
다음 중 밑줄 친 각 문장의 의미가 잘못 사용된 것은?

아픈 곳 말하기

A: What's wrong with you?

B: I have a headache.



A: I can't sleep at night.

B: You should take a warm bath.


비교급 표현하기

Mongsil's body is always warmer than your body.


의문사 When의 용법

When I hold her, her body always feels a little hot.


금지하는 표현

You should not play computer games too long.



많은 질명과 증상에 관한 것들 중, 어울리지 않는 것은 ?

a headache a toothache

a stomachache a runny nose

a clinic



When you see a doctor, the doctor will say something about your condition. Which one is not his words?

You have a bad cough. Take enough rest.

You have a cold. Take this medicine every thirty minutes after meals.

You have a fever. Go out and play with friends to have sweat.

You have a sore throat. Gargle with salt water.

You have a toothache. Don't eat sweet.



[문제 3]에서 의사선생님의 충고에 대한 여러분의 답변으로 자연스럽지 못한 것은?

OK, I will. Thanks.

I guess I should.

That's a good idea.

Thanks for you advice.

I'll keep that in mind.


다음 비교급 표현(the comparative degree)으로 올바르지 못한 것은?

I am 4 years older than my sister.

Dad came home earlier than usual.

The sun is bigger than any other planets.

That bag is more expensive than this one.

Your bike looks better than mine.



위 글 [문제 5]에서 비교급을 강조하고 싶다. 이에 쓰이지 않는 단어는?

much even lots still far



다음을 영작하였다. 올바른 것은?

내가 그녀를 안을 때, 그녀의 몸은 항상 약간 뜨겁게 느껴졌다.


When I hold her, her body always feels a little hot.

Because I hold her, her body feels always a little hot.

Though I hold her, her body feels a little hot always.

After I hold her, her body always feels a little hot.

Since I hold her, her body always feels a little hot.



다음은 문법적으로 잘못된 것이다. 이에 대한 올바른 진단을 내려 보세요.

We will start when the wind will calm down.


시간을 나타내는 명사절이므로 현재시제가 미래시제를 대신하여 will calmcalms로 바꿔야 한다.

조건을 나타내는 부사절은 미래시제일 경우는 진행형 시제로 바꿔야 한다. will calm is calming

친구에게 물어 보았다. 그의 답변은 will startare going to start로 해야 한다고???

시간을 내타내는 부사절에선 현재시제가 미래시제를 대신함. will calm calms

알쏭달쏭하지만, whenif로 바꿔야 하지 않을까?





다음의 대화를 읽고 물음에 답하시오.[9~10]

B: Hi, Yuna. How are you?

G: I don't feel well.

B: Really? What's wrong?

G: I have a toothache.


윗글을 다시 써 보았다. 올바르지 못한 변형은?

B: Hello, Yuna. What's up?

G: I am in a bad mood.

B: Serious? What's the matter with you?

I have a toothache.

That's too bad.



윗글 다음에 올 가능성 있는 답변은?

That's too bad. Good Luck!

Why don't you see a doctor?

I'm sorry to hear that. I hope you to get worse.

Why don't you ask a question of you teacher?

That's kind of you to say so.



다음 글을 읽고 물음에 답하시오.[11~15]

Ask Dr. Green


Ted: I think there's something wrong with my dog. (A)When I hold him, his body always feels a little hot. Is he sick?


Dr. Green: The body temperature of a dog is usually between 38and 39, but our body temperature is about 36.5. So (B)his body is always warmer than your body.


Kate: I usually (C)keep my pet turtle in the water. Now she doesn't move or eat at all. Is there something wrong with her?


Dr. Green: Turtles like to swim in the water, but they also need (D)a lot of sunshine. When they stay in the water very long, they become weak. Put your turtle in the sun more often, and she'll get better soon.


밑줄 친 (A)의 쓰임과 다른 것은?

Be careful when you cross the street.

We don't know of when it happens?

It's going to be okay. When does it let out?

When did you meet an old friend of yours?

Don't forget the time when I told.




밑줄 친 (B)의 의미와 같은 것은?

Your body is not always as warmer as his body.

Your body is not always as warm as his body.

Your body is not always as low as his body.

His body is always warmest of all the sea animals.

His body is always better than your boday.




밑줄 친 (C)(D)의 의미와 같은 것은?

do - many put - much

make - many do - lots of

make - much



Dr. Green과 인터뷰를 해 보았다. 그에게 질문할 수 없는 것은?

What's the temperature of turtles'?

Is turtles' temperature higher than ours?

If it keeps long in the water, will it be sick?

What is turtle's favorite prey?

Is she okay after I go back home?



Dr. Green박사의 충고로 적절하지 않는 것은?

Turtle's temperature isn't the same as our body's.

Don't put it in the water too long.

If it doesn't move at all, touch it soft and feed it much.

Sunshine is important for turtles.

Water is also necessary for turtles.



2014년 중 1 2학기 기말고사 대비 정답[자료다운] http://www.eng119.co.kr




9과 100문제 주문하실 수 있습니다. 

이메일로 즉시 받아 보실 수 있습니다.












댓글 잊지마세용!!!


2014년 중1, 2학기, 기말고사 대비 10과 정답 


문제지 입니다. 다운받아 공부하세요.








잊지 마세요!!!



2013학년도,2학기,중간고사, 실전예상문제, 8과, 증평여중1, 두산(김)-2



2013학년도,2학기,중간고사, 실전예상문제, 8과, 증평여중1, 두산(김)-2 정답.hwp


[서술형 1~5] 다음 글을 읽고 질문에 답하시오.

What's Wrong with My Pet?

Jiho: Hello, Dr. Green! I'm Jiho, and this is my dog, Mongsil. ⓐ I'm worried about her. ⓑ When I hold her, her body always feels a little hot. But she doesn't look sick. She eats well and plays well, too. Is there something wrong with her? ⓒ

Dr. Green: OK. Let me take her temperature. Don't worry. There's no problem with her. ⓓ Our normal body temperature is about 36.5℃, but the temperature of a dog is ㉠ higher than that. It's usually between 38℃ and 39℃, so Mongsil's body is always warmer than your body. ⓔ


1. 주어진 문장이 들어갈 위치로 알맞은 곳은?

Mongsil is OK.

① ⓐ ② ⓑ ③ ⓒ ④ ⓓ ⑤ ⓔ


2. Why is Jiho worried about her pet, Mongsil?

① Because Jiho didn't bring her to the vet.

② Because her body is a little cold.

③ Because she doesn't eat a lot.

④ Because she doesn't have the same temperature as his.

⑤ Because she is very sick.


3. What is the tip from Dr. Green?

① Jiho doesn't have to be worried about his pet.

② Jiho doesn't give her too much food.

③ Jiho must take care of her more often.

④ Jiho doesn't touch her often.

⑤ Jiho has to visit the animal hospital regularly.


4. 윗글에서 Jiho의 심정은?

① angry → relieved

② frightened → shocked

③ surprised → serious

④ worried → relieved

⑤ relieved → worried


5. ㉠ higher than와 같이 쓰임이 틀린 것은?

① You look much better than yesterday.

② She looks beautifuller than her sister.

③ He has more money than I do.

④ You are taller than I am.

⑤ That is more interesting than this.


[서술형 6~12] 다음 글을 읽고 질문에 답하시오.

B: Good morning, Ms. Kim.

W: Oh, hi, Andy. You don't ⒜ look well. What's wrong?

B: I have bad cough.

W: Do you have a fever?

B: I'm not sure.

