

오늘의 '재밋는 독해기법 : Body Language 몸짓언어'입니다.

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10문제도 풀어 보세요.





By now, we are fully accustomed to the false public proclamations of politicians themselves. But voters lie, too. Consider an election between a black candidate and a white candidate. Might white voters lie to pollsters, claiming they will vote for the black candidate in order to appear more color-blind than they actually are? Apparently so. In New York City's 1989 mayoral race between David Dinkins (a black candidate) and Rudolph Giuliani (who is white), Dinkins won by only a few points. Although Dinkins became the city's first balck mayor, his slender margin of victory came as a surprise, for pre-election polls showed Dinkins winning by nearly 15 points. When the white supremacist David Duke ran for the U.S. Senate in 1990, he received nearly 20 percent more of the vote than pre-election polls had projected, an indication that thousands of Louisiana voters did not want .

① to raise taxes or cut spending

② to change the current electoral system

③ to be part of the political struggle any longer

to admit their preference for a candidate with racist views

⑤ to vote for someone who didn't share the same values as them








A particularly ridiculous yet maddeningly enduring leadership myth is that . Although most of us have heard this statement so many times that we tend to believe it on some level, it is actually quite a laughable idea. The statement that leaders are born implies that the world is full of leaders and nonleaders, that you either “have it” or don’t in the leadership area. The fact is that each of us has a unique blend of emotional, intellectual, and behavioral talents and tendencies that place us somewhere on the continuum from poor to excellent leadership. And most important, one’s location on the continuum is not static but fluid; leadership is responsive to a range of factors such as motivation, new learning, maturity, and experience. People often become more effective leaders.

① leadership is not a natural gift

② everyone has the potential to be a leader

③ good leadership requires various qualities

④ the virtues of a good leader never change

⑤ excellent leaders are simply born that way









37. 다음 글의 빈칸 (A) (B)에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것을 고르시오.


Situated 600km east of the Caspian, the Aral Sea was the world’s fourth largest lake. Surrounding areas were irrigated with a modest amount of water from the rivers flowing into the lake. From around 1960 the water withdrawals increased to satisfy the requirements of great cotton growing projects in central Asia. (A) , the lake lost much of its volume and salt density in the water reached oceanic values. The worst aspect was that a large part of the salt sediments at the lake bottom was exposed. The fisheries ceased, and even drinking water became affected, with serious consequences for the health of the population in a large area. (B) , recent attempts to undo the damage by adding water to the lake appear to have had some success.

① For example …… Moreover

② For example …… On the other hand

As a result …… Fortunately

④ As a result …… Consequently

⑤ In fact …… Instead







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Today, I notice that we continue to be fascinated with the way children see things and the associations that they make. Even their "mistakes" are attractive because they come from a very pure place. Yet, at a certain age, the promotion of the creative impulse stops. Once a child begins going to school, societal pressures start to take hold; acting a little "different" becomes a problem, and children are pressured to conform. When I was six years old, I was hit on the left hand with a ruler for trying to write with it. Now, though it happens in more subtle ways, society still discourages children's impulses to think, write, draw, sing, or behave in ways that . Hyperactivity is punished or, worse yet, medicated. It is no surprise that we grow up afraid to differ, and afraid to express our true selves.

①conform to social norms

②restrict creative potential

③are based on usual stereotypes

④give in the inner compulsion

move away from the standard








The purpose of research in science is to bring a higher level of confidence and certainty to our understanding than is possible by belief, faith, or reason alone. Science therefore requires a highly critical attitude. The scientist must be a skeptic who has to be shown, a doubter who must be convinced, a cynic who believes that people may wittingly or unwittingly deceive or misunderstand one another. Research must be designed so that it is tight and its conclusions compelling. Conversely, if an investigation is flawed such that the results are open to plausible alternative interpretations, the findings . It is the researcher's responsibility to eliminate or rule out all plausible alternative explanations and to recognize and point out when others have failed to be entirely convincing ,rather than generously to overlook logical weaknesses because "they probably don't matter".

