2013학년도 2학기, 증평중, 미래앤, 중간고사(실전 예상문제) 8과-1
2013학년도 2학기, 증평중, 미래앤, 중간고사(실전 예상문제) 8과-1.hwp
2013학년도 2학기, 증평중, 미래앤, 중간고사(실전 예상문제) 8과-1 정답.hwp
1. 다음 주어진 단어의 뜻이 어색한 것은?
① album : 앨범, 사진첩
② anything : 무엇, 아무것
③ ballon : 풍선
④ bring : 가져가다, 데려가다
⑤ will : ~할 것이다, 의지
2. 대화의 빈칸에 알맞은 말을 고르시오
A: James, what (ㄱ) ? B: I didn't (ㄴ) my group homework. So our group lost points. A: Oh, I think you (ㄷ) say sorry to all your group members. B: I think (ㄹ) , too. |
(ㄱ) (ㄴ) (ㄷ) (ㄹ)
① up... make ... may ... that
② mattered ... do ... should ... it
③ happened - do - should - so
④ made ... do ... should ... it
⑤ happened ... work ... would ... so
3. 다음 대화에서 어법상 올바른 문장을 고르시오.
① A: What are you doing to do this weekend? (이번 주말에 뭘 할 거니?)
② B: I'm going to get some photos on my homepage. (내 홈페이지에 사진 몇 장을 올릴 거야)
③ A: Of where? (무슨 사진?)
④ B: Of Ms. Crane's class party. (Crane 선생님 학급 파티에서 찍은 거)
⑤ A: You shouldn't make a photo album. (사진 앨범을 만들어 봐)
4. 다음 중 밑줄 친 말과 바꾸어 쓸 수 없는 것을 고르시오.
I think you should make a photo album. |
① You ought to make a photo album.
② You had better make a photo album.
③ I advice you to make a phto album.
④ Why don't you make a photo album?
⑤ How about doing a photo album?
5. 빈칸에 알맞은 말이 순서대로 바르게 짝지어진 것을 고르시오.
• Kate enjoys her group members. (help) • I finished my room. (clean) • is interesting. (take) |
① to help ... to clean ... To take
② helping ... to clean ... Taking
③ to help ... cleaning ... To take
④ helping ... cleaning ... Taking
⑤ helping ... cleaning ... To taking
6. 다음 중 Mina가 화를 낸 이유는?
W: Why is Mina mad at you? M: I didn't do my part of our group project. W: Oh, I think you should do it quickly. M: Yes, I'm doing it now. |
① I didn't do my best on his group project.
② I did it so quickly.
③ I think it was not my part.
④ I'm not a member of a group.
⑤ I forgot my part of our group project.
7. 다음을 읽고 물음에 답이 틀린 것은?
Sports Day is coming. We think you should remember to bring these three things. First, remember to bring your running shoes. Second, remember to bring some water. Third, remember to bring your cap. What else do we need? |
① Q: What's the day coming?
A: It's Sports Day.
② Q: What should you remember to bring?
A: Running shoes, some water and a cap.
③ Q: What are we doing?
A: We're ready for a special day.
④ Q: What else do we need?
A: We don't know yet.
⑤ Q: Do we enjoy Sports Day?
A: We're enjoying the day.
[문제 8~10] 다음 글을 읽고 질문에 답하시오.
The Power of Notes
One day, our English teacher, Ms. Crane, had an idea. ① She told us, "After each class, you should write a note about something good about a group member. ② Just a simple note like this, 'Amy, your English is very good. Then, you shouldn't put the note in his or her bag." At first, ③ we didn't like her idea. We didn't want to write anything good about our group members. However, soon there were notes in our bags and we saw the power of notes. We opened our bags and read our notes. ④ A note for Daniel said, "You are a good leader. We could see many great things in ourselves! ⑤ |
8. 다음 주어진 문장이 들어가기에 알맞은 곳은?
A note for Kate said, "You are kind to everyone." |
① ① ② ② ③ ③ ④ ④ ⑤ ⑤
9. What does 'The Power of Notes' mean, according to the paragraphs?
① It says we really don't like the teacher's words.
② It says we can find our friends' good points.
③ It says the class is so borning.
④ It says the students didn't follow the teacher's words.
⑤ Nobody wrote about his or her friend's good things.
10. 윗글을 다음과 같이 다시 써보았다. 문법상 틀린 것을 고르시오.
① Ms. Crane, our teacher, said she got a great idea.
② She asked us making a note for our classmate.
③ We didn't like writing anything good about our group members.
④ It is very kind of you to everybody.
⑤ We could find a lot of good points in ourselves!
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