W: Let me ⒝ take your temperature.

B: OK.

W: I think you have a cold. You have a high temperature. You ⒞ should go home early today and go ⒟ see a doctor.

B: Really? I'll ask my teacher then. Thank you, Ms. Kim.


6. 'B'와 'W'의 관계로 올바른 것은?

① a teacher and a student

② a student and a teacher

③ a doctor and a student

④ a school nurse and a student

⑤ a school nurse and a teacher


7. 'B'는 어떠한 증세를 갖고 있나?

① bad cough ,a fever and high temperature

② bad cough and a fever, not a high temperature

③ bad cough and only a high temperature

④ very sick and not a fever

⑤ very sick and a little cough


8. ⒜ look well와 같은 쓰임의 아닌 것은?

① The patent looks well.

② The dog looks well.

③ The hamburger looks well.

④ The children look well

⑤ The bus driver looks well.


9. ⒝ take와 같은 뜻으로 쓰인 것은?

① I'll take a ticket to New York.

② I'll take 30 cents for that call.

③ She takes a cold.

④ She takes second prize.

⑤ Some teachers take a poll from students.


2013학년도,2학기,중간고사, 실전예상문제, 8과, 증평여중1, 두산(김)-2



10. ⒞ should와 쓰임이 틀린 것은?

① You should go home early.

② Should I study hard?

③ You should take a test.

④ You should have done it before.

⑤ You should have a good time with friends.


10. 다음 중 영어풀이로 틀린 것은?

① cold : having a low temperature

② wrong : correct in fact or truth

③ fever : a rise in the temperature of the body

④ temperature : the degree of hotness or coldness

⑤ sure : having or feeling no doubt or uncertainty


11. 위 글에서 Andy의 심정은?

① angry → nervous

② nervous → worried

③ sick → happy

④ worried → surprised

⑤ scared → sick


12. ⒟ see a doctor와 의미가 같은 것은?

① visit a doctor

② ask a doctor

③ consult a doctor

④ call a doctor

⑤ thank a doctor


13. 밑줄 친 부분의 쓰임이 나머지와 다른 것은?

① When is your birthday?

② When do you usually get up?

③ Do you know when he came?

④ When did she start dancing?

⑤ I don't sleep well when I feel stressful.


14. 밑줄 친 부분의 쓰임이 어색한 것은?

① This box is lighter than one.

② Today, I feel better than yesterday.

③ My cell phone is heavyer than yours

④ Mt. Everest is higher than Mr. Seorak.

⑤ For me, math is more interesting than science.


다음을 읽고 물음에 답하시오. [15~16]

Hello, everyone. This is your school nurse, Ms. Kim. I had some students with pink eye in my office yesterday, so I wanted to give you some advice. First, don't touch your eyes with your hands. Second, you should wash your hands often.


15. pink eye의 의미는?

① pink shadow

② swollen eye

③ congestive eye

④ eye with tears

⑤ epidemic eye symptoms


16. 위 글에 언급된 충고의 내용으로 알맞지 않은 것을 모두 고르세요.

① come over a school clinic

② open and close eyes often

③ don't touch eyes

④ go to bed early

⑤ wash hands often




증평여중1, 2학기 중간고사, 내신준비, 두산(김성곤), 예상기출문제, 7과












1. Which one has the difference of the following meaning?

① wonder

something very surprising; an object that makes you admire

admire : 존경하다, 감탄하다

② nation

a politically organized body of people under a single government

politically : 정치적으로, government : 정부

③ wild

marked by extreme lack of restraint or control

extreme : 극단적인, restrain : 규제

④ shadow

shade within clear boundaries

boundaries : 경계

⑤ food

a beverage made from roasted ground cacao beans


2. 빈칸에 알맞지 않은 것은?

A: Ben, what are you going to do this weekend?

B: I'm going to go to the beach. . Sojin?

A: I'm going to go to Mr. Seorak with my friends.

B: That sounds like fun.

① How about you

② What about you

③ What is your plan

④ What are you doing

⑤ What are you going to do


3. [문제 3]에 일치 하지 않는 것은?

① There are two, Ben and Sojin.

② They are talking about this weekend plan.

③ Their plans are different.

④ They are all the same aged friends.

⑤ They are expected to be excited on the trip.


4. What are best fit for the blanks?

A: Hi, Amy. Let's go to a baseball game after school.

B: OK. ⓐ       .

A: Let's meet at the bus stop.

B: OK. ⓑ      .

① ⓐ Where do you want to meet?

ⓑ I'm sorry, but I can't.

② ⓐ Where should we meet?

ⓑ That sounds good.

③ ⓐ Where do we have to meet?

ⓑ Why don't you join us tomorrow?

④ ⓐ Where shall we meet?

ⓑ I have no ideal to go or not.

⑤ ⓐ What should I bring with me?

ⓑ That's wonderful.


※ 다음을 읽고, 물음에 답하시오. [5~6]

Hi, class. (①) This is Friday, we're ⓐ to go on a field trip to the Forest Museum. (②) At the museum, we're ⓑ to learn about tree and insects. (③) Let's meet on the school playing field. (④) Don't be ⓒ ! (⑤)


5. 주어진 문장이 들어가기에 알맞은 곳은?

Please come by 8:30 a.m.

①     ②     ③     ④     ⑤


6. 밑줄 친 ⓐ, ⓑ, ⓒ에 각각 올바른 것은?

        ⓐ     ⓑ       ⓒ

① going   doing     late

② making  going    hurry

③ doing   doing     hurry

④ making  making   late

⑤ going   going     late


7. According to the below paragraph, the word, 'that' should be located in the correct position.

We (①) though (②) it (③) was (④) a (⑤) bear.

①     ②     ③     ④     ⑤


※ 다음을 읽고, 물음에 답하시오. [8~11]

A park ranger told us, "There are ⓐ     bears here. They can  ⓑ     well. So please put all your food in the bear box." ⓒ 내일, 우리는 낚시를 갈 예정입니다. 나는 정말 기대가 됩니다.

After breakfast, we went to Mirror Lake. The water was very clear. John's father caught a big fish, but he ⓓ     . John and I ⓔ    . We had so ⓕ     fun all day.



8. 빈칸 ⓐ와 ⓕ에 알맞은 단어를 바르게 설명한 것은?

① many / much

② many / much

③ much / much

④ a lot / a lot

⑤ much / many


9. 빈칸 ⓑ, ⓓ, ⓔ에 각각 알맞은 단어는?

① taste / put back it / skiped stones

② smell / put back it / skipped stones

③ smell / put it back / skipped stones

④ taste / put it back / skiped stones

⑤ smell / put it back / throw stones


10. ⓒ를 영어로 올바르게 표현한 것은?

① Tomorrow, we're going fishing. I can't wait.

② Tomorrow, we're going to fishing. I can wait.

③ We're going fishing tomorrow. I can wait.

④ We're going to do fishing tomorrow. I can't wait.

⑤ Tomorrow, we'll going fishing. I can't wait.





11번부터 작업 중입니다.

필요하신 분은 http://comandeng.tistory.com/223 에서

더 보실 수 있습니다. 감사합니다.



1. ⑤ chocolate를 말함

2. ④

3. ④

4. ②

5. ④

6. ④

7. ②

8. ②

9. ③

10. ①





11. 위 문장을 다시 써보았다. 틀린 것은?

① A park ranger spoke to us.

② There are a lot of bears here.

③ So please get all your food into the bear box.

As soon as we had breakfast, we went to the Mirror Lake.