①may be hard to understand

②can be replaced with alternatives

③would be accepted only in part

cannot be admitted as evidence

⑤need to be explained more clearly










When was the last time you were bewildered? The very fact that bewilderment is such a rare condition for most of us, despite the complexity of our lives, is a clear indication that the theory of the world in our heads is at least as complex as the world we perceive around us. The reason we are usually not aware of the theory is simply that it . Just as a fish takes water for granted until deprived of it, so we become aware of our dependence on a theory to make sense of the world only when the theory proves inadequate, when the world fails to make sense. When were you last bewildered by something that you heard or read? Our theory of the world seems ready to make sense of almost everything we are likely to experience in spoken and written language.

① is so complex

works so well

③ is very bewildering

④ doesn't make sense

⑤ is beyond our ability






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29.다음 도표의 내용과 일치하지 않는 것은?



The above graph shows the Canadian volunteer rates and hours by age in 2007. ①In general, the Canadian average volunteer rate across all age groups was 46%,and the average Canadian dedicated 166 hours to volunteer work. ②Except for one age group 25 to 34,the number of hours volunteered tended to increase with age while the volunteer rate tended to decrease. ③The volunteer rate of seniors 75 and older was lowest, and that of the young adults aged 15 to 24 was highest. ④Seniors 75 and older dedicated more hours annually to volunteering than any other age group, directly followed by adults aged 65 to 74. ⑤There are four age groups whose volunteer hours exceeded the Canadian average, while there are only two age groups whose volunteer rate was higher than the Canadian average.







30. Dr. Robert Ballard에 관한 설명 중, 다음 글의 내용과 일치하지 않는 것은?

Dr. Robert Ballard has spent innumerable hours exploring deep ocean waters. His expeditions have led to the discovery of a wide variety of shipwrecks ranging from ancient Roman ships to the Titanic. Dr. Ballard, who has been searching for shipwrecks for over 30 years, ahs rejected the pleas of those who would like him to remove artifacts from shipwrecks so others can study them. His respect for the people who perished has caused Ballard to take a stand against disturbing the wrecks, which he has come to see as monuments to the dead. The discovery of the Titanic made the expert an instant celebrity. Ballard has been involved in educational projects since then and has been giving speeches, writing books, and working on educational TV programs shown widely across the world.

① 고대 로마의 배 등 다양한 난파선을 발견했다.

② 30년 이상 전문적으로 심해 탐험을 해왔다.

③ 난파선의 유물을 연구할 수 있도록 도왔다.

④ 난파선 잔해를 훼손하는 것을 원치 않았다.

⑤ 타이타닉호의 발견으로 유명세를 얻었다.








Language is often . Part of the problem is that there has been a reversal of the relative fortunes of the two main language groups. Wallonia, the southern, French-speaking half of Belgium, was long the economic powerhouse of the country, but with the decline of traditional heavy industries such as steel and coal, the economic base has moved north to the more populous, but previously backward, region of Flanders. During the period of the Walloon ascendancy, the Dutch dialect of Flanders, Flemish, was forbidden in parliament and court. This caused lingering resentment among the Dutch-speaking majority. The situation is so hair-trigger that when a French-speaking group of villages in Flanders elected a French-Speaking mayor who refused to conduct his duties in Dutch, the national government was brought down twice and the matter clouded Belgian politics for a decade.


① a matter of taste in Europe

an emotive issue in Belgium

③ a means of upward mobility

④ treated as a window to the world

⑤ of great importance to people






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26.밑줄 친 their/they가 가리키는 대상이 나머지 넷과 다른 것은?

One world you are certain to touch in college is that of books. Have you considered the nature of books? ①Their magic is one blessing available to all men, but only a few can accept it. A modern tragedy is that many persons, far from learning to appreciate books, actually turn ②their backs on them. This is tragic, because ③they are more than useful tools, far more. ④They hold keys to other worlds, opening the way to exciting new realms of experience. ⑤They can be wondrously enlightening and stimulating, deliciously amusing, or deeply refreshing. In fact, in the realm of books are volumes that live on and go on telling men's hearts of the hearts of men centuries dead.








27. 다음 글의 밑줄 친 부분 중, 어법상 틀린 것은?

Modern definitions of "progress" are intrinsically related to the way in which we perceive time. Time, as archaeology confirms, was initially calculated by the observance of natural cycles, and this brought a sense of continuity, a link to the past. Today, however, time is seen as linear, a future ①stretches out to infinity in front of us. This evokes a perception of time ②running faster, away from us as we scramble to catch up, to "progress." Thus the past is rejected as inferior - new ideas and inventions are seen as progressive, as being better than ③their predecessors, simply because they are new. Any technological "advance" is evaluated and privileged as progressive, without considering the environmental destruction this technology introduces into the equation. ④Looked at logically, this is ludicrous: in part because of the lack of value ascribed to the environment, in part ⑤because "progress" is still promoted in an unquestioned manner, and in part because of this linear conception of time.








