
26.밑줄 친 their/they가 가리키는 대상이 나머지 넷과 다른 것은?

One world you are certain to touch in college is that of books. Have you considered the nature of books? ①Their magic is one blessing available to all men, but only a few can accept it. A modern tragedy is that many persons, far from learning to appreciate books, actually turn ②their backs on them. This is tragic, because ③they are more than useful tools, far more. ④They hold keys to other worlds, opening the way to exciting new realms of experience. ⑤They can be wondrously enlightening and stimulating, deliciously amusing, or deeply refreshing. In fact, in the realm of books are volumes that live on and go on telling men's hearts of the hearts of men centuries dead.








27. 다음 글의 밑줄 친 부분 중, 어법상 틀린 것은?

Modern definitions of "progress" are intrinsically related to the way in which we perceive time. Time, as archaeology confirms, was initially calculated by the observance of natural cycles, and this brought a sense of continuity, a link to the past. Today, however, time is seen as linear, a future ①stretches out to infinity in front of us. This evokes a perception of time ②running faster, away from us as we scramble to catch up, to "progress." Thus the past is rejected as inferior - new ideas and inventions are seen as progressive, as being better than ③their predecessors, simply because they are new. Any technological "advance" is evaluated and privileged as progressive, without considering the environmental destruction this technology introduces into the equation. ④Looked at logically, this is ludicrous: in part because of the lack of value ascribed to the environment, in part ⑤because "progress" is still promoted in an unquestioned manner, and in part because of this linear conception of time.








28.(A) (B) (C)의 각 네모 안에서 문맥에 맞는 낱말로 가장 적절한 것은?

A metaphor has a way of helping us see through the surface to the deep-level meanings of both experiences and communications. It raises subtle or hidden (A) dissimilarities/ commonalities. It can organize our experiences and give them a structure that was not apparent in the living of the moment, but that rings true upon reflection. Metaphor becomes, then, a device for exploring the unknown in terms of the known. It is a tool of insight. It provides us with a perspective for (B) comprehending/distinguishing something unknown by comparing it to familiar objects and experiences. That is key; metaphor based on experiences we haven't had will have (C) boundless/limited value, if any. For example, in using the domino effect as a metaphor to explain cause and effect, one must ascertain that students do indeed know what dominoes are, how they can be stacked on edge, and what happens if the first domino is knocked over.


              (A)                            (B)                       (C)

① dissimilarities ...... comprehending ...... boundless

② dissimilarities ...... distinguishing ...... limited

③ commonalities ...... comprehending ...... boundless

④ commonalities ...... comprehending ...... limited

⑤ commonalities ...... distinguishing ...... boundless






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