⑤ We had a good time for a while.


※ 다음을 읽고, 물음에 답하시오. [12~13]

Tomorrow is our last day here. We made a campfire, and ⓐ John's mother made us s'more. ⓑ They were delicious. We sat around the fire and sang a camp song.


12. 밑줄 친 ⓐ를 다음과 같이 3형식문장으로 바꾸려고 한다. 올바른 것은?

John's mother made s'mores us.


① of ② to ③ for ④ with ⑤ on


13. 위 글을 다음과 같이 다시 써 보았다. 밑줄친 곳에 알맞은 것은?

It be a last day tomorrow. We a campfire, and us, John's mother cooked s'more . We were around the flame of fire and sang a camp song.

① should / made / to / deliciously / sat / raising

② will / set / to / delicious / seated / raising

③ will / set / for / deliciously / seated / rising

④ should / made / to / deliciously / seated / rising/

⑤ will / set / for declicious / seated / raising


※ 다음을 읽고, 물음에 답하시오. [14~16]

Make new friends,

but keep the old.

is silver,

and gold.

John is a ⓒ "gold" friend. I'll never forget this trip.


14. The following questions must be suitable for the above sentences. Which one is not appropriate?

① To make friends is important to keep old.

② New friends are like silver, but old friends is like gold.

③ The writer has really good experience.

④ Gold is more expensive than silver.

⑤ The writer and John are between gold friends.


15. 빈칸 ⓐ와 ⓑ에 알맞은 단어는?

① one / the other

② one / the others

③ some / the others

④ some / the other

⑤ one / another


16. What means ⓒ?

① Old friends can't be changed to silver.

② Once you make friends, you should make your promise with friends.

③ Here is no exact explanation.

④ It means that old friends are valuable ones like gold.

⑤ Old friends should shine like gold.


※ 다음을 읽고, 물음에 답하시오. [17~1]

I'm going to go to the City Art Museum . I'm going to go there with my mom. I want to see van Gogh's paintings there. I think it'll be fun.


17. 빈칸 ⓐ에 알맞지 않은 것은?

① tomorrow ② this Friday

③ last week ④ next weekend

⑤ in October


18. ⓑ 알맞지 않은 것은?

① plenty of ② a lot of

③ a great deal of ④ much

⑤ many


19. 빈칸에 알맞은 말을 고르세요.

1. I'm of speaking in public. (두려운)

2. and find me out. (돌아서다)

3. There are many in Korea. (국립공원)

4. I watch the baseball game. (몹시 기대된다)

5. Korea its traditional culture. (유명하다)

① scared / Turn around / national parks / can't wait to / is famous for

② afraid / Turn back / national parks / can't serve / is infamous for

③ scared / Turn around / traditional parks / can't wait to / is well-kwown for

④ afraid / Turn around / national parks / can wait for / is well-known for

⑤ scared / Turn forward / countryside parks / can't wait on / is famous for


20. 영영풀이가 잘못된 것은?

① wonder : a strange or remarkable thing

② clear : easily, seen, rather than colored or dirty

③ lake : a body of fresh water surrounded by land

④ valley : a low area of land between hills and mountains

⑤ shade : relative darkness caused by light rays being intercepted by an opaque body







11. ⑤

12. ③

13. ③

14. ④

15. ①

16. ④

17. ③

18. ⑤

19. ①

20. ⑤



[문제 1~3] 다음 글을 읽고 물음에 답하세요.

B: Hi, Yuna. How are you?

G: (1) I don't feel well.

B: Really? (2) What's wrong?

G: I have a (3) toothache.

1. 위글 밑줄 친 (1)부분과 바꿔 쓸 수 있는 것이 아닌 것은?

① I feel something wrong with me.

② I am in trouble.

③ I feel painful.

④ I got something bad for me.

⑤ I'm not sure it's going to be well.


2. 윗글 밑줄 친 (2)부분과 뜻이 다른 것은?

① What's the problem?

② What's up?

③ What's wrong with you?

④ When did you have the problem?

⑤ Is there something wrong with you?


3. According to the word, 'ache', which one is wrong to say about 'ache'?

① headache

② backache

③ stomachache

④ boneache

⑤ panache


[문제 4] 다음 글을 읽고 물음에 답하세요.

G: Ben, you don't look (1) well today. Are you OK?

B: Not really.

G: What's wrong?

B: I have a fever.


4. 밑줄 친 (1) well의 쓰임이 어색한 것은?

① After he got out of a hospital, he was well again.

② He studies well, because he works hard every day.

③ Mom cooked dinner for me. It looks well.

④ He is a well-known teacher in the school.

Well, I don't want to play computer games again until midnight.


5. Which one is wrong grammatically?

① She feels alonely.

② The baked bread smells good.

③ It tastes delicious.

④ He remains silent.

⑤ He keeps the pet warm by his arms.


6. We often say about the expression of a cold. Which one has all consisted of the cold symptoms.

① a runny nose

② cough

③ sick

④ fever

⑤ a flu


[문제 7~8] 다음 글을 읽고 물음에 답하세요.

G: Hi, Hojin. What's up?

B: I have a bad cold. I cough a lot.

G: Oh, then you (1) should go (2) see a doctor.

B: OK, I will. Thanks.


7. The above paragraph is a kind of ①, ②, ③, ④or ⑤.

① diary

② essay

③ conversation

④ a short story

⑤ episode


8. Which one is different from their conversation?

① They are talking about a cold.

② One has a bad cold, and the other says he or she should see a doctor.

③ One in a bad cold seems to cough a lot.

④ 'What's up?' is sometimes to be used to be 'How are you?' between friends.

⑤ They are between strangers.


9. 밑줄 친 (1) should의 용법과 다른 것은?

① You should study hard, if you want to get a good score.

② You should have passed the test.

③ You should listen to your parents

④ You should go to the library during the exam.

⑤ You should not go out until late.


10. 밑줄 친 (2) see a doctor가 의미하는 것은?

① You meet a doctor as soon as possible.

② You should consult a doctor.

③ You have to go to the hospital.

④ You have an appointment with a doctor.

⑤ You have to make a clinic reservation.


[문제 11~13] 다음 글을 읽고 물음에 답하세요.

B: Good morning, Ms. Kim

W: Oh, hi, Andy. You don't look well. What's wrong?

B: I have a bad cough.

W: Do you have a fever?

B: I'm not sure.

W: Let met take your temperature.

B: OK.

W: I think you have a cold. You have a high temperature. You should go home early today and go see a doctor.

B: Really? I'll ask my teacher then. Thank you, Ms. Kim.


11. What's their relationship between 'B' and 'W'.

① a student and a school nurse

② a student and a teacher

③ a student and a friend

④ a student and a doctor

⑤ a student and a member of his family


12. Each blank has to be filled with the word according to the above vocabularies.

(1) a sudden noisy expulsion of air from the lungs

(2) the degree of hotness or coldness of a body or environment

(3) a rise in the temperature of the body

(4) a person whose job is teaching


13. 'B'의 심정은?

① interested

② worrisome

③ bored

④ indifferent

⑤ angry


[문제 14~16] 다음 글을 읽고 물음에 답하세요.

W: Hello, everyone. This is your school nurse, Ms. Kim. I had some students with pink eye in my office yesterday, so I wanted to give you some advice. First, don't touch your eyes with your hands. Second, you should wash your hands often. Follow my advice, and you'll be OK.


14. How does the school nurse think of pink eye?

① It's very serious.② It's very painful.

③ It's very careful.④ It's very worrying.