28.(A) (B) (C)의 각 네모 안에서 문맥에 맞는 낱말로 가장 적절한 것은?

A metaphor has a way of helping us see through the surface to the deep-level meanings of both experiences and communications. It raises subtle or hidden (A) dissimilarities/ commonalities. It can organize our experiences and give them a structure that was not apparent in the living of the moment, but that rings true upon reflection. Metaphor becomes, then, a device for exploring the unknown in terms of the known. It is a tool of insight. It provides us with a perspective for (B) comprehending/distinguishing something unknown by comparing it to familiar objects and experiences. That is key; metaphor based on experiences we haven't had will have (C) boundless/limited value, if any. For example, in using the domino effect as a metaphor to explain cause and effect, one must ascertain that students do indeed know what dominoes are, how they can be stacked on edge, and what happens if the first domino is knocked over.


              (A)                            (B)                       (C)

① dissimilarities ...... comprehending ...... boundless

② dissimilarities ...... distinguishing ...... limited

③ commonalities ...... comprehending ...... boundless

④ commonalities ...... comprehending ...... limited

⑤ commonalities ...... distinguishing ...... boundless






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24. 다음 글의 주제로 가장 적절한 것을 고르시오.


There was once a butcher in a small town who got furious when the other butchers took away his customers. In order to ruin them, he converted the whole town to vegetarianism, and was surprised to find that as a result he was ruined too. The foolishness of this man seems unbelievable, yet it is no greater than that of all the strong nations of the world. All have observed that foreign trade enriches other nations, and all have erected tariffs to destroy foreign trade. All have been astonished to find that they were as much injured as their competitors. Not one has remembered that trade is reciprocal, and that a foreign nation which sells to one's own nation also buys from it either directly or indirectly. The reason that they have not remembered that is that hatred of foreign nations has made them incapable of clear thinking where foreign trade is concerned.


① the necessity of tariffs to protect the domestic economy

② the difficulty of building trust in international relations

③ effective steps to reduce trade gaps between nations

the lack of new policies to promote international trade

⑤ the shortsighted attitude of nations regarding foreign trade










25. 다음 글의 제목으로 가장 적절한 것은?


Do personalities change significantly over the life span? If you think so, it may be a result of your tendency to overestimate changes in personality. In one study that supports such a finding, a group of college students rated themselves on several personality traits. Twenty-five years later, they rated themselves again, not only as they saw their current personalities, but also as they thought they had been during college. Only the original college rating and the current rating were similar; there was little similarity between how people remembered themselves as having been in college and either their current ratings or their original ratings as college students. These results support the idea that there is an underlying consistency to personality, which people often underestimate.


Habit Is a Second Nature

Is the Self-rating System Reliable?

Don't Underestimate Personality Changes

An Outgoing Man Can't Be a Quiet Man

⑤ There's a Wide Gap between Memories And Facts






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23. 다음 글의 요지로 가장 적절한 것을 고르시오.

We should not assume that an image in psychotherapy can be directly translated into a given meaning -rather like an 'image dictionary'. Each image is intimately connected with an individual's personal and cultural history and will be influenced by where, when, and how it was created. James Hillman, a leading psychotherapist, suggests that we do not need to interpret the images that arise, but that the image itself is more important, more inclusive, and more complex than what we have to say about it. We need the image itself, not the explanation to help us on our path. In other words, images demand respect not analysis! It is important to remember this when helping others to use their imagination. We can encourage them to talk about their images and talk with their images, but should resist any temptation to offer our own interpretations as to what they might mean.


①이미지를 올바로 해석하려면 개인의 문화적 역사를 알아야 한다.

②심리치료에서는 개인이 한 말보다 이미지의 해석이 더 중요하다.

심리치료에서 이미지는 해석이 아닌 그 자체로서 존중되어야 한다.

④개인의 이미지는 주어진 상황에 따라 항상 다르게 보일 수 있다.

⑤심리치료에서 개인의 이미지 변화를 독려하는 것은 바람직하지 않다.


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