



1. 다음의 밑줄 친 답변으로 잘못된 것은?

A: What can I do with my old jeans?

B:                                                              .

A: That's a great idea.

① Why don't you make a bag or a pencil case?

② Don't throw them away, and put them in the recycle box.

③ Why don't you buy new ones?

④ Why don't you use another use for mopping.

⑤ Repair and put on a little longer.


2. 다음 중 성격이 다른 하나는?

① Okay.

② Sounds great.

③ Why not?

④ I'd love to, but I can't.

⑤ All right.


3. 다음 중 ⓐ~ⓔ 그 어디에도 들어갈 수 없는 하나는?

Jinny: Bongsu, I can't ⓐ this math problem.

Bongsu: I can help you. Just ⓑ this. ⑴Do you get it now?

Jinny: Yes, I do. You are so ⓒ at math. Thank you ⓓ your help!

① solve ② do ③ good ④ help ⑤ make


4. 윗글 ⑴ Do you get it now?가 뜻하는 것은?

① Do you bring it now?

② Do you understand it now?

③ Do you help it now?

④ Do you give it up now?

⑤ Do you guess it now?


5. 다음 글이 뜻하는 바로 알맞은 것은?

A: I'm interested in cooking.

B: Why don't you join the cooking club?

A: OK, I will. Thank you.

① 제안하기 ② 암시하기 ③ 추측하기

④ 훈계하기 ⑤ 거절하기


6. 다음 글의 빈칸에 공통으로 들어갈 말로 알맞은 것은?

● I sing and dance.

● I pass the audition.

you dance at the party?

you invite Ann to the party this Friday?

① did ② am ③ are ④ will ⑤ really


7. 다음 중 밑줄 친 부분의 쓰임이 어색한 것은?

① The movie was interesting, wasn't it?

② He doesn't like dogs, do he?

③ You met David yesterday, didn't you?

④ We will leave for London, won't we?

⑤ Jenny is too thin, isn't she?


8. 다음 단어의 영영풀이가 틀린 것은?

① leave : have life, be alive

② along : with a forward motion

③ paint : make a painting

④ solve : find the solution

⑤ simple: not complex, easy and not involved


9. 자연스런 대화가 되도록 ⓐ~ⓒ를 바르게 배열하시오.

A: What are you doing?

ⓐ Oh, that's a good idea.

ⓑ Why don't you ask your parents for help?

ⓒ I'm doing my homework, but it's not easy.

① Ⓐ→Ⓑ→Ⓒ

② Ⓒ→Ⓐ→Ⓑ

③ Ⓒ→Ⓑ→Ⓐ

④ Ⓑ→Ⓐ→Ⓒ

⑤ Ⓑ→Ⓒ→Ⓐ


10. 밑줄 친 부분의 의미가 잘못된 것은?

① You should wash your face carefully. (세수하다)

② Remember to keep a secret. (비밀을 지키다)

③ I like to make dishes out of clay. (~을 가지고 ...을 만들다)

④ I'll send an e-mail to my friend. (이메일을 보내다)

Turn over the potato before it burns. (회전시키다)



※ [11~13] 다음 글을 읽고 물음에 답하시오.

Stephanie: What can I do with my old jeans?

Yuna : Why don't you make a bag or a pencil case?

Stephanie: That's a great idea, but ⓐ           ?

Yuna : No, not at all. It's really simple.

Stephanie: Can you show me?

Yuna : Sure. Draw a line on your jeans, and then cut along the line. Do you get it?

Stephanie: No, I don't understand. What do I have to draw?

Yuna : Oh, ⓑ .

Stephanie: Okay, now I get it. Thanks.

11. 윗글에서 언급된 것이 아닌 것은?

① Stephanie doesn't have any ideal on her hold jeans

② Yuna has a good idea to give Stephanie.

③ Stephanie doesn't want to follow Yuna's idea.

④ Yona teaches Stephanie what to do.

⑤ They're talking about the recycling.


12. 윗글 ⓐ에 들어갈 올바른 것은?

① Can you show me the way?

② Would you please, help me out?

③ Isn't it easy for me?

④ Could you give a good adive?

⑤ isn't it difficult?


13. 윗글 ⓐ에 들어갈 올바른 것은?

① you should follow me.

② let's me draw a line like this.

③ you should draw the shape of your pencil case on th jeans

④ It's very important to draw a pencil box.

⑤ Do you get it now?


14. 밑줄 친 부분이 어법상 어색한 것은?

① You can ski, can't you?

② He likes music, does he?

③ You dance well, don't you?

④ You are Korean, aren't you?

⑤ They aren't in the park, are they?


15. 다음 우리말을 영어로 바르게 옮긴 것은?

너는 오디션에 합격하지 못할 거야.

① You not pass the audition.

② You don't pass the audition.

③ You won't pass the audition.

④ You will pass not the audition.

⑤ You aren't will pass the audition.


※ [16~17] 다음 글을 읽고 물음에 답하시오.

Dear Grandfather

Happy Birthday!

I love you so much.

I study hard.

I call you every day.

I visit you every weekend.

I be a good boy.

Lots of love from



16. 빈칸 ⓐ~ⓔ 중 will이 들어갈 수 없는 곳은?

① ⓐ ② ⓑ ③ ⓒ ④ ⓓ ⑤ⓔ


17. 위 글의 종류는?

① newspaper ② diary

③ card ④ advertisement

⑤ novel


※ [18~20] 다음 글을 읽고 물음에 답하시오.


❶ Get a copy of your friend's photo.

❷ You should see three different colors: dark, grey, and white.

❸ Put wax paper over ⓐ it.

both the white and dark chocolate.

❺ With a toothpick, paint the white part with the white chocolate.

the dark and white chocolate together to make brown chocolate.

❼ Paint the grey part with the brown chocolate.

❽ Finally, paint the dark part with the dark chocolate.

it for five minutes and turn it over.

Voila! Now I have a chocolate portrait of my friend! This will be a great gift.


18. 위 글의 '제목: ' 에 알맞은 것은?

① How to make chocolate cake!

② Happy birthday present!

③ Draw your own painting!

④ In the painting classroom!

⑤ Make your own chocolate portrait.


19. Which is not referred to in order to make a chocolate portrait?

① wax paper

② photo

③ chocolate

④ paint brush

⑤ toothpick


20. 밑줄 친 ⓐ가 가리키는 것은?

① a toothpick

② your friend's photo

③ a chocolate portrait

④ three colors of chocolate

⑤ a copy of your friend's photo


21. 빈칸 ⓐ~ⓒ에 알맞은 단어는?

① Melt, Mix, Cool

② Mix, Cool, Melt

③ Mix, Melt, Cool

④ Melt, Cool, Mix

⑤ Cool, Mix, Melt





1. ③

2. ④

3. ⑤

4. ②

5. ①

6. ④

7. ②

8. ①

9. ③

10. ⑤

11. ③

12. ⑤

13. ③

14. ②

15. ③

16. ⑤

17. ③

18. ⑤

19. ④

20. ⑤

21. ①


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