⑤ It's not much bad.


15. How many pieces of advice does she give to students?

① one

② two

③ three

④ four

⑤ not known


[문제 16~17] 다음 글을 읽고 물음에 답하세요.

G: John, you don't look well. What's wrong?

B: I have a fever. I cough a lot, too.

G: I think you have a cold. You should go see the school nurse.

B: I guess I should (1) .


16. 위 글의 성격은?

① to advise

② to scold

③ to blame

④ to worry

⑤ to admire


17. 밑줄 친 (1)에 생략된 것은?

① go to the hospital

② go home early

③ go to the dentist

④ go see the school nurse

⑤ go and take a rest


[문제 18~] 다음 글을 읽고 물음에 답하세요.

What's Wrong with My Pet?

Jiho: Hello, Dr. Green! I'm Jiho,and this is my dog, Mongsil. I'm worried (1) her. When I hold her, her body always feels a little hot. (A) she doesn‘t look sick. She eats well and plays well, too. Is there something wrong (2) her?

Dr. Green: Let me (3) her temperature. Don't worry. There's no problem with her. Our normal body temperature is about 36.5℃, but the temperature of a dog is higher (4) that. It's usually between 38℃ and 39℃, (B) Mongsil's body is always warmer than your body. Mongil is OK.

Jiho: I see.


18. (1)~(4) 알맞은 것은?

       (1)   (2)  (3)   (4)

① about take with than

② with about take than

③ about with take than

④ take with than about

⑤ about than take with


19. 윗글로 알 수 없는 것은?

① What's the problem with Monsil?

② What's the degree of human's body and dog's body?

③ Who is Dr. Green?

④ Why's Monsil's temperature high?

⑤ Why is human's body higher than dog's?


20. (A)와 (B)에 알맞은 접속사는?

① But, so

② So, but

③ However, Then

④ And, therefore

⑤ so, so


[서술형 21] 다음의 문장을 완성하세요. (비교급 사용)

Mr. Everest is 8,848m high. Mt. Olympus is 2,917m high. (high를 사용할 것)



[서술형 22] when을 사용하여 한 문장으로 바꾸세요.

Ex) I'm tired. Then, I go to bed

→ When I'm tired, I go to bed.

I feel excited. Then, I take a deep breath.



[서술형 23] 주어진 단어들을 바르게 배열하세요.

you / give / some / wanted / I / advice / to



[서술형 24] 주어진 단어들을 바르게 배열하세요.

wrong / there / is / her / something / with / ?



[서술형 25] 영어로 옮기시오.


1. 나는 심한 감기에 걸렸다.



2. 그녀는 전혀 움직이거나 먹지 않는다.





1. ⑤

2. ④

3. ⑤ panache 당당한 자세

4. ③ look good : 맛있어 보인다.

5. ① lonely (형) 외로운

6. ③

7. ③

8. ⑤

9. ②

10. ②

11. ①

12. (1) cough (2) temperature (3) fever (4) teacher

13. ②

14. ⑤

15. ②

16. ①

17. ④

18. ③

19. ④

20. ①

21. Mr Everest is higher than Mt. Olympus.

22. When I feel excited, I take a deep breath.

23. I wanted to give you some advice.

24. Is there something wrong with her?

25. 1. I have a bad cold.

2. She doesn't move or eat at all.



2013학년도, 증평여중1, 중간고사, 영어, 두산(김), 모의고사-1.hwp


2013학년도, 증평여중1, 중간고사, 영어, 두산(김), 모의고사-1



1. 다음 글의 내용과 다른 부분을 찾으세요?

G: Hey Eric, what are you going to do this weekend?

B: I'm going to play basketball.

G: Can I go and watch the game?

B: Sure.

① Eric has a plan to play basketball.

② Eric's friend is so busy that he can't see his friends game.

③ This weekend Eric is going to do the sport.

④ Q: When does the game start?

A: It's this weekend.

⑤ Eric's friend isn't going to play basketball.


2. Which one is different from the following conversation?

G: Ben, what are you going to do this weekend?

B: I'm going to go to the beach. What about you, Sojin?

G: I'm going to go to Mt. Seorak with my sister.

B: That sounds like fun.

① There are two who are one, Ben, the other, Sojin.

② Ben has a plan to go to the beach this weekend.

③ They have a different plan.

④ They are interested in outdoor activities.

⑤ Sojin is afraid not to go with Ben.


3. 다음 대화의 순서를 바르게 배열하세요.

(A) Let's meet at the subway station.

(B) Sure, I'd love to. Where do you want to meet?

(C) Okay. That sounds great.

(D) Why don't we go to the concert this Saturday.


____ → ____ → ____ → ____


4~8. Please, answer the questions according to the following.

G: What are you going to do this Saturday, Hanjun?

B: My brother and I are going to go hiking on Mt. Dobong.

G: That sounds like fun.

B: Do you want to join us, Jenny?

G: Sure, I'd love to. Where should we meet?

B: We can meet in front of the school.

G: What time do you want to meet?

B: Let's meet at 9 o'clock.

G: Great! I can't wait.


4. Q: What are they going to do this Saturday?

A: They ____________________________________.


5. Q: Who suggested that they go hiking together?

A: He ______________________________________.

6. Q: How many people will there be on the trip?

A: There are ________, ________, _______, and _________.


7. Q: 밑줄 친 곳 다음에 생략된 문장을 쓰세요.

A: ___________________________________________.

8. 다음을 영작해 보세요.

우리 학교정문에서 정각 9시에 만나는게 어때?





9. 주어진 단어를 올바르게 고쳐 문장 완성하기.

① He _____ all his food in the bear box yesterday. (put)

② He walked ______ Yosemite Valley. (주위의)

③ He ____ camping with his family last year. (go)

④ He ____ that there were many bears. (tell)

⑤ He ____ at Yosemite in the afternoon. (arrive)


10. 빈칸을 들어갈 수 없는 것은?

My friends are going to have a party __________.

① tomorrow

② this Saturday

③ next weekend

④ last month

⑤ this summer


다음을 읽고, 물음에 답하시오. [11~13]

July 21, Saturday

After breakfast, we went to Mirror Lake. The water was very clear. John's father caught a big fish, but he (1) 그것을 도로 놔주었다. We had so much fun all day.

(2) 밤에, John and I heard a strange noise. We thought that it was a bear. We were ______. Then, (3) 그것이 돌아봤다. It wasn't a bear! Whew! It was John's dad.


11. 글쓴이의 심정의 변화를 다음 중, 세 개를 차례대로 찾아 쓰세요.

exciting, excited, exhausted, scared, relieved


He felt ______, ______, and ______ finally.


12. 밑줄 친 문장을 영어로 쓰세요.


(1) ________________________.


(2) ________________________.


(3) ________________________.


13. 윗 글의 내용과 일치하지 않는 것은?

① The water in Mirror Lake was clear.

② John's father put the fish back in the water.

③ A wild animals turned around, so we were very fearful.

④ They spent so good time.

⑤ This form is a kind of diary.


14. Please, the below sentences must be in natural correct order. Rearrange all of them correctly.

(A) Sure

(B) Can I go and watch the game?

(C) I'm going to play basketball.

(D) Hey Eric, what are you going to do this weekend?


____ → ____ → ____ → ____


15. Which are NOT grammatically right?

① Let's play soccer after school.

② How about going to the theater?

③ I think the book is interested.

④ We're going go on a picnic.

⑤ I don't have much money.


