

2014-11-14 고2 모의고사, 25번



25. 다음 글의 제목으로 가장 적절한 것은?

There is no way that we two-legged creatures can keep up with many four-legged animals in a head-to-head sprint, but in recent years, some anthropologists have suggested that the human species has evolved in such a way as to be built for marathon running. Researchers from Harvard University and the University of Utah point to our long legs and short arms as being suited to running ―necessary for our early hunter-gatherer lifestyle on the African savannah. More specifically, the scientists highlight the abundance of tendons in our legs used little in walking but essential for running; our large leg joints for shock absorption; and our relative lack of body hair for minimizing rises in body temperatures. These characteristics demonstrate that the human body as a whole is comparatively well suited to endurance running compared to other animals.

*tendon: 힘줄

① Limitations of Animal Running Speed

② How to Build Your Marathon Muscles

③ How Fast Can Humans Run 100 Meters?

④ Why Are Humans Good Long Distance Runners?

⑤ Basic Methods of Endurance Training for Running


- Analysis -



25. 다음 글의 제목으로 가장 적절한 것은?

There is no way that we two-legged creatures can keep up with many four-legged animals in a head-to-head sprint,

우리 두 다리를 가진 생명체는 많은 네 다리를 가진 동물들과 정면 달리기에서 따라 잡을 수는 없다.


but in recent years, some anthropologists have suggested that the human species has evolved in such a way as to be built for marathon running.

그러나 최근 몇 년 동안, 몇몇 인류학자들은 인간은 마라톤 달리기를 위해 형성된 방식으로 진화해 왔다고 암시했다.


Researchers from Harvard University and the University of Utah point to our long legs and short arms as being suited to running ―necessary for our early hunter-gatherer lifestyle on the African savannah.

하버드와 유타 대학의 연구진들은 우리의 긴 다리와 짧은 팔은 달리기에 적합한 것으로 지적한다. - 즉 아프리카 대초원에서 인류 초기의 사냥꾼에게 필요한


More specifically, the scientists highlight the abundance of tendons in our legs used little in walking but essential for running;

더욱 특별하게, 과학자들은 걸을 때 거의 사용하지 않지만 달리기 위해 필수적인 인간의 다리엔 많은 힘줄이 있다는 것을 강조한다.


our large leg joints for shock absorption; and our relative lack of body hair for minimizing rises in body temperatures.

즉, 충격을 흡수하기 위한 큰 다리 관절; 체온의 상승을 최소화하기 위한 비교적 적은 체모

- leg joints 다리 관절


These characteristics demonstrate that the human body as a whole is comparatively well suited to endurance running compared to other animals. *tendon: 힘줄

이러한 특징들은 인간의 신체는 전체적으로 다른 동물들과 비교하여 달리기 지구력을 비교적 잘 적합하다라는 것을 보여준다.


① Limitations of Animal Running Speed

동물 달기기 속력의 한계

② How to Build Your Marathon Muscles

마라톤 근육을 증강시키는 방법

③ How Fast Can Humans Run 100 Meters?

인간 얼마나 빨리 100미터를 주파하는가?

④ Why Are Humans Good Long Distance Runners?

왜 인간은 장거리 달리기에 좋은가?

⑤ Basic Methods of Endurance Training for Running

달리기를 위한 지구력 훈련의 기본적인 방법



댓글 !!! 힘이 됩니다.




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