.
(내가 아프지 않았더라면 거기에 갈 수 있었을 텐데..)
- As I was ill, I didn't go there.
But for(Without) the sun, all animals would have disappeared.
(만일 태양이 없다면, 아무것도 지구상에 살지 못할 것이다.)
- As there was the sun, all animals didn't disappear.
가정법 과거 예문과 직설법으로 변환
If it weren't so late, we could have coffee.
- 만약 그렇게 늦지 않았다면, 커피를 마실 수 있을텐데..
- As it is so late, we can have coffee.
If he were not very careful, he would make a mistake.
- 만약 그가 매우 신중하지 않는다면, 실수를 할텐데..
- As he is very careful, he will make a mistake.
If you didn't help me, I would fail.
- 만약 네가 나를 도와주지 않는다면. 나는 실패 할거다.
- As you help me, I will fail.
If I had enough money, I could buy the house.
- 만약 내가 충분한 돈을 가지고 있다면, 그 집을 살 수 있을 텐데..
- As I have enough money, I can buy the house.
If I knew his phone number, I could call him up.
- 만약 내가 그의 전화번호를 안다면, 그에게 전화를 할 수 있을텐데..
- As I know his phone number, I can call him up.
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