다음을 읽고, 물음에 답하시오. [16~18]

July 22, Sunday

Tomorrow is our last day here. We made a campfire, and John's mother made us s'mores. They were delicious. We sat around the fire and sang a camp song.

Make new friends,

but keep the old.

One is silver,

and the other gold.

John is a "gold" friend. I'll never forget this trip.


16. 빈칸을 채우세요.

Q: Friends are very important, when you are in trouble.

A friend _________ is a friend _______.

(어려울 때, 친구가 진정한 친구이다.)


17. If correct, check 'T', if not, 'F'.

(A) It was a very exciting memory, which would be long in mind. □

(B) The writer think, above all, the good friends are like gold. □

(C) They sang to music played and danced pleasurably. □


18. According to the above paragraphs, we can't see many things except one.

① People like gold.

② John is a friend who like gold so much.

③ I have made many friends.

④ John is my old friend.

⑤ Travel is hard and unnecessary.


19. 주어진 단어를 사용해서 올바른 문장을 완성하세요.

내일, 우리는 낚시를 갈 예정이다. 너무 기대된다!

we're / tomorrow / going to / wait / we / can't / go fishing


20. 다음을 영작하세요.

문제는 네가 항상 늦는다는 것이다.






1. ②

2. ⑤

3. (D)→(B)→(A)→(C)

4. They are going to do go hiking on Mt. Dobong.

5. He is Hanjin.

6. There are three people, Hanjin, his brother and Jenny.

7. I'd love to (join you).

8. Shall we meet in front of the school gate at 9 o'clock?

9. ① put ② around ③ went ④ told ⑤ arrived

10. ④

11. excited, scared, relieved

12. (1) put it back (2) At night (3) it turned around

13. ③

14. (D) → (C) → (B) → (A)

15. ③, ④

16. A friend in need is a friend indeed.

17. T, T, F

18. ④

19. Tomorrow, we're going to go fishing. We can't wait.

20. The problem is that you are always late.




증평여중1, 2학기 중간고사, 내신준비, 두산(김성곤), 예상기출문제, 7과


1. 다음 중 나머지 넷을 포함하는 단어는?

① nature(자연) ② wildlife(야생동물)

③ valley(계곡)④ national park(국립공원)

⑤ lake(호수)


2. 다음 단어의 영영풀이가 잘못되어 있는 것은?

① insect(곤충): a fly or ant, that has six legs, and

sometimes wings

② beach(해변): an area of sand or small stones at the edge of the sea

③ mirror(거울): a piece of glass that you can look at

④ valley(계곡): an area of lower land between two lines of hills or mountains

⑤ shadow(그림자) : darkness from the direct light of the sun made by something blocking it: 그늘)


3. 다음 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 적절한 것은?

How about ________________________ tomorrow?

① go shopping② to go shopping

③ going shopping④ going shop

⑤ go to shopping


4. 다음 응답으로 알맞지 않은 것을 고르시오.

G: Yubin, why don't we go to the movies together?

유빈, 함께 영화 보러가는 것이 어때?

B: Sure, I’d love to. Where do you want to meet?

좋아, 영화를 좋아해. 어디서 만날까?

G: Let's meet at the Star Theater.

스타극장에서 만나자

B: OK. What time should we meet?

좋아. 몇 시에 우리 만날까?

G: _________________________

① Let's meet at 10.

② Shall we make it at 10.

③ How about at 10?

④ Why don't you meet at 10?

⑤ What about at 10?


5. 다음 응답으로 알맞은 것을 고르시오.

B: Hi, Amy. Let's go to a baseball game after school.

G: OK. Where should we meet?

B: Let's meet at the bus stop.

G: __________________________

① OK, sounds good. 좋아, 좋은 생각이야.

② I'd love to, but I can't. 좋아 하지만 나는 할 수 없어

③ Sure, but where? 물론, 하지만 어디서?

④ I don't like baseball. 나는 야구가 싫어.

⑤ Of course. What time? 물론, 몇 시에?


6. 다음 중 밑줄 친 부분 중 의미가 다른 하나는?

① Peter is going to ride a bike today.

② I'm going to clean my room.

③ They are going to move out this Sunday.

④ Jenny is going to the market. 시장에 가고있는 중이다 : 현재 진행형 시제

⑤ She is going to push the red button.


7. 다음 중 어법상 틀린 것을 모두 고르시오?

When she going to help me?

→ When is she going to help me?

② Where is he going to stay tonight?

Aren't your brother going to play the piano?

→ Isn't your brother going to play the piano?

He doesn't going to fight with Jenny.

→ He isn't going to fight with Jenny.

⑤ She is not going to chew gum in class.


8. 다음 중 that의 의미가 다른 하나는?

① I think that she is a student. 접속사

② I think that your brother is handsome. 접속사

③ She thinks that you run fast. 접속사

④ We think that they made a terrible mistake. 접속사

Peter think that is not his mother's bag. 그것은(지시대명사)


9. 다음 빈 칸에 알맞지 않은 하나는?

There are many ______________ in the park

many + 셀 수 있는 명사

① people ② benches

③ trash쓰레기(셀 수 없는 명사)

④ children : a child의 복수형

⑤ bikes


10. 다음 응답으로 알맞지 않은 것을 고르시오.

G: Ben, what are you going to do this weekend?

이번 주에 뭘할 예정이니?

B: I'm going to go to the beach.

What about you, Sojin? 너는?

G: I'm going to go to Mt. Seorak with my sister.

B: ____________________.

① That sounds like fun.

② That's a good plan.

③ OK, That sounds good.

→ OK는 필요가 없는

④ Have fun.

⑤ Have a nice trip.


* 다음 대화를 읽고, 물음에 답하시오.

G: What are you going to do this Saturday, Hajun?

B: My brother and ⓐ I am(are) going to ⓑ go hiking on Mt. Dobong.

G: ⓒThat sounds like fun.

B: Do you want to join us, Jenny?

G: Sure, ⓓI'd love to. Where should we meet?

B: We can meet ⓔin front of the school.

G: What time do you want to meet?

B: Let's meet at 9 o’clock.

G: Great! (가)__________________.

(나는 몹시 기다려진다)


11. ⓐ ~ ⓔ 중 어법상 틀린 것을 고르시오.

① ⓐ ② ⓑ ③ ⓒ④ ⓓ ⑤ ⓔ


12. (가)에 적절한 표현을 쓰시오.

* __I can't wait_


13. 다음 빈 칸에 알맞은 것을 순서대로 나열한 것은?

Hi, class. This Friday, we're going to go ⓐ _on a

field trip ⓑ _to(방향) the Forest Museum. ⓒ_At(에서, 작은 장소) the museum, we're going to learn about trees and insects. Let's meet on the school playing field. Please come ⓓ_by(까지) 8:30 a.m. Don't be late!

① to - on - at - at ② on - at - to - on

③ on - to - at - by④ at - to - on - at

⑤ at - to - at - at


14. 윗글의 내용으로 알 수 없는 것을 고르시오.

① 학교에서 현장학습을 금요일에 가기로 되어 있다.

② 곤충과 나무에 대해서 배우려고 한다.

③ 학교 운동장에서 모여서 출발 할 예정이다.

④ 학생들에게 늦지 말라고 조언을 했다.

⑤ 박물관에 도착시간은 아침 8:30분이다.


15. 다음 빈 칸에 들어 갈 것이 다른 하나는?

① I'm going to have _______ friends(가산명사).

② She visited _______ museums last summer.

③ You can see __________ horses running around.

They have to do __________ homework(불가산명사) every day.

⑤ He had this pizza ________ times this year.


16. 다음을 주어진 형식을 가지고 문장을 쓰시오.

그녀는 언제 너를 만나려고 하니? (be going to)

* When is she going to meet you?

17. 우리말 뜻에 맞게 주어진 단어들을 모두 이용하여

영작하시오. (필요시 변형하시오)

그의 어머니는 내일 눈이 올 것이라고 생각한다.

His mom thinks that it will snow tomorrow.

(will, tomorrow, snow, that, think, it)

* 다음 대화를 읽고, 물음에 답하시오.

Camping in Yosemite

요세미트에서 야영

This summer, Hajun went camping with his friend

John's family. They went to Yosemite National Park in

California. Yosemite is famous for its (A)natural

wonders. 자연의 경이로움

July 20, Friday

We arrived at Yosemite in the afternoon. We walked

around(주위를 걷다) Yosemite Valley and saw many old trees and wild animals. A park ranger(공원 관리인) told us, There are many bears here. They can smell well(good). So please put all your

food in the bear box.”Tomorrow, we're going to go fishing. I can't wait!

July 21, Saturday

After breakfast, we went to Mirror Lake. The water

was very clean. John's father caught a big fish,

but he (가)put back it(그것을 도로 놓아 주웠다). John and I skipped stones.

We had so much fun all day.

At night, John and I heard a strange noise. We

looked (나)outside and saw (1) a big shadow.

We thought (B) ( ) it was a bear.

We were scared 겁에 질린 . Then, it (다)turned around. 모습을 드러냈다.

It wasn't a bear! Whew! It was John's dad.

July 22, Sunday

Tomorrow is our (라)last day here. We made a

campfire, and John's mother made us s'mores.

They were delicious. We sat around the fire and

(다)sang a camp song.


18. ⓐ ~ ⓔ중 잘못 표현된 어휘를 고르시오.

① ⓐ ② ⓑ ③ ⓒ ④ ⓓ ⑤ ⓔ


19. (가) ~ (마)중 어법상 틀린 것을 고르시오.

put it back

① (가) ② (나) ③ (다) ④ (라) ⑤ (마)


20. (A)에 해당 되지 않는 것을 고르시오.

① Yosemite park

② A Campfire

③ MT. Everest

④ Mirror lake

⑤ A waterfall


21. (B)빈 칸에 알맞은 것은?

* ___that__________________________


22. (1)이 가리키는 것을 본문에서 찾아 쓰시오.

* _John's dad_


23. 윗글을 읽고 알 수 없는 것을 고르시오.

① 공원관리인이 곰에 대한 주의사항을 알려주었다.

② Hajun은 3박 4일 동안 국립공원에 머물렸다.

③ 존의 아버지는 잡은 물고기를 놓아주었다.

④ 떠나기 전날 모닥불에서 시간을 보냈다.

⑤ 존의 어머니가 매일 음식을 만들어 주셨다.


* 다음을 읽고 물음에 답하시오.

Make new friends, but keep the old.

새로운 친구들을 사귀어라, 하지만 오래 친국을 가진하라.

One is silver, and ⓑ the other gold.

새로운 친구는 은이고 오랜 친구는 금과 같이 귀중하다.


24. 밑 줄 친 ⓐⓑ가 각각 가리키는 것을 쓰시오.

ⓐ _new friends_

ⓑ _old friends_


25. 다음 어법상 어색한 것을 고르시오.

① How about go swimming?

How about going swimming?

② Let's leave a little earlier.

③ Why don't we stay here tonight?

④ Shall we prepare dinner now?

⑤ They don't have much time today.










두산(김) 중1 6~8과 서술형 대비 예상 문제

1. 다음 밑 줄 친 문장의 의미가 같도록 문장을 쓰시오. (조건: ask와 favor 두 단어를 사용할 것)

A: Can you do me a favor?

B: What is it?

A: Can you please do the dishes?

B: I'm sorry, but I can't.

= ______________________________________________________________________?


2. 다음 그림의 상황을 보고, 친구에게 제안하는 표현을 써보시오.

I have bad cold. ?

I have a fever.



3. 다음은 Mina의 내일 스케줄표이다. 표를 보고 문장을 만드시오.


visit nursing homes


tell funny stories


cook some food


sing a song



Woo-min and Key are my friend. We Ⓐ( )( )( ) nursing homes tomorrow. We are going to meet elderly people. I will Ⓑ( ) funny stories ( ) them and Woo-min will cook some food Ⓒ( ) them. Key is a great singer.

So he wants Ⓓ( )( ) a song. We will have a great time tomorrow.



4. 밑 줄 친 문장을 올바른 순서대로 영작하시오.


Hi, I'm Suho, the leader of our school volunteer club Nanumi. This year, (home, in, nursing, our, plan, to, town, visit, we) We're planning various events for the elderly people there, and we need your help.What can you do well? What are you good at? Give us your talent. Anyone is welcome.



5. 다음 괄호 안에 있는 한국어를 영작하시오. (조건: tell을 이용한 4형식문장으로 쓸 것)


I have a great voice. I want to read books for the elderly people in nursing homes.

(나는 또한 그들에게 재미있는 이야기를 말해줄 수 있다).





6. 다음 대화를 듣고, (A)와 (B)에 들어갈 말로 적절한 것을 쓰시오.

G: What are you going to do this Saturday, Hajun?

B: My brother and I are going to go hiking on Mt. Dobong.

G: That sounds like fun.

B: Do you want to join us, Jenny?

G: Sure, I'd love to. (A)_________________________________?

B: We can meet in front of the school.

G: (B)__________________________________________?

B: Let's meet at 9 o'clock.

G: Great! I can't wait.


7. Why did a park ranger tell them to put all food in the bear box?


We arrived at Yosemite in the afternoon. We walked around Yosemite Valley and saw many old trees and wild animals. A park ranger told us, "There are many bears here. They can smell well. So please put all your food in the bear box,"Tomorrow, we're going to go fishing. I can't wait!



8. 다음 상황을 읽고, 자신의 생각을 문장으로 표현하시오.

# 예시 상황 1

A boy won the first prize at the English speech contest. I think he is happy.

# 문제 1

A girl is studying hard until midnight.________________

#. 문제 2

There was something dark behind the curtain. ______________________

But It wasn't a ghost.


9. 다음 대화를 순서에 맞게 배열하시오.


You don’t look well. What’s wrong?

(A) I’m not sure.

(B) I have a bad cough.

(C) Let me take your temperature.

(D) Really? I’ll ask my teacher then. Thank you.

(E) I think you have a cold. You should go home early today and go see a doctor.

(F) OK.

(G) Do you have a fever?


(            )(           )(          )(            )(             )(              )(               )


10. According to the conversation, What's the reason Mongsil, Jiho's pet dog, is all right though her body feels a little hot?



Hello, Dr. Green! I’m Jiho, and this is my dog, Mongsil. I’m worried about her. When I hold her, her body always feels a little hot. But she doesn’t look sick. She eats well and plays well, too. Is there something wrong with her?

-Dr. Green

OK. Let me take her temperature. Don’t worry. There’s no problem with her. Our normal body temperature is about 36.5æ, but the temperature of a dog is higher than that. It’s usually between 38æ and 39æ, so Mongsil’s body is always warmer than your body. Mongsil is OK.





2013년 중1 2학기 중간대비 3단계 단원평가 1회


1. 다음 짝지어진 단어의 관계가 바르지 않은 것은?

① thin – thiner ② big - bigger

③ high – higher ④ difficult - more difficult

⑤ cheap - cheaper


2. 다음 빈칸에 들어갈 알맞은 것은?

If something is __________, there is no water or moisture on it or in it.

① wet② warm③ dry

④ popular⑤ cold


3. 다음 빈칸에 들어갈 알맞은 것은?

He looks foolish __________ he has a lot of talent.

① and② but③ when

④ so⑤ because


4. 다음 중 어법상 어색한 문장은? (단, 2개)

① When I am bored, I always watch TV.

② I'm looking for good something to read.

③ The red car is more expensive than you.

④ Put Bada in the sun more often, and she'll get better soon.

⑤ All of them looked tired after the meeting.


5. 다음 중 단어의 영영 풀이가 잘못된 것은?

① shell: the hard outer covering of some creatures and of eggs, nuts, or seeds.

② sunlight: natural light that comes from the sun

③ advise: an opinion you give someone about what they should do

④ block: to stop somebody or something from moving forward

⑤ sleep: to rest with your eyes closed, as you do at night


★ 다음 대화를 읽고 물음에 답하시오.

B: Good morning, Ms. Kim.

W: Oh, hi, Andy. You don't look well. What's wrong?

B: I have a bad cough.

W: Do you have a fever?

B: I'm not sure.

W: Let me take your temperature.

B: OK.

W: I think you have a cold. You have a high temperature. You should go home early today and go see a doctor.

B: Really? I'll ask my teacher then. Thank you, Ms. Kim.


6. 위 대화의 내용과 일치하도록 다음 빈칸을 알맞게 채우시오.

Q: What advice did Ms. Kim give to Andy?

A: She told __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ and __________ __________ __________ __________.


7. Who is Ms. Kim?

① She is a school nurse.

② She is a school librarian.

③ She is a school principal.

④ She is a school counselor.

⑤ She is a school dietician.


8. 위 대화의 내용과 일치하는 것은? (단, 2개)

① Andy isn't sure whether he has a fever.

② There is nothing wrong with Andy.

③ Andy is seeing his doctor, Ms. Kim.

④ Andy is troubled with bad cough.

⑤ Ms. Kim advises Andy to take his temperature.




★ 다음 글을 읽고 물음에 답하시오.

A: Hello, Dr. Green! I'm Jiho, and this is my dog, Mongsil. (A) ⓐI'm worried her. (B) ㉠몽실이를 안을 때, 몽실이의 몸이 항상 조금 뜨겁게 느껴져요. (C) She eats well and plays well, too. (D) Is ⓑthere something wrong with her? (E) B: OK. Let ⓒme to take her temperature. Don't worry. There's no problem with her. Our normal body temperature is about 36.5℃, but the temperature of a dog ⓓare higher than that. It's usually between 38℃ and 39℃, so Mongsil's body ⓔis always warmer than yours. Mongsil is OK.


9. 위 글의 (A)~(E) 중 주어진 문장이 들어갈 알맞은 곳은?

But she doesn't look sick.

① (A) ② (B) ③ (C) ④ (D) ⑤ (E)


10. 위 글의 밑줄 친 ⓐ~ⓔ 중 올바른 것은? (단, 2개)

① ⓐ ② ⓑ ③ ⓒ ④ ⓓ ⑤ ⓔ


11. 위 글의 밑줄 친 ㉠의 우리말을 영작할 때 빈칸에 들어갈 알맞은 말을 쓰시오.

_________ I ________ her, her body ________ ________ a little _________.


12. Why is Jiho worried about Mongsil?

① Because she always runs away from him when he tries to hold her.

② Because he thinks she eats well and plays well.

③ Because her body temperature is lower than 36.5℃.

④ Because he thinks her body always feels a little hot.

⑤ Because she eats too much but doesn't exercise enough.


13. 위 글의 내용과 일치하는 것은? (단, 2개)

① Jiho doesn't care about Mongsil's body temperature.

② The normal body temperature of humans is lower than that of dogs.

③ Jiho is worried that Mongsil eats well and plays well.

④ Dr. Green tells Jiho not to worry about his dog, Mongsil.

⑤ The body temperature of a dog is higher than 39℃.


14. 다음 대화의 빈칸에 들어가기에 어색한 것은?

A: Amy doesn't look well. What's wrong with her?

B: ___________________________

① She has a runny nose.

② She has a bad cold.

③ She has a severe headache.

④ She has a sore throat.

⑤ She has a great sense of humor.


15. 다음 대화의 윤지 모습으로 알맞은 그림은 어느 것인가?

B: Hey, Yunji. How are you?

G: I don't feel well.

B: Really? What's wrong?

G: I have a stomachache.





★ 다음 글을 읽고 물음에 답하시오.

A: Hi, I'm Sandy, and this is my pet turtle, Bada. She's very sick. She doesn't move or eat at all.

B: What happened?

A: Last weekend, her shell looked very dry. So I put her in the water and blocked the sunlight, but she got worse.

B: Turtles like to swim in the water, but they can't stay in the water very long. They'll become weak. They also need a lot of sunshine. ⓐ____________, and she'll get better soon! (B = Dr. Green)


16. 위 글의 빈칸 ⓐ에 들어갈 알맞은 것은?

① Don't forget to put Bada in the water

② Keep Bada out of the sun

③ Please take Bada to a doctor

④ Let Bada enjoy the sunshine more often

⑤ Give Bada more food and water


17. What can make turtles become weak?

① Being exposed to the sun.

② Making their shells dry.

③ Swimming only for a short time.

④ Eating well and sleeping well.

⑤ Staying in the water too long.


18. Why is Bada very sick?

① Because she made Sandy stay in the water too long.

② Because Sandy put her in the water and blocked the sunlight.

③ Because Sandy often forgot to give food to her.

④ Because Sandy swam with her in the water too long.

⑤ Because Sandy didn't allow her to swim in the water.


19. 위 글의 내용과 일치하지 않는 것은? (단, 2개)

① Because of Bada's dry shell, Sandy blocked the sunlight.

② Sandy is worried that Bada doesn't move or eat at all.

③ Dr. Green tells Sandy that turtles need a lot of sunshine.

④ Sandy's pet turtle, Bada, is very sick.

⑤ Dr. Green advises Sandy to sit out in the sun.




20. 다음 대화의 빈칸에 들어갈 알맞은 것은?

A: What's wrong with you, Minho?

B: __________________________

A: I think you should be more careful.

B: OK. I will.


① I broke the window.

② He hurt his leg.

③ I exercise every day.

④ The coffee is very hot.

⑤ I never catch a cold.


21. 다음 글의 (A), (B), (C)를 순서대로 알맞게 배열한 것은?

The word iguana comes from Spanish.

(A) So they can find food easily in the forest.

(B) They see well.

(C) Iguanas usually live in South America.


① (A) - (C) - (B)② (B) - (A) - (C)

③ (B) - (C) - (A)④ (C) - (A) - (B)

⑤ (C) - (B) - (A)


22. 다음 중 어법상 올바른 문장은? (단, 2개)

① I'm sorry, but I'll be a little late.

② When I feel exciting, I take a deep breath.

③ Jessica doesn't look very happily today.

④ Electronic organs are more cheaper than pipe organs.

⑤ The man usually has sandwiches for lunch.


23. 다음 상황 설명을 읽고, 주어진 물음에 대한 응답을 알맞게 영작하시오.

Peter played basketball all afternoon. He's very tired now.

Q: What advice will you give Peter?

A: ________________________


24. 다음의 하마와 악어에 대해 조사한 표를 보고, 두 동물을 비교하는 문장의 빈칸을 알맞게 채우시오.



