
2014-11-14 고2 모의고사, 36번

36. The danger that the human population poses to the environment is the result of two factors: the (A) of people and the environmental impact of each person. When there were few people on Earth and limited technology, the human impact was primarily local. Even so, people have affected the environment for a surprisingly long time. It started with the use of fire to clear land, and it continued, new research shows, with large effects on the environment by early civilizations. For example, large areas of North America were modified by American Indians, who used fire for a variety of reasons and modified the forests of the eastern United States. The problem now is that there are so many people and our technologies are so powerful that our effects on the environment are even more (B) . This could cause a negative feedback― the more people, the worse the environment; the worse the environment, the fewer people. [3점]


        (A)                     (B)

① number …… global

② number …… limited

③ knowledge …… positive

④ movement …… accidental

⑤ movement …… exaggerated


- Analysis -







36. The danger that the human population poses to the environment is the result of two factors:

사람인구가 환경에 끼는 위험은 두 가지 요소의 결과이다.



the (A) of people and the environmental impact of each person.

사람들의 (A)와 각 사람들의 환경적 충격이다.



When there were few people on Earth and limited technology, the human impact was primarily local.

지구상에 사람들과 제한된 기술이 거의 없었을 때, 인간의 충격은 주로 국한적 이었다.



Even so, people have affected the environment for a surprisingly long time.

그렇다 하더라도, 사람들은 아주 오랜 시간동안 환경에 영향을 미쳐왔다.



It started with the use of fire to clear land, and it continued, new research shows, with large effects on the environment by early civilizations.

그것은 농토를 개간하기 위해 불의 사용으로 시작되어, 새로운 연구는 보여 주듯이, 계속해서 초기 문명에 의한 환경에 큰 영향을 끼쳤다.



For example, large areas of North America were modified by American Indians, who used fire for a variety of reasons and modified the forests of the eastern United States.

예를 들어, 북미의 큰 지역들은 여러 이유로 불을 사용하고 동부 미국의 산림을 바꿔 놓았던 미국 인디언들에 의해 바뀌었다.



The problem now is that there are so many people and our technologies are so powerful that our effects on the environment are even more (B) .

그런 문제는 오늘날 너무나 많은 사람들과 우리의 기술은 너무나 강력하여 환경이 미치는 영향은 훨씬 더 (B) 이다.



This could cause a negative feedback― the more people, the worse the environment;

이것은 부정적인 결과를 야기 시킬 수 있다 - 사람이 많아지면 많아질수록, 한경은 더 더욱 악화된다.



the worse the environment, the fewer people. [3점]

환경이 악화되면 될수록, 사람들의 수는 더 더욱 줄어든다.

            (A)                  (B)

① number …… global

② number …… limited

③ knowledge …… positive

④ movement …… accidental

⑤ movement …… exaggerated


댓글 !!! 힘이 됩니다.





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