2014-11-14 고2 모의고사, 40번
40. 다음 글의 내용을 한 문장으로 요약하고자 한다. 빈칸 (A)와 (B)에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은? [3점]
One of the companies I work with gets thousands of calls every day to its customer support center. Sometimes the problems can be solved right away, but often the service representative has to look into the matter and call back later. When the company subsequently surveyed its customers to see how satisfied they had been with the support center, one of the results was something intriguing: 58 percent of customers whose problem had been solved right away remembered that their call had been answered “immediately” or “very quickly,” while only 4 percent remembered having been kept waiting “too long.” Meanwhile, of those customers whose problem had not been solved right away, only 36 percent remembered their call had been answered “immediately” or “very quickly,” while 18 percent recalled they had waited “too long.” In fact, the company had an automated answering system and there was no difference in waiting time between the two groups.
- Analysis -
40. 다음 글의 내용을 한 문장으로 요약하고자 한다. 빈칸 (A)와 (B)에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은? [3점]
One of the companies I work with gets thousands of calls every day to its customer support center.
내가 일하고 있는 여러 회사들 중 한 곳은 고객지원세터에 매일 수 천 통의 전화가 걸려온다.
Sometimes the problems can be solved right away, but often the service representative has to look into the matter and call back later.
때때로 그 문제들은 즉시 처리될 수 도 있지만, 종종 서비스 직원들은 그 문제를 검토하여 이후에 전화를 줘야한다.
When the company subsequently surveyed its customers to see how satisfied they had been with the support center, one of the results was something intriguing:
그 회사는 그들(고객들)이 고객센터에 얼마나 만족하는지를 알아보기 위해 그 이후에 설문조사를 실시했을 때, 결과 중 한 개는 매우 흥미가 있는 것 이었다.
- subsequently : 그 이후에 / intriguing : 매우 흥미있는
58 percent of customers whose problem had been solved right away remembered that their call had been answered “immediately” or “very quickly,”
그들의 문제는 즉시 해결되었다고 응답한 고객의 58%는 그들의 전화는 “즉시” 또는 “아주 빠르게” 받아졌다고 기억했다.
while only 4 percent remembered having been kept waiting “too long.”
반면 단지 4$만이 너무 오래 기다렸다고 기억했다.
Meanwhile, of those customers whose problem had not been solved right away,
더욱이, 그들의 문제가 즉시 해결되지 않았다고 답한 고객들 중에,
only 36 percent remembered their call had been answered “immediately” or “very quickly,”
단지 36%는 그들의 전화가 “즉시” 또는 “아주 빠르게” 받아졌다고 기억했다.
while 18 percent recalled they had waited “too long.”
반면 18%는 그들은 “너무 오래” 기다렸다고 회상했다.
In fact, the company had an automated answering system and there was no difference in waiting time between the two groups.
사실, 그 회사는 자동응답시스템을 갖추었고 그 집단 사이에 어떤 차이점도 없었다.
댓글 꼭!!! 힘이 됩니다.
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