(1) 평균 몸길이



(2) 평균 달리기 속도



(3) 평균 몸무게




(1) Crocodiles ______________________________ hippos.

(2) Hippos ______________________________ crocodiles.

(3) Crocodiles ______________________________ hippos.


25. 다음 그림을 보고 대화문을 완성하시오.


A: What's wrong with you, Tom?

B: ________ ________ _________ _________.

A: You should wash your hands often.

B: That's a good idea.



두산(김성곤) 예상기출문제

(Lesson 8)

과 목


학 년

1 학년

학 기

2 학기




1. 단어의 의미가 잘못 설명된 것은?

① headache: a pain in the head

② fever: a drop in the temperature of the body

③ shell: a hard cover of animals

④ advice: tips or suggestions for actions

⑤ sunshine: rays of the sun


2. 밑줄 친 단어의 쓰임이 어색한 것은?

① Let me take your temperature.

② She has a sore throat.

③ I think you should go meet a dentist.

④ They can’t stay in the water very long.

⑤ Andy should go home early and get some rest.


3. 다음 대화의 빈칸에 가장 알맞은 것은?

G: Hi, Hojin. What’s up?

B: I have a bad cold. I cough a lot.

G: Oh, then

B: OK, I will. Thanks.

① why don't you open the window?

② how about turning on the air conditioner?

③ you should take this medicine.

④ you should drink lots of icy water.

⑤ what about having some ice cream?


4. 다음 대화의 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 어색한 것은?

A: Hi, Tom. How are you?

B: I don’t feel well.

A: Really? What’s wrong?


① I have a headache.

② I have a high fever.

③ I cough a lot.

④ My brother is very happy.

⑤ I can’t sleep well these days.


5. 다음 빈칸에 알맞은 것은?

I was playing the piano my dad came home.

① when ② that ③ because ④ so ⑤ but


6. 다음 대화의 빈칸에 알맞은 말을 모두 고르면?

A: Sejin, are you OK? You don’t look well.

B: I have a toothache.

A: I think you should go see a doctor.

B: OK, I will. Thanks.

① Good for you!

② I'm sorry to hear that.

③ Glad to hear that.

④ Too bad.

⑤ What a nice surprise!


7. 다음 중 밑줄 친 부분이 어법상 틀린 것은?

① He is taller than she.

② She is good at soccer than me.

③ Her grade is worse than mine.

④ This book is less interesting than that one.

⑤ China is bigger than Korea.


8. 다음 대화의 빈칸에 알맞은 말은?

A: Eric, are you OK? You don’t look well.

B: I’m so tired today. I played soccer all afternoon.

A: Really?

B: I guess I should.

① How about practicing more?

② You should get some rest.

③ You should play some more.

④ Why don’t you teach me how to play soccer now?

⑤ You'd better exercise harder.


9. 다음 빈칸에 알맞은 것은?

She is than me.

① short

② better

③ heaviest

④ more wise

⑤ beautifuler


[10-12] 다음 대화를 읽고 물음에 답하시오.

Andy: Good morning, Ms. Kim. (가)

Ms. Kim: Oh, hi, Andy. You don’t look well. (나)

Andy: I have a bad cough. (다)

Ms. Kim: Do you have a fever? (라)

Andy: I’m not sure. (마)

Ms. Kim: Let me take your temperature.

Andy: OK.

Ms. Kim: I think you have a cold. (A)You have a high temperature. You should go home early today and go see a doctor.

Andy: Really? I’ll ask my teacher then. Thank you, Ms. Kim.


10. 위 대화에서 Andy와 Ms. Kim의 관계로 알맞은 것은?

① a nurse and a doctor

② a reader and a writer

③ a son and his mom

④ a customer and a clerk

⑤ a student and a school nurse


11. 위 대화의 (가)~(마) 중 주어진 문장이 들어갈 위치로 알맞은 곳은?

What’s wrong?

① (가) ② (나) ③ (다) ④ (라) ⑤ (마)


12. 위 대화의 밑줄 친 (A)와 같은 의미가 되도록 할 때 빈칸에 알맞은 말을 쓰시오.

You have a high temperature.

= You have a .


[13-15] 다음 글을 읽고 물음에 답하시오.


Hi, I’m Sandy, and this is my pet turtle, Bada. She’s very sick. She doesn’t move or eat at all. What happened?

Last weekend, her shell looked very dry. So I put her in the water and blocked the sunlight, but she got (A)(bad).

Turtles like to swim in the water, (가) they can’t stay in the water very long. They’ll become weak. They also need a lot of sunshine. Put Bada in the sun more often, (나) she’ll get (B)(good) soon!


13. (A)와 (B)에 주어진 단어의 알맞은 형태를 각각 쓰시오.

(A) (B)


14. 빈칸 (가)와 (나)에 알맞은 말로 바르게 짝지어진 것은?

① but - but

② but - or

③ but - and

④ and - but

⑤ and – or


15. 위 글을 읽고 답할 수 없는 질문은?

① What kind of a pet does Sandy have?

② What's wrong with Snady?

③ What's the matter with Bada?

④ What should Sandy do to make Bada healthier?

⑤ Why can't turtles stay long in the water?


[16~18] 다음 대화를 읽고 물음에 답하시오.

Jiho Hello, Dr. Green! I’m Jiho, and this is my dog, Mongsil. I’m ⓐworried about her. ⓑWhen I hold her, her body always feels a little hot. But she doesn’t look sick. She eats well and plays well, too. Is there ⓒsomething wrong with her?

Dr. Green OK. ⓓLet me take her temperature. Don’t worry. There’s no problem with her. Our normal body temperature is about 36.5°C, but the temperature of a dog is higher than that. It’s usually between 38°C and 39°C, so Mongsil’s body is always warmer ⓔthen your body. Mongsil is OK.


16. 위 대화의 밑줄 친 ⓐ~ⓔ 중 어법상 어색한 것은?

① ⓐ ② ⓑ ③ ⓒ ④ ⓓ ⑤ ⓔ


17. 위 대화의 내용과 일치하지 않는 것은?

① Mongsil has some health problems.

② Mongsil eats well and plays well.

③ Dr. Green took Monsil’s temperature.

④ Jiho is worrying about Mongsil’s temperature.

⑤ The normal body temperature of a dog is higher than that of a person.


18. 위 대화의 내용과 일치하도록 빈칸에 주어진 철자로 시작하는 알맞은 말을 쓰시오.

Q What is Jiho doing?

A He is asking Dr. Green for a about Mongsil's health.


[19~20] 다음 글을 읽고 물음에 답하시오.

Hello, everyone. This is your school nurse, Ms. Kim. ⓐI had some students with pink eye in my office yesterday, so I wanted to give you some advice. ⓑFirst, don’t touch your eyes with your hands. ⓒHands are usually clean so they don't carry any virus. ⓓSecond, you should wash your hands often. ⓔFollow my advice, and you’ll be OK.


19. 위 글의 목적으로 알맞은 것은?

① 보건실의 기능을 강조하기 위해

② 보건실 이용 자제를 요청하기 위해

③ 학생들의 눈병 치료 경과를 보고하기 위해

④ 눈병에 좋은 약을 추천하기 위해

⑤ 눈병을 예방할 수 있는 방법을 알리기 위해


20. ⓐ~ⓔ 중 글의 흐름상 어색한 것은?

① ⓐ ② ⓑ ③ ⓒ ④ ⓓ ⑤ ⓔ






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