

2014-11-14 고2 모의고사, 26

26. 밑줄 친 He[he]가 가리키는 대상이 나머지 넷과 다른 것은?

Bruce Adolphe first met Yo-Yo Ma at the Juilliard School in New York City. Although Ma was only fifteen years old at the time, ① he was already an established performer. Even at the age of seven, ② he had played at the White House. Meanwhile, Adolphe was a promising young composer who had just written his first cello piece. ③He had shown a draft of his composition to a Juilliard instructor, who told him that the piece featured a chord that was impossible to play. Before Adolphe could correct the music, however, Ma decided to rehearse the composition in his dorm room. ④ He played through his friend’s composition, sight-reading the whole thing. And when that impossible chord came, ⑤he somehow found a way to play it and his bow was straight across all four strings.



- Analysis -



26. 밑줄 친 He[he]가 가리키는 대상이 나머지 넷과 다른 것은?

Bruce Adolphe first met Yo-Yo Ma at the Juilliard School in New York City.

Bruce Adolphe는 뉴욕시의 Juilliard School에서 Yo-Yo Ma를 처음 만났다.


Although Ma was only fifteen years old at the time, ① he was already an established performer.

비록 Ma는 그 당시에 15살에 불과했을 지라도, 그는(Ma) 이미 인정받은 연주자였다.

- established : 인정된, 확립된


Even at the age of seven, ② he had played at the White House. Meanwhile, Adolphe was a promising young composer who had just written his first cello piece.

심지어 7세의 나이에도 불구하고, 그는(Ma)는 백악관에서 연주를 한 적이 있다. 그러는 동안, Adolphe는 그의 첫 번째 첼로곡을 막 작곡한 유망한 젊은 작가였다.


He had shown a draft of his composition to a Juilliard instructor, who told him that the piece featured a chord that was impossible to play.

그가(Adolphe) 쥴리어드 강사에게 그가 작곡한 초안을 보여줬을 때, 그 강사는 그에게 그 곡은 연주가 불가능한 화음의 특징이 있다고 말했다.

- feature : ~의 특징을 이루다


Before Adolphe could correct the music, however, Ma decided to rehearse the composition in his dorm room.

Adolphe는 그 음악을 수정하기 전에, Ma는 기숙사 방에서 그 작곡을 예행연습하기로 결심했다.


He played through his friend’s composition, sight-reading the whole thing.

그는(Ma) 모든 것을 한 번 보고 연주하면서 그의 친구의 작곡을 끝까지 연주했다.

- play through : 끝까지 연주하다 / sight-read : 한 번 보고 연주하다


And when that impossible chord came, ⑤he somehow found a way to play it and his bow was straight across all four strings.

그리하여 그 불가능한 음에 다달었을 때, 그는(Ma) 그것을 연주하는 방식을 발견했고 그의 활은 곧바로 모든 4현에 가로질러 연주했다.


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