

2013학년도,2학기,중간고사, 실전예상문제, 8과, 증평여중1, 두산(김)-2



2013학년도,2학기,중간고사, 실전예상문제, 8과, 증평여중1, 두산(김)-2 정답.hwp


[서술형 1~5] 다음 글을 읽고 질문에 답하시오.

What's Wrong with My Pet?

Jiho: Hello, Dr. Green! I'm Jiho, and this is my dog, Mongsil. ⓐ I'm worried about her. ⓑ When I hold her, her body always feels a little hot. But she doesn't look sick. She eats well and plays well, too. Is there something wrong with her? ⓒ

Dr. Green: OK. Let me take her temperature. Don't worry. There's no problem with her. ⓓ Our normal body temperature is about 36.5℃, but the temperature of a dog is ㉠ higher than that. It's usually between 38℃ and 39℃, so Mongsil's body is always warmer than your body. ⓔ


1. 주어진 문장이 들어갈 위치로 알맞은 곳은?

Mongsil is OK.

① ⓐ ② ⓑ ③ ⓒ ④ ⓓ ⑤ ⓔ


2. Why is Jiho worried about her pet, Mongsil?

① Because Jiho didn't bring her to the vet.

② Because her body is a little cold.

③ Because she doesn't eat a lot.

④ Because she doesn't have the same temperature as his.

⑤ Because she is very sick.


3. What is the tip from Dr. Green?

① Jiho doesn't have to be worried about his pet.

② Jiho doesn't give her too much food.

③ Jiho must take care of her more often.

④ Jiho doesn't touch her often.

⑤ Jiho has to visit the animal hospital regularly.


4. 윗글에서 Jiho의 심정은?

① angry → relieved

② frightened → shocked

③ surprised → serious

④ worried → relieved

⑤ relieved → worried


5. ㉠ higher than와 같이 쓰임이 틀린 것은?

① You look much better than yesterday.

② She looks beautifuller than her sister.

③ He has more money than I do.

④ You are taller than I am.

⑤ That is more interesting than this.


[서술형 6~12] 다음 글을 읽고 질문에 답하시오.

B: Good morning, Ms. Kim.

W: Oh, hi, Andy. You don't ⒜ look well. What's wrong?

B: I have bad cough.

W: Do you have a fever?

B: I'm not sure.

W: Let me ⒝ take your temperature.

B: OK.

W: I think you have a cold. You have a high temperature. You ⒞ should go home early today and go ⒟ see a doctor.

B: Really? I'll ask my teacher then. Thank you, Ms. Kim.


6. 'B'와 'W'의 관계로 올바른 것은?

① a teacher and a student

② a student and a teacher

③ a doctor and a student

④ a school nurse and a student

⑤ a school nurse and a teacher


7. 'B'는 어떠한 증세를 갖고 있나?

① bad cough ,a fever and high temperature

② bad cough and a fever, not a high temperature

③ bad cough and only a high temperature

④ very sick and not a fever

⑤ very sick and a little cough


8. ⒜ look well와 같은 쓰임의 아닌 것은?

① The patent looks well.

② The dog looks well.

③ The hamburger looks well.

④ The children look well

⑤ The bus driver looks well.


9. ⒝ take와 같은 뜻으로 쓰인 것은?

① I'll take a ticket to New York.

② I'll take 30 cents for that call.

③ She takes a cold.

④ She takes second prize.

⑤ Some teachers take a poll from students.


2013학년도,2학기,중간고사, 실전예상문제, 8과, 증평여중1, 두산(김)-2



10. ⒞ should와 쓰임이 틀린 것은?

① You should go home early.

② Should I study hard?

③ You should take a test.

④ You should have done it before.

⑤ You should have a good time with friends.


10. 다음 중 영어풀이로 틀린 것은?

① cold : having a low temperature

② wrong : correct in fact or truth

③ fever : a rise in the temperature of the body

④ temperature : the degree of hotness or coldness

⑤ sure : having or feeling no doubt or uncertainty


11. 위 글에서 Andy의 심정은?

① angry → nervous

② nervous → worried

③ sick → happy

④ worried → surprised

⑤ scared → sick


12. ⒟ see a doctor와 의미가 같은 것은?

① visit a doctor

② ask a doctor

③ consult a doctor

④ call a doctor

⑤ thank a doctor


13. 밑줄 친 부분의 쓰임이 나머지와 다른 것은?

① When is your birthday?

② When do you usually get up?

③ Do you know when he came?

④ When did she start dancing?

⑤ I don't sleep well when I feel stressful.


14. 밑줄 친 부분의 쓰임이 어색한 것은?

① This box is lighter than one.

② Today, I feel better than yesterday.

③ My cell phone is heavyer than yours

④ Mt. Everest is higher than Mr. Seorak.

⑤ For me, math is more interesting than science.


다음을 읽고 물음에 답하시오. [15~16]

Hello, everyone. This is your school nurse, Ms. Kim. I had some students with pink eye in my office yesterday, so I wanted to give you some advice. First, don't touch your eyes with your hands. Second, you should wash your hands often.


15. pink eye의 의미는?

① pink shadow

② swollen eye

③ congestive eye

④ eye with tears

⑤ epidemic eye symptoms


16. 위 글에 언급된 충고의 내용으로 알맞지 않은 것을 모두 고르세요.

① come over a school clinic

② open and close eyes often

③ don't touch eyes

④ go to bed early

⑤ wash